Working together to improve school attendance
Working together to improve school attendance
The following national attendance data was published today by the DfE using attendance data automatically shared by schools.
Due to the timeliness of the data and that they are based on a subset of schools, the figures are estimates that the DfE expect to change as registers are adjusted. They should be viewed as an early indicator for the more detailed but less regular National Statistics on pupil absence.
- New guidance in now in place on the role of schools, trusts, governing bodies and local authorities.
- DfE Effective practice attendance webinars are available with schools sharing the approaches to attendance that have resulted in improved attendance. Another webinar is planned on analysing attendance data to identify pupils who need additional support. This is scheduled for October although no date has been set yet.
- Attendance resources are available on the Education Huband Teaching Blogs
- Sign up to share your daily attendance data with the DfE. 65% of schools In England are now sharing. It will become a requirement at some point this academic year.
- The code X code can no longer be used in the attendance register to record COVID-19 related absence.
If you wish to discuss any issues relating to school attendance, please feel free to contact the Warwickshire Attendance Service: