2022 Autumn Census
There are a number of school census dates throughout the academic year.
Please be aware that the autumn Census date is Thursday 6th October 2022.
- This is critical to have children registered for Free School Meals (Pupil Premium. Data is collected by DFE for who is eligible and ON ROLE on 6th)
- Please consider how FSM eligibility can be used to support families in financial crisis. Incentives such as support with uniform, clubs or trips can also encourage parents/carers to sign up.
- Please also remember to register LAC or other children which bring additional funding.
- Funding for NEXT year's budget is based on pupils registered on 6th October. This includes pupil numbers and EHCP / SEND funding.
- Parents just need basic details as well as their National Insurance number to register online.
Parents and Schools can sign up for Warwickshire Family Information Service updates about help with fuel and other hardship via the FIS website.
DFE CENSUS Information