Heads Up 30 September 2022


Dear Colleagues,

This week I have the pleasure of introducing Heads Up and I thought it would be a great opportunity to share with you the wonderful evening that was spent with our Virtual School students last Friday at the 2022 Virtual School Awards. 

The Virtual School exists to help us work with children in care and children previously in care to help close the attainment gap with their peers. 

It was lovely to bring our children together again to host the awards face to face and celebrate their achievements. There were nearly 100 nominations, where children in our care were recognised for their educational achievements. All of those that attended had a great time and they were so proud going onto the stage and receiving their medal and certificate; bowing their heads and shaking hands as they received their medals. Celebrating their achievements gave them a real confidence boost and a feeling of self-worth.

In doing so, it provides a real opportunity to reflect on the benefits that a great education has for these children. Many of these children start the day with many more hurdles to even get through the school gates, we know that this can put additional pressure on both them and those that they interact with at school. Like the experiences of footballer, Ian Wright (see video), we know that this is only possible through the ongoing support of a great school system.  So we wanted to thank you too, for the additional support and tolerance you provide for these vulnerable children to help level the playing field in their sometimes very hectic lives. In the words of Jaz Ampaw-Farr, thank you for being ‘the everyday hero that they need'. 

Other notable events this week, included a very constructive meeting between our Consortia Chairs and Cllr Kam Kaur who has the lead responsibility as the Education portfolio holder within the council. The meeting provided Chairs with an opportunity to discuss the many positive achievements that have taken place across our Warwickshire schools as well as some of the challenges faced. We were also pleased to host 25 of our newest head teachers yesterday for their induction.


Sarah Stear

Education Service Manager 

Best wishes