Celebrating Warwickshire’s Family of Schools

Headteachers' Conference 'Save the Date'

Save the Date! 

Autumn Term 2022 Headteachers' Conference 

Tuesday 18th October 2022 (9.30am – 3.00pm) 

Venue: Stareton Hall, Stoneleigh Park (NAEC), Stoneleigh, Kenilworth, CV8 2LZ 

Details of the conference will follow in due course.

Teacher Pay 2022

Please see the LGA website ‘one stop webpage’ for all the information you need to understand the proposed changes for Teachers Pay 2022-23.

The Department for Education (DfE) is currently consulting statutory consultee’s, which includes National Employers Organisation for School Teachers (NEOST), the national employers, on the draft 2022 STPCD. It is anticipated the final STPCD 2022 will be published in November 2022.

The pay award is expected to be implemented in the December payroll run, backdated to 1 September 2022.

HT Wellbeing: Free 40-minute webinar with James Pope of Headsup4HTs

By popular demand,  Warwickshire's School Improvement team are happy to fund James Pope's return (online!) to Warwickshire on Thursday October 6th, 1.30 - 2.10 to share some reflections on the current educational landscape for headteachers and to share further tips to support headteacher wellbeing. 

Many Warwickshire headteachers have taken up the network support opportunities with James previously and found them to be invaluable in supporting their own wellbeing alongside other colleagues- you can find a brief video of one leader's experiences on his website www.HeadsUp4HTs4hts.co.uk.  The webinar will be available on this link Additionally a Teams invite will be sent to all headteachers​.

Following the webinar, interested Warwickshire headteachers will be able to sign up to join support networks led by James and his team.  The networks will run for a period of 6 weeks.

They will be weekly sessions that:

  • are for Headteachers only
  • are a safe, open and transparent space
  • provide the opportunity to reflect on your challenges and successes
  • allow you to receive support from peers and provide support to others
  • will take place outside of normal school hours in order to ensure that you have the dedicated time you need, free from distraction.

Instructions for signing up to networks will be sent following the webinar.

Once we know how many Headteachers are participating, HeadsUp4HTs will structure the groups and will be in touch to let you know the next steps.

From here on your relationship will be with your network groups and with HeadsUp4HTs – we just wanted to get you started on the process of self-care. However, we are always here to support Warwickshire headteachers in any way we can so do please keep in touch.

For any queries please email schoolimprovement@warwickshire.gov.uk 
I do hope you are able to take up this extended opportunity to support your own wellbeing

With best wishes

Margot Brown

Working together to improve school attendance

Working together to improve school attendance

The following national attendance data was published today by the DfE using attendance data automatically shared by schools. 

Due to the timeliness of the data and that they are based on a subset of schools, the figures are estimates that the DfE expect to change as registers are adjusted. They should be viewed as an early indicator for the more detailed but less regular National Statistics on pupil absence.


  1. New guidance in now in place on the role of schools, trusts, governing bodies and local authorities. 
  2. DfE Effective practice attendance webinars are available with schools sharing the approaches to attendance that have resulted in improved attendance.  Another webinar is planned on analysing attendance data to identify pupils who need additional support.  This is scheduled for October although no date has been set yet.
  1. Attendance resources are available on the Education Huband Teaching Blogs
  2. Sign up to share your daily attendance data with the DfE.  65% of schools In England are now sharing.  It will become a requirement at some point this academic year.
  3. The code X code can no longer be used in the attendance register to record COVID-19 related absence.

If you wish to discuss any issues relating to school attendance, please feel free to contact the Warwickshire Attendance Service:


2022 Autumn Census

There are a number of school census dates throughout the academic year.

Please be aware that the autumn Census date is Thursday 6th October 2022.

  • This is critical to have children registered for Free School Meals (Pupil Premium.  Data is collected by DFE for who is eligible and ON ROLE on 6th)
  • Please consider how FSM eligibility can be used to support families in financial crisis. Incentives such as support with uniform, clubs or trips can also encourage parents/carers to sign up.
  • Please also remember to register LAC or other children which bring additional funding.
  • Funding for NEXT year's budget is based on pupils registered on 6th October.  This includes pupil numbers and EHCP / SEND funding.
  • Parents just need basic details as well as their National Insurance number to register online.

Parents and Schools can sign up for Warwickshire Family Information Service updates about help with fuel and other hardship via the FIS website.

DFE CENSUS Information


Join our dialogue!

We're looking to hear the views of children and young people to help shape the county and create a Child Friendly Warwickshire. The council has launched Dialogue, a new online discussion platform, and Child Friendly Warwickshire is the first initiative to use the tool to engage with young people, their families and schools.

Dialogue provides a safe space to form constructive ideas and make comments on some of the areas and issues the County Council is working on. The Child Friendly Warwickshire Dialogue forum expands on feedback from our previous survey, asking for more ideas to make Warwickshire as child friendly as possible, to enable all children and young people to be heard, safe, healthy, skilled, and happy. We're encouraging children and young people to comment on existing ideas and add new ones here: https://www.childfriendlywarwickshire.co.uk/dialogue

Please share this throughout your schools and with parents, if you are able.

ASH guidance on developing school policies on vaping

Action on Smoking and Health (ASH) is a public health charity set up by the Royal College of Physicians to end the harm caused by tobacco. The charity has created a guidance document for schools specifically to support the development of evidence-based school policies, produced with support and advice from teachers with expertise in safeguarding and health education. 

You can view the document here [link: https://api.warwickshire.gov.uk/documents/WCCC-1350011118-3160] or visit ash.org.uk for more information.

New Solihull Approach online course added to BEAR: 'Understanding your feelings (for teenagers only!)'

Art for Wellbeing August-October

Could you be Warwickshire Libraries’ next Young Poet Laureate?

Warwickshire County Council Libraries are delighted to announce that the competition to become Young Poet Laureate 2022/23 is now open.

The search is on for the county's eighth Young Poet Laureate, who will succeed Daniel Wale in the role for 2022/23.

The competition is open to anyone aged between 13 and 17 who lives and is educated in Warwickshire, and who would like to perform their own poetry to an audience. The Laureateship is a unique opportunity for the successful candidate to develop their writing skills and take part in events and activities across the county under the mentorship of a professional poet. Past Warwickshire Young Poet Laureates have performed on the radio, on film, at festivals and led their own poetry workshops.

Applications are now welcome before the deadline of 6pm on Thursday 6 October 2022. The judges will then get to work and shortlisted candidates will be notified by Friday 28 October. They will then be invited to take part in a Selection Day which includes a workshop with a professional poet, a short individual interview with judges and a performance in front of an audience at a public event. This will take place at one of Warwickshire’s libraries on Saturday 5 November. Please ensure when applying that you are available on this date.

The Young Poet Laureate competition is run by Warwickshire Libraries and supported by Poetry on Loan, an initiative supported by Arts Council England that promotes contemporary poetry throughout public libraries in the West Midlands.

To apply, applicants need to:

  • Be 13-17 years old.
  • Live and be educated in Warwickshire.
  • Fill in the Application Form (available in the weblink below)
  • Submit three poems. One should be inspired by Warwickshire; one should be about or inspired by libraries and the third can be of your own choosing.
  • Submit a personal statement and explain in 250 words:

             1. Why you want to be Warwickshire Libraries’ Young Poet Laureate

             2. How you would promote poetry to the diverse range of people

To submit an application, or for help with any questions about the application process, visit www.warwickshire.gov.uk/youngpoetlaureate or email libraryevents@warwickshire.gov.uk  

Forest school training

The Forest School Practitioners Award is a Qualification accredited by Agored Cymru (formerly OCN Wales) aimed at teachers and other educational professionals who swish to develop and deliver Forest School programmes and gain skills in and knowledge about teaching in outdoor environments. 

A new school year arrives and so does the next Forest school training, If your school would like to improve its SIP, LIP or just wishes to make Forest schools part of your school then this is the course! Designed and run by The Revel Primary School and delivered by our Outdoor Learning Lead this course is specifically tailored to the needs in schools. 

The training  runs every Monday (term time only) from 21st November '22 to 13th February '23. 

The course costs: £900
Deposit: £158.00 +VAT   

Please book here.

For more information click below:

CLA Collection of Royalties Data – Spring 2023

The Copyright Licensing Agency is intending to conduct a data collection exercise in selected Warwickshire schools/academies during the spring term 2023.

This will enable CLA to establish what is being photocopied/scanned and/or digitally re-used so that your licence fee can be fairly re-distributed as royalty payments to the authors, artists and publishers of the licensed material you are using. All state-funded schools, including academies, hold a CLA Education Licence through central agreements or regional education bodies.

Your CLA Licence includes enhanced rights; in addition to the existing photocopying and scanning permissions, it now provides all schools with the permission to re-use digital material, such as e-books and certain website content.

In accordance with the current terms and conditions of the Licence, the school and all staff are required, when requested, to participate fully in any such data collection exercise.

If your school is selected, you will receive an explanatory letter from CLA followed by contact from a CLA Royalties Officer who will explain the procedures involved. CLA is aware of teacher workload issues affecting all schools and have refined their procedures accordingly. All data collections are currently being organised remotely.

At the current time, this exercise is expected to be conducted remotely and will begin just after the start of the Spring term, lasting no more than 11 weeks. All schools are required to start and finish the exercise at the same time to ensure robust sampling.

It should be noted that this is not a policing operation (although schools will want to ensure they have the appropriate licences). The re-distribution of licence fees as royalty payments is the reason for the exercise.

The purpose of this note is to give you advance notice of the data collection. Selected schools will be notified in mid-October. Any queries can be directed to myself sophiethompson@warwickshire.gov.uk in the first instance.  

‘Watch Your Words’ - Warwickshire’s Dictionary of Care

Language is an incredibly powerful tool that we use to communicate our ideas and thoughts, and to question the world around us. It is so important that the language we use with children, young people and their families is clear and supportive.

'Watch Your Words' guide has been designed to support us in working with young people to help break down language barriers. The dictionary can also be used by young people themselves. The booklet has been co-produced by our own amazing care experienced apprentices and in conjunction with care experienced young people. It features suggestions of alternative language and words that can be used to replace some of the more traditional or historical terms, which young people have told us are difficult to understand or are disliked by them. 

Please share this guide with colleagues and partner agencies, and introduce it to children or young people in your schools. You can also support the campaign by sharing #ChildFriendlyWarwickshire social media posts about 'Watch Your Words'.

GCHQ National Language Competition, 7th to 11th November 2022

GCHQ are running a National Language Competition (NLC) to encourage language learning in schools and help boost the uptake of languages at GCSE. 

GCHQ’s National Language Competition is aimed at Year 9 students across the UK and involves a variety of fun, immersive, language-themed challenges of varying difficulty levels hosted on a virtual platform. The aim is for students to enjoy using their languages to solve the puzzles, and to be inspired to continue with their language learning at GCSE level. All students will be able to take part, and no prior knowledge is required, only a keenness for languages!

This is the first year they will be running the competition, which is modelled on CyberFirst. Having run a virtual pilot in collaboration with the University of Manchester in the summer of 2021 that was well received, the Schools Outreach team are keen to develop this project on a national scale. It is being advertised to schools nationally, but especially those that are in areas with challenging socioeconomic conditions or that have a high number of heritage speaker pupils.

When? Monday 7th November to Friday 11th November 2022
Who is this aimed at? Year 9s pre-GCSE options
Where? Online from their classrooms (eg at lunchtime under teacher supervision) or at home
Why? Language learning in schools was already on the decline pre-Covid and this has not improved during the pandemic.

GCHQ virtual language resources provided to schools during lockdowns were well received by teachers searching for materials to inspire language learning, and fun activities using languages have gone down particularly well. GCHQ want the NLC to inspire language learning in schools across the UK (with a particular focus on schools in sociodiverse areas in line with GCHQ’s sociomobility agenda) by making languages fun, and encouraging language uptake at GCSE. This is in line with GCHQ’s role as the government’s language authority advisor. 

Schools will be able to sign up for the event beforehand and enter teams of up to four Year 9 students to take part. A school will be able to submit as many teams of four as they wish. Teams will then be able to log in to the platform during that week (at lunchtimes under teacher supervision or in their own time in the evening) to have a go at the puzzles on the platform. Students will tackle a range of language-related puzzles, ranging from easy to difficult and from European languages to rarer ones and even made-up languages. 

Over a period of five days, they will capture flags to earn points on their language journey which will total up at the end of the week and affect their ranking on a national leaderboard. During the competition itself, teachers will be able to see how their teams are doing via a scoreboard on the platform. The team with the most points at the end of the week wins! 

The winning team will be announced shortly after the competition and will be invited to GCHQ’s building in Cheltenham at the beginning of December to be presented with their award.

If you are a teacher and are interested in your school taking part in the competition, please email nlc@gchq.gov.uk to be added to the schools list and ensure that you receive all the information about the competition and instructions on how to sign up.

Computer Hub Programme 2022/23

Please find below and attached information on the Computer Hub offer to support primary and secondary schools in Warwickshire.

Primary Computing Hub CPD Offer


Leading Primary Computing (2 days) 

7th October 2022, 9 am – 3 pm 

19th October 2022, 9 am – 3 pm 

F2F:President Kennedy School, Coventry 

Physical Computing Kits – KS2 Crumble  

21st November 1pm – 2:30 pm  

F2F:President Kennedy School, Coventry 

Introduction to the Micro:bit in KS2 

21st November 3pm – 4:30 pm 

F2F:President Kennedy School, Coventry 

Outstanding Primary Computing for All 

26th January 2023, 9am – 3pm 

F2F:President Kennedy School, Coventry 

Secondary (Computer Science Accelerator Courses):

Secondary Computing Hub CPD Offer

The courses we would particularly like to draw your attention to are the ones most local to you and your schools:


An introduction to computer systems, networking and security in computer science (face to face) 

4th October, 9.30 – 3.30pm 

F2F:President Kennedy School, Coventry 

Python programming constructs: sequencing, selection & iteration (face to face) 

13th October, 9.30am – 3.30pm 

F2F:President Kennedy School, Coventry 

Teaching GCSE computer science pedagogy for programming - face to face 

10th November, 9.30 – 15.30pm 

F2F: Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School, Coventry 

Foundation knowledge of computer science for KS3 and GCSE (face to face) 

15th November, 9.00am – 3.00pm 

F2F: Finham Park School, Coventry 

Physical computing kit - KS3 micro:bit (face to face) 

5th December, 2.00pm  - 3.30pm 

F2F: Finham Park School, Coventry 

CSA Courses 2022 - 2023 

Computing Primary courses timetable


Schools IDSR newsletter - September 2022

Please find below to the Schools Pre-Inspection Data and Insight team’s third inspection data summary report (IDSR) newsletter. It contains important information about the redeveloped IDSR, the upcoming release dates, the new news page on the website and other key information:

Link to newsletter: IDSR Newsletter September 2022

Theatre in education programmes

Warwickshire County Council is fully funding the following theatre in education programmes by Loudmouth Education & Training, to support schools’ RSHE, the funding is being offered on a first come first basis and so early booking is advised!

Secondary Programme:

Working For Marcus on child exploitation including child sexual exploitation and county lines, for up to 3 year groups (Years 8, 9 and 10), before the end of March 2023

Primary Programme:

Helping Hands on staying safe, for Year 5 and/or 6 before the end of March 2023.

Both programmes include drama performances, character Q&A and discussion workshops, with different delivery format options available depending on whether your school is mainstream or non-mainstream. If the situation changes due to Covid, Loudmouth have virtual versions as back up.

You will also receive a specially created resource pack that includes lesson plans, info for parents and signposting information.

If you’d like further information about the programmes or just want to get booking, ring Loudmouth on 0121 446 4880 or email caroline@loudmouth.co.uk quoting Warwickshire Tour.

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