‘Watch Your Words’ - Warwickshire’s Dictionary of Care
Language is an incredibly powerful tool that we use to communicate our ideas and thoughts, and to question the world around us. It is so important that the language we use with children, young people and their families is clear and supportive.
'Watch Your Words' guide has been designed to support us in working with young people to help break down language barriers. The dictionary can also be used by young people themselves. The booklet has been co-produced by our own amazing care experienced apprentices and in conjunction with care experienced young people. It features suggestions of alternative language and words that can be used to replace some of the more traditional or historical terms, which young people have told us are difficult to understand or are disliked by them.
Please share this guide with colleagues and partner agencies, and introduce it to children or young people in your schools. You can also support the campaign by sharing #ChildFriendlyWarwickshire social media posts about 'Watch Your Words'.