Heads Up 1 July 2022


A New National Plan for Music Education – The Power of Music to Change Lives

The long awaited new National Plan for Music Education (NPME) ‘The Power to Change Lives’ was published on 25th June.

The Plan sets out the governments vision for music education and how this can be achieved through partnerships with schools, music hubs, the music and creative sector, and others.

The plan details that:

  • Music should be represented in every school’s leadership structure, with a designated music lead or head of department at school and/or academy trust level, for primary and secondary phases
  • In partnership with the Music Hub, every school and MAT should have a Music Development Plan that captures its curricular and co-curricular offer and sets out how it will be staffed and funded by 2023.
  • A polit Music Progression Fund to support disadvantaged pupils with significant musical potential, enthusiasm and commitment will be delivered through schools and Music Hubs from Autumn 2023, with match-funded government investment over four years
  • Building on existing relationships they have with all local schools, Music Hubs will identify and partner with a small number of Lead Schools (including academies) with high-quality music provision to work with the Music Hub on design and delivery of continuing professional development (CPD) and peer-to-peer support for schools on music in their area by Spring 2024
  • National Music Hub centres of excellence for inclusion, CPD, music technology and pathways to industry will be establish. The centres will be appointed by Autumn 2024 and based in four Music Hubs, with additional funding to provide specialist support to all Music Hubs across England
  • All Music Hubs should develop and publish an inclusion strategy, and all Music Hub lead organisations should have an inclusion lead by 2024
  • The new NPME, realised through dynamic partnerships across the country, will ensure all pupils receive a high-quality music education, strengthen the creative pipeline, and help create the musicians and audiences of the future.

Warwickshire Music is the leader of the Music Hub in Warwickshire.

As we move into the autumn term, Richard Hart and his colleagues at Warwickshire Music will be working to provide support for all schools and academies to develop their Music Development Plans.

The Warwickshire Music leadership team  will also be developing meeting and workshop opportunities to enable all school and academies to contribute to redefining  the scope and make-up of the Music Education Hub to meet the needs of all schools, academies and students across Warwickshire in response the requirements of this new NPME.

In the meantime, if you have any questions about the new NPME, its impact upon your school/academy or students please do contact Richard Hart at Warwickshire Music at: richardhart@warwickshire.gov.uk 


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