Project to review transitions guidance for SEND pupils gets underway
Under the SEND and Inclusion Change Programme (SICP), a new project has been set up to review SEND Transitions Guidance. The project aims to improve transitions for pupils with an Education, Health and Care Plan (ECHP) and will include all ages, from 2 to 25 years. It is hoped that by providing more robust guidance to schools and settings they will be better able to support smooth transitions and improve outcomes for children and young people with SEND.
To inform a more consistent approach across the county, the project will be undertaking a review of Warwickshire’s current transitions guidance and national best practice.
An initial area of focus will look at support for children moving into reception, and from primary into secondary school. These are significant transition points for any child or young person, and particularly those with SEND. further engagement activities will gather the views of pupils, parents and carers, teaching staff and school leaders.
The project team includes representatives from the Specialist Teaching Service, Family Information Service, SENDAR, Warwickshire Parent Carer Voice, Warwickshire’s Early Years team, headteachers and SENCo’s.
We will be keeping you updated on the project as we go, however in the meantime we would welcome your comments at this stage to feed into the review - please email these to with Transitions in the subject line.