Dear Colleagues,
We are nearing the end of the OfSTED/CQC pilot, testing their methodology for the forthcoming area SEND inspection framework.
Many thanks to all who have been involved and contributed at a busy time for schools and settings. We'll provide feedback once the exercise has finished and had time to reflect. To re-emphasize this has been to enable inspectors to test out the draft methodology and see, for example, if it enables them to gather the kind of evidence they would need to make judgements on an area. So that's the focus and the area will not get a formal report or series of judgements as we would do with an inspection.
The DfE has opened an invitation to local authorities (LA) to bid to be a pilot LA developing a LA MAT for 8-10 schools. Having discussed this with the Regional Director's office, considered the amount of work involved, the very small number of LA's the DfE is looking to take through, the prioritisation of Priority Education Investment Areas (such as Sandwell), Education Investment Areas (such as Coventry) and the current situation in Warwickshire, the local authority will not be putting in a bid at this time. However, we will establish a group to use the methodology to test out what this might mean for Warwickshire. More details on this soon and I'll update colleagues at the next headteacher briefing.
Finally, I would like to draw your attention to the publication of the long awaited national plan for Music Education' which was published on the 25 June 2022. This important Plan sets out the governments' vision for music education and how this can be achieved through partnerships with schools, music hubs, the music and creative sector, and others. Find out more about that here.
Best wishes
Chris Baird
Interim Assistant Director for Education Services.