Child Friendly Warwickshire Survey
As part of continuing to create a Child Friendly Warwickshire, we are wanting to hear the views of children and young people to help shape the county. Please circulate the below within your school newsletters, to students, and to parents for any young people interested in taking part.

Warwickshire County Council is looking to hear the views of children and young people to continue to help shape the county and create a Child Friendly Warwickshire.
The council has just launched Dialogue, a new online discussion platform, and Child Friendly Warwickshire is the first initiative to use the tool to engage with young people, their families and schools.
At the beginning of the Child Friendly Warwickshire journey, we heard the ideas of young people of all ages from around the county. They told us what child friendly means to them which helped us to develop our five guiding principles, that all children and young people should be heard, safe, healthy, skilled and happy.
A year on, we have 80 businesses and organisations signed up to be a friend, we’ve organised a youth conference, created a climate change competition… but there’s still so much we can do.
This is where you come in.
We want children and young people in Warwickshire to be heard and have a voice to shape where they live. We’ve put together five ideas that relate to the Child Friendly Warwickshire goals and we’d love to hear what you think.
To register, or read through the discussions, and take part visit our Dialogue page.
For more information visit:
Anyone under 16 will need to get consent from a parent, carer, guardian teacher or trusted adult to register. All comments are moderated and any which are deemed inappropriate, according to the safety policy, will be deleted.