Refugee Week 19 June - 25 June 2023

Every year, hard working teachers and educators across the world plan fantastic activities to celebrate Refugee Week to help children and young people develop a greater understanding and compassion towards refugee experiences that their students can carry into their adult lives.
There are lots of ways schools and educators have taken part, from holding assemblies to dedicated lessons, to creative activities or even launching longer-term projects.
Refugee Week is an annual festival that celebrates the contributions, creativity and resilience of people seeking sanctuary. It’s been running in the UK since 1998 and is always the week of World Refugee Day (20 June).
This year is a big one as it’s our 25th Anniversary. Our theme is compassion and we invite everyone to celebrate what compassion looks like in action.
This pack - Refugee Week 2023: Children & Young People’s Pack has a range of activity ideas and resources for children of all ages that can be explored at school, home or community settings. There is also a range of family-friendly events taking place around the country. Find out what’s near you!
If your school is organising any activity and would like to share please let us know by emailing If you have any photos you can share, please send those too!
Read about the Warwickshire teachers' volunteering experience with Care4Calais in this article written by Nikki Ajibade (Joint Senior Lead Ethnic Minority Traveller Achievement Service [EMTAS] in Education & Learning).