Teaching School Hub Appropriate Body Services on offer to Warwickshire Schools
The DfE intend to reform the AB sector so that Teaching School Hubs (TSHs) will become the main providers of AB services and Local Authorities will no longer carry out this role. This will bring clearer accountability, and greater consistency and quality of service for schools through a smaller, more regulated AB sector. This reform is expected to commence for ECTs starting in September 2023.
Three Teaching school Hubs service Warwickshire and we work in collaboration to support schools across the county to access high quality provision and services. We hope this information supports schools to access Appropriate Body services, particularly where they already engage with the Early Career Framework services from the Teaching School Hubs.
When schools access both ECF and AB services, schools report a simpler and more efficient process for supporting their ECTs and within the Teaching School Hubs our staff can understand both the professional development and assessment offers ECTs experience, with the same Hub team personnel supporting both the ECT and leaders in schools – essentially having one port of call makes our services more streamlined for schools and ECTs.
Please read more here.