Heads Up 9 June 2023


Dear Headteachers,

I hope everyone has had a restful half term break and is refreshed and energised for the final stretch of a busy summer term. 

I was delighted to see such a great turnout at the Heads Conference on Tuesday 6th June. We had an inspirational speaker in Leora Cruddas CBE who was able to shine a new perspective on the approach to SEND and outline a vision of how we can face the challenges going forward. 

We got to hear from IMPACT, our young people’s voice, who spoke to all headteachers in a role play scenario, followed by Parent Carer Voice. I must commend the young people and parent carer forum as it’s very brave to speak to an audience of 150 headteachers! There was much to reflect on about individualised and personalised approaches with young people. I hope these conferences add to a sense of a refreshed approach from the LA in involving stakeholders to be part of leading the sector, and creating a presence in which partnerships can start to thrive. 

Interviews for the Head of SEND and Inclusion are taking place later this month and I would like some headteachers to be part of the partnership panel. In addition, I have committed to creating an additional ‘Heads Only’ panel for the day. If anyone wishes to be considered, please email juliequinn@warwickshire.gov.uk  

If we get a lot of interest, we will need to think about a fair way to pick who is on the panel but at the least we will ensure there is phase representation. This is a crucial role for the LA, and I am looking forward to making the right appointment with your involvement that sets the tone and direction for the service. 

I am also committed to a series of workshops and task-and-finish groups with headteachers that will look at a range of areas such as exclusions and alternative provisions to name but a few. As strategic leaders, your input into all areas is critical to success. 

One piece of good news has come my way in that Sydenham Primary has been awarded The Gold Quality Mark for Religious Education. A quote says  ‘This is a community school which is a gold award holder for UNICEF. This makes it very different to the faith schools, which are often the ones to seek accreditation with REQM and it was a real pleasure to see how the UNICEF principles are applied in the teaching of religion. The school has used the award as a way of assessing current practice and planning for future developments.’ 

Well done, Sydenham. Please do share any good news with me that I can put into this newsletter. It is sometimes too easy to focus on what is not going well than it is to sit back and celebrate what we are doing well. 

Have a great weekend. 

With best wishes

Johnny Kyriacou,

Assistant Director for Education Services.