Meeting for Finance/Business Managers of academies regarding the Local Government Pension Scheme
Warwickshire Pension Fund - 2022AGM
Our Annual General Meeting this year will be held on Friday 4th November at Northgate House in Warwick, Cape Rd, Northgate, South Side, Warwick CV34 4JH.
Tea and coffee will be available for attendees at the venue prior to the meeting from 9.30am onwards, the meeting will commence from 10am.
Hymans Robertson, the Fund's Actuary and Investment consultants will be available in the afternoon to talk to individual Employers about their valuation results. If you would like to book a meeting with Hymans, details on how to do this will be sent by email once the 2022 draft valuation results have been published.
Hymans will be providing information in the meeting with regard to this year's valuation, as well as a brief update from Border to Coast Pensions Partnership - Border to Coast Pensions Partnership is one of the largest pension pools in the UK.
The Heads of our Investment and Administration teams will also provide updates on what the teams have been working on in the last year and what is coming up on the pension's horizon.
Please note this meeting is primarily aimed at Officers responsible for Finance and governance of statutory requirements for the Local Government Pension Scheme.
This will be our first face to face meeting for a while and we would like to catch up with as many of you as possible at this event. A buffet lunch will be provided in order to give you the opportunity to network with other employers in the Fund and members of the Pensions team.
So that we can confirm numbers and prepare for any dietary requirements, I would be grateful if you could confirm attendance by completing the following Microsoft Form:
If you are unable to attend the presentation, slides will be available on the employer area of our website after the meeting.
We look forward to seeing you on 4th November but if you have any questions in the meantime, please email