Celebrating Warwickshire’s Family of Schools
WCC - Green Book - Pay Award 2022
We are pleased to advise you the 2022 pay award for colleagues on Green Book terms and conditions can now be implemented.
Under the terms of the National Constitution, we are able to proceed with this uplift given that two of the three recognised Trades Unions have now reached agreement with the National Employers.
The agreement will see an increase of £1,925 to all spinal points. All increases are subject to backdating to 1 April 2022. There are some other details in the agreement, relating to annual leave, the details of which we are working through. We will update you about these in due course.
For schools who use WCC as their payroll provider - The payroll team are now working hard to get these changes processed in time for the November payroll which will also include the reversal of the National Insurance increase from 6 November 2022. There is a lot of work to do on this in a short timeframe so please be mindful of that if you are making requests of the payroll team. Thank you for your co-operation.
For schools who use an alternative payroll provider - You should approach your payroll supplier directly about progressing this award. A revised pay scale is attached.
If you have any queries, please contact our Customer Service Team by calling 01926 418614 or by logging your query via the HR Service Desk.
Meeting for Finance/Business Managers of academies regarding the Local Government Pension Scheme
Warwickshire Pension Fund - 2022AGM
Our Annual General Meeting this year will be held on Friday 4th November at Northgate House in Warwick, Cape Rd, Northgate, South Side, Warwick CV34 4JH.
Tea and coffee will be available for attendees at the venue prior to the meeting from 9.30am onwards, the meeting will commence from 10am.
Hymans Robertson, the Fund's Actuary and Investment consultants will be available in the afternoon to talk to individual Employers about their valuation results. If you would like to book a meeting with Hymans, details on how to do this will be sent by email once the 2022 draft valuation results have been published.
Hymans will be providing information in the meeting with regard to this year's valuation, as well as a brief update from Border to Coast Pensions Partnership - Border to Coast Pensions Partnership is one of the largest pension pools in the UK.
The Heads of our Investment and Administration teams will also provide updates on what the teams have been working on in the last year and what is coming up on the pension's horizon.
Please note this meeting is primarily aimed at Officers responsible for Finance and governance of statutory requirements for the Local Government Pension Scheme.
This will be our first face to face meeting for a while and we would like to catch up with as many of you as possible at this event. A buffet lunch will be provided in order to give you the opportunity to network with other employers in the Fund and members of the Pensions team.
So that we can confirm numbers and prepare for any dietary requirements, I would be grateful if you could confirm attendance by completing the following Microsoft Form: https://forms.office.com/r/DdKu6Lrgkf
If you are unable to attend the presentation, slides will be available on the employer area of our website after the meeting.
We look forward to seeing you on 4th November but if you have any questions in the meantime, please email pensions@warwickshire.gov.uk
The second episode of ‘In Safe Hands – Safeguarding Conversations with the Headteacher Coach’ is now live!
In case you missed the launch of Warwickshire County Council’s (WCC) new podcast aimed at Headteachers, the first episode was published back in September with the idea that headteachers can listen on the go at a time that is convenient for you.
We know it’s not always easy for you and wider school staff to find the time to keep informed about what WCC is doing to keep children safe in Warwickshire. So our very own Headteacher Coach for Safeguarding, Carl Lewis, hosts the podcast each month with an array of special guests. Each month, a different theme will be covered to complement the information sent out to headteachers and education settings in Warwickshire, but the topics may also be of interest to other professionals.
The podcast will share some of the work the Council is doing to keep children safe in Warwickshire, talking to passionate people about what they do to generate discussion and dialogue around good practice and how to support colleagues, families and young people.
Episode 2 has just launched and this month Carl is joined by colleagues around the Council to discuss Equality, Diversity and Inclusion in schools and Warwickshire more widely. Listen to the new episode below, or start at episode 1 if you need to catch up!
Never miss an episode - don't forget to subscribe to In Safe Hands and listen on Podbean or Spotify. The podcast will be available Apple Podcasts very soon.
If you would like to share any feedback about this podcast, please email educationsafeguarding@warwickshire.gov.uk.
Warwickshire’s Aspiring Headteacher Programme
Dear Headteachers,
There is still time to apply to Warwickshire’s Aspiring Headteacher Programme.
As you undertake your teacher’s Performance Management meetings this term, maybe, as part of those meetings, you are thinking about…
- Succession planning
- How to motivate and retain great senior leaders
- Targeted training for your senior leaders who aspire to lead in Warwickshire
Well, why not tell them about this fantastic programme …
Warwickshire’s Aspiring Headteacher Programme is an innovative programme intended to support senior and experienced middle leaders who aspire to headship in a Warwickshire school. This course is appropriate for school leaders who have a minimum of 2 years senior leadership experience and are considering applying for a Headship, in Warwickshire, in the next 2 years.
The programme will consist of approximately 7 sessions, delivered via a mix of online and face to face sessions. The programme will be hosted by Debby Hughes (Former Headteacher of High Meadow Community School, Learning Improvement Officer for Warwickshire LA and Visiting Fellow for Ambition Institute – NPQSL) and there will be a range of guest speakers inputting into the sessions, including local headteachers, key colleagues from LA services as well as some national speakers.
The programme will run over the course of 2 terms, starting in January 2023, and will cover themes such as:
- Leading the organisation - moral imperative, vision, innovation in the curriculum
- Leading teaching and learning – curriculum, CPD, preparing for Ofsted, using data and closing the gap
- The school as a business - finance, HR, legislation and policy
- Applying for headship and working with governors
This programme is fully funded by Warwickshire County Council and is being organised by the Gateway Alliance.
For more information, please see the programme flyer
Action: To apply, please complete the form as soon as possible.
Or contact Helen Martin (helen@gatewayalliance.co.uk)for more information
Admission Webinars for School Professionals
You are invited to two further webinars from the school admissions team this term. The first, taking place on Wednesday 23 November at 10am, is an update on the Fair Access Protocol in Warwickshire and the implications of this for your school. It’s free to sign up and all are welcome.
The second event is specifically for early years professionals and will discuss the ways that you can support parents and carers to successfully apply for their child’s Reception school place before the deadline of 15 January 2023. Taking place on Wednesday 7 December at 11am, it’s also free to sign up, so please do share with any colleagues that might be interested.
Each event will be recorded and shared soon afterwards with anyone that registered. Delegates will have the opportunity to ask questions during the event, but if you’d also like to submit any questions in advance, you can also do so here.
We look forward to seeing you at either event.
Post-16 capacity fund for 2023 to 2024
Schools that operate sixth forms are among the organisations eligible to apply for DfE capital funding to expand provision for 16-18 year olds:
Guidance: How eligible providers of 16 to 19 education can apply for capital investment to accommodate upcoming demographic increases in 16- to 19-year-olds.
Deadline is 11 November 2022.
Mental Health First Aid in Schools- Course Opportunity
Training for the course is accredited by Mental Health First Aid England and will be delivered over a half-day at St Benedict’s School on Tuesday 8th of November.
Any school can book and more sign-up information can be found below via the QR code or link.
Warwickshire Safeguarding Partnership: Safeguarding Week 21-25 November 2022
Warwickshire Safeguarding Partnership is pleased to announce the launch of a week of online bitesize learning events taking place from the 21st-25th November 2022. These free multi-agency learning events aim to place the spotlight on a variety of topics, namely:
- Victim Blaming Language
- Preventing Online Grooming
- Cuckooing/Home Invasion
- Professional Curiosity
- Financial Abuse
- Impact of Drugs and Alcohol
- Child Exploitation
- Preventing Harm/Death by Fire
These training events are linked to learning from Child Safeguarding Practice Reviews, Safeguarding Adults Review and learning from National Reviews.
To view the full programme or to book your place on one of these sessions, please do so via the Warwickshire Safeguarding website.
Welcome to your vote week
The Electoral Commission have a range of resources to help you get involved with Welcome To Your Vote week, which runs from 30 January – 5 February 2023. They want to show young people that politics and democracy impacts everything around them, from how long they stay in education to the rules of renting, from 5G availability to how often bins are collected.
Discussing these topics, and encouraging young people to think about how they can make their voices heard, can help them to become engaged voters and citizens for years to come.
To help you run workshops, lessons, events or assemblies, they have free, impartial lesson plans, classroom activities, videos and quizzes, each supporting you and your young people to discuss democracy, politics and their vote. Access the resources here and you can also sign up to their newsletter for educators to be the first to hear more about their plans and new resources.
Free Visit Leader training offer to Maintained Schools (where WCC are the employer)
WCC are offering free visit leader training via Juniper Education to schools where WCC is the employer for one nominated member of staff per school.
To access the training please emma.nicklin@junipereducation.org with the following details:-
- Nominated staff members’ name
- Nominated staff members email address
- School details
The staff member will then be sent the login details to access the training.
Special Offer - 50% off Visit Leader training for all staff in Maintained schools during November 2022
WCC are also offering all maintained schools where WCC is the employer a special offer in November giving these schools 50% off for their staff group to undertake the Visit leader training via Juniper Education.
This offer needs to be purchased in November 2022 and training must be completed by 1st April 2023.
Schools wishing to access this offer should email emma.nicklin@junipereducation.org for further details stating the November offer. The school will be set up with the access and passwords required and issued an invoice.
Free Opportunity - Developing Core Maths Pedagogy 2022
Maths Hubs and AMSP are offering secondary schools and post 16 settings the opportunity to participate in this free online Work Group.
Free Professional Development - Mathematics and SEND
Free Secondary Mathematics Subject Knowledge Programme 2022
Would you, or someone in your maths department or school, like to improve your secondary mathematics subject knowledge? Find more here.
Forest School Leader Award Level 3
Please find here L3 Forest School Course Info 2022
Child Friendly Warwickshire's Autumn newsletter is out now
In this edition we’re celebrating reaching 100 Friends, encouraging local young people to consider joining the Youth Council, and sharing information about becoming a foster carer, National Adoption Week and increasing support for young people. You'll also find a spotlight on friends of the programme and what they’ve been up to, plus information on managing a new school year and what’s on during October half term. As always, don’t forget to tell us about any great child-friendly activities you’ve been doing or if you have something planned!
Read the full newsletter here and subscribe to receive future editions here.
If you have any ideas for partnership working or if you or someone you know is doing something to be more #ChildFriendly, please let us know by emailing childfriendly@warwickshire.gov.uk. You can find out more by visiting the CFW website or searching the #ChildFriendlyWarwickshire on social media.
Year 4 Reading Celebration 2023.
Warwickshire Schools Library Service (WSLS) are delighted to invite your school to take part in our annual Year 4 Reading Celebration 2023. We run this in partnership with Warwickshire Libraries. It's a lovely way to celebrate reading, supporting Government objectives and your own work encouraging reading for pleasure in schools.
This initiative is open to ALL schools, including those that do not currently subscribe to WSLS.
Further details are available by clicking on the following link. Please fill in the form if you would like to take part.
Please complete this form by Friday 11th November 2022.
Please email schoolslibraryservice@warwickshire.gov.uk if you need any further information or have any question.
Events programme and training offer by Little Sutton English Hub
Working together to improve school attendance
Pupil absence in schools in England: autumn and spring terms - 2021/22
On 20th October 2022, the DfE released data that looks at pupil absence in the autumn and spring terms 2021/22, including by reason and school types.
Data is given on pupil absences as well as where a pupil was recorded as not attending in circumstances relating to coronavirus (Code X).
For the autumn and spring terms 2021/22, this category should mostly have been used to record where a pupil was absent from school with symptoms of COVID-19 whilst awaiting the results of a test. This differs to previous years when this code was also used where pupils were advised to shield, were quarantining after returning from abroad, were in class bubbles advised to isolate and where pupils were not expected to attend in person during periods of national restrictions (during which, schools were expected to provide remote education).
Throughout the pandemic, schools were advised to record pupils with a confirmed case of COVID-19 as absent due to illness (Code I).
You can view featured tables, or create your own tables from the open data using our table tool
- There are some really useful effective practice attendance webinars produced by the DfE in conjunction with schools, with good or improved attendance, sharing their good practice.
- Attendance resources are available on the Education Huband Teaching Blogs
- Sign up to share your daily attendance data with the DfE. 65% of schools In England are now sharing. It will become a requirement at some point this academic year.
- Schools can now use a public data dashboard to compare themselves with up-to-date national, regional and local authority figures for pupil attendance and absence in England. This will be updated every 2 weeks. You can sign upto take part in research and give feedback to help the DfE develop the reports.
- New guidanceis now in place on the role of schools, trusts, governing bodies and local authorities.
- The code ‘X’ code can no longer be used in the attendance register to record COVID-19 related absence.
Contact Us
If you wish to discuss any issues relating to school attendance, please feel free to contact the Warwickshire Attendance Service: