Child Friendly Warwickshire's Autumn newsletter is out now
In this edition we’re celebrating reaching 100 Friends, encouraging local young people to consider joining the Youth Council, and sharing information about becoming a foster carer, National Adoption Week and increasing support for young people. You'll also find a spotlight on friends of the programme and what they’ve been up to, plus information on managing a new school year and what’s on during October half term. As always, don’t forget to tell us about any great child-friendly activities you’ve been doing or if you have something planned!
Read the full newsletter here and subscribe to receive future editions here.
If you have any ideas for partnership working or if you or someone you know is doing something to be more #ChildFriendly, please let us know by emailing You can find out more by visiting the CFW website or searching the #ChildFriendlyWarwickshire on social media.