I want to draw your attention to a couple of items. Warwickshire County Council's Education Strategy runs until 2023. It is a five-year strategy and much has changed since its development (bit of an understatement, I know). We will be seeking your views for the rest of this academic year. Our intention is to use existing networks and meetings as far as possible.
Our first stage is some initial engagement with the Council's Cabinet and Corporate Board and this is taking place this month. So further details will follow shortly.
On a different note, Warwickshire Safeguarding Week takes place on 21-25 November 2022. An ever-present aspect to everyone's work, the week provides a chance to explicitly focus on this. As part of this there are some 'Bitesize Learning Events' taking place and accepting schools and settings existing commitments, timetables and staff development work that has already taken place or is planned, I thought highlighting this to you would be worthwhile:
Warwickshire Safeguarding are pleased to announce a week of online bitesize learning events taking place from the 21st to 25th November 2022.
This year’s multi-agency learning events aim to place the spotlight on the following topics picked up through local Child Safeguarding Practice Reviews, Safeguarding Adults Reviews and learning from National Reviews:
- Victim Blaming Language
- Preventing Online Grooming
- Cuckooing/Home Invasion
- Professional Curiosity
- Financial Abuse
- Impact of Drugs and Alcohol
- Child Exploitation
- Preventing Harm/Death by Fire
Click here for full details of all the multi-agency bitesize learning events, and information on how to book your places.
If you require any additional information about these events, please do not hesitate to email us at
Best wishes
Chris Baird
Interim Assistant Director for Education Services.