Heads Up 24 June 2022


Homes For Ukraine Welfare Checks

As part of the Homes for Ukraine scheme the local authority are required to carry out a welfare check for each guest family/group, part of this check is to see each member of the family/group.
As part of this visit we need to see each member of the guest party, however increasingly children have school places and so aren't present at this check.  We don't want to ask children to be kept off school to enable this check to take place, therefore we are going to send an email to the school asking school to confirm that the child(ren) is on role and that they are attending school.

Schools would need to deal with any safeguarding concerns in the usual way to the Integrated Front Door.  Should you have any more general queries we have a Homes for Ukraine helpline available 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday ukraine@warwickshire.gov.uk, 0800 408 1447.

Homes for Ukraine Team


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