Heads Up 24 June 2022


Request for Autism pre-assessment information from schools before summer holidays

As part of the SEND Written Statement of Action and delivery of the All-Age Strategy for Autistic People, work is underway to reduce the waiting times for autism assessments. As more assessments are being carried out, schools may be experiencing a higher demand for pre-assessment information for students that are on the autism waits register. 

Coventry and Warwickshire Partnership Trust (CWPT) will be contacting families and the child's school prior to the child’s assessment asking for a pre-assessment pack to be completed. As we are approaching the end of term, we would appreciate the support of schools in completing and returning this pre-assessment information before the summer holidays so that appointments can be offered to families over the summer period. Please note that no action is required until this request is received by the school.

An update on the All-Age Strategy for Autistic People
Coventry and Warwickshire's All-Age Strategy for Autistic People sets out our ambition to improve the lives of autistic people and their families across five priority areas. It will serve as a complementary tool to the national autism strategy launched by the government last year. 
Over the last 18 months we have been working with key organisations to address the current challenges with long waiting times for autism diagnosis.

A Neurodevelopmental Transformation Programme has been established with representation from across the local health, care and voluntary/community sector including people with lived experience, to focus on the review of all age diagnostic services and improve pre and post diagnostic support.

Coventry and Warwickshire Clinical Commissioning Group have agreed over £10m of system investment over the next two years to reduce the back log of assessments, deliver timely diagnostic assessment, and deliver improved pre assessment and post diagnostic support for children and adults. The additional funding will allow us to increase capacity for diagnostic assessments and post diagnostic support to meet demand. We are working closely with Coventry and Warwickshire Partnership NHS Trust to reduce the longest wait for a diagnostic assessment to 13 weeks, by March 2024.

The investment will allow us to commission additional provision of autism assessments from external providers, such as St Andrews Healthcare and Helios. We will work in partnership with these providers to offer an increased number of quality and timely diagnostic assessments. This investment will be allocated to the specialist neurodevelopmental team along with other external organisations which will help to provide the assessment capacity needed. The investment into the specialist service will enable an increase in post diagnostic support over time as the waiting times reduce.

A better self-help offer will be provided for people by improving awareness of local services and support via an online portal for information and advice. An e-booklet is being produced, plus the Dimensions of Health and Wellbeing Tool can be accessed, both of which will make it easier to find details of how to access local and national support.
Following the success of the Act for Autism conference in Warwick in April this year, two further events are planned in September in Coventry and November in Nuneaton. The free conferences are for professionals, parents and carers of autistic children, autistic adults and for anybody wanting to better understand autism.

Furthermore, we are developing and enhancing our All-Age Community Support Service for neurodiverse children, young people and adults including enhanced triage, signposting and peer mentors.

Autism remains a top priority and through working with partner organisations from across Coventry and Warwickshire, we aim to improve the lives of autistic children and adults and help them feel part of their communities.

We are keen for this update to reach Coventry and Warwickshire individuals awaiting Autism assessment and support, parents and carers and professionals working with Autistic people so please do take any opportunity you can to share this. Here is a PDF version of this update  that can be shared, as well as a set of FAQs produced by the Neurodevelopmental Service in partnership with education, parents/carers and commissioners.

For any queries, please email rachelbarnes@warwickshire.gov.uk 


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