Heads Up 24 June 2022


Dear Colleagues,

I hope all is well for you and you have had a good week?  

As Darren Barrow mentioned in the Head’s briefing earlier this week, many people are under the impression that schools are winding down for the summer, which we all know is certainly not the case. I know this term is one of the busiest in schools and that you will certainly be ready for a well-deserved summer break, when it finally arrives. Thank you for all that you are doing. 

A few quick reminders if I may.  

Attendance, as you will know, features prominently in the White Paper. Our attendance team are keen to support schools further, so do please make contact if you have any attendance concerns. On a similar note, we are also keen to hear of any examples of good practice with regards to improving attendance. If you do have any examples or have used resources that have had an impact, please do email schoolimprovement@warwickshire.gov.uk.  

The same inbox is being manned by Kerry Brabazon for any queries and issues related to accommodating Ukrainian children into school. Please do use this if you need to contact us and if your query cannot be answered straight away, it will be signposted to the relevant person. 

Thank you in advance for your participation in the peer-to-peer aspect of the school’s categorisation process. I know many of you have found this a positive experience. Proforma’s are already coming in which is great. If they could come in consortia bundles that will help us sort through more efficiently. 

All that remains for me to do is to wish you all a good weekend, whatever you are up to. 

Best wishes 

Chris Baird

Interim Assistant Director for Education Services.