Heads Up 24 June 2022


Gateway Alliance & Staffordshire Research School Primary Cognitive Science Programme

Primary Cognitive Science

A modular programme for Primary practitioners, brought to you by Staffordshire Research School & Gateway Alliance.

Applied Cognitive Science: Evidence into Practice

Through this ONLINE programme, based on robust research & evidence, participants will explore…

  • What does the research say?
  • What are the implications for my planning?
  • Examples, case studies & avoidances
  • A chance for reflection – What do I need to do more of & less of to apply these principles of research?
  • So how do I do strategically put this evidence to work to give it the best chance of success?

Programme Overview:

This modular programme is being run over 4 online sessions:

Weds 5th October 

15:45 – 17:15

Memory – Research - ST, LT, capacity, retrieval and encoding, dual coding & misconceptions

Weds 19th October 

15:45 – 17:15

Explicit Instruction and Deliberate Practice

Weds 9th November 

15:45 – 17:15

Retrieval, Spacing, Interleaving - Evidence and practical application

Weds 23rd November 

15:45 – 17:15

Generative Learning & Schema and considerations for the curriculum, lesson structures and varied examples

Facilitated by Evidence Leads in Education (Staffordshire Research School) – Jade Pearce & Jeremy Baker

With Primary Specialist Co-Facilitators:

  • Bryony Harrison – Hillmorton Primary School
  • Matt Tyler – Claverdon Primary School
  • Jen Taylor – St John’s Primary School

PRICE… £150 per person



View the Programme Flyer


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