Heads Up 20 November 2020


WE3 Family of schools

FAP and Assessment Gateway Reminders

- The "Assessment Gateway" aspect of the FAP and Assessment Gateway is there for schools to refer cases that may be escalating for advice, guidance and, where appropriate, support. We advise schools to refer in a timely manner to help before things do hit crisis with any one child. To refer, please complete a Learner Information Form (LIF) and submit it to fapassessmentgateway@warwickshire.gov.uk inbox by the deadlines.
- Exceptional circumstance requests are not designed to be submitted to avoid admission of any given child. A school would submit an exceptional circumstance request because they are in situation that no other school is finding themselves in e.g they have gone into special measures. If exceptional circumstance was agreed this would remove a school out of scope for a maximum of 12 weeks. If the exceptional circumstance was to continue beyond the 12-week period, the school would need to submit another form for consideration, and they may get another 12-week period agreed depending on the circumstance.  
- Submission of an exceptional circumstances request MUST be done via the official fapassessmentgateway@warwickshire.gov.uk inbox.  It is important that everyone follows this due process so that it is always fair, equitable and transparent. If any request has been sent to any other email other than the official FAP and Assessment Gateway email inbox, this request will not be considered as a submission. 


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