Senior Leaders’ Webinar – Restorative and Relational Based Practice
Working in partnership with Gateway Alliance we are pleased to share information of the next educational leadership webinar coming up this term. This is the 4th of 7 webinars that are being run by Gateway Alliance this academic year and featuring prominent inspirational speakers who will be addressing leadership themes through the current context in which schools are operating.
The next webinar, coming up on Monday 30th November (10:00-11:00am), is focused on “Restorative and Relational Based Practice” and is being led by Mark Finnis - one of the UK’s leading exponents of restorative practice.
Session Overview:
Restorative and relational based practice describe a way of being, an underpinning ethos, which enables us to build and maintain healthy relationships, resolve difficulties and repair harm when relationships breakdown.
The key learning points for the webinar are:
- An introduction to the concepts and philosophy of restorative practice
- Consider your practice
- The importance of building connection and investing in social capital – a relational model
- An overview of the social discipline window – a model of challenge and support
- Restorative language and questions
- Planning and reflection time
The Local Authority have funded schools’ access to 3 of these 7 webinars. Schools can choose which 3 are most relevant to them and, if schools wish to access more of the sessions, these can be purchased through Gateway Alliance.
You can book your place at these webinars by visiting the Gateway Alliance website: just search subject ‘Senior Leaders’. In order to access your 3 FREE sessions you will need to use voucher code: SLweb3! when making your booking. If you already subscribe to Gateway programmes please remember to log-in before booking your places.
To browse Gateway’s full CPD programme for 2020-21 please visit: If you have any questions or queries please contact Gateway Alliance on 02476 347697 or email: