Ready to learn, Ready for life
We have made an amendment to wording in some of the documentation, changing the terminology 'key worker' to 'key person' to reflect the requirements of the Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage 2017 (P22 3.27).
You can download here the amended transition toolkit which contains all of the documentation.
Specifically, they include:
- A trifold leaflet for families and professionals
- A policy document
- A summary policy for parents and carers
- A range of supportive resources
- A partnership agreement for all partners, schools, and early years providers
The purpose of the partnership agreement is for all organisations delivering early years services to agree a use a consistent approach across Warwickshire.
Whilst this is guidance, Amanda King, Strategic Lead for early years in Warwickshire is hoping for a large number of early education and childcare organisations to join the many partners who have pledged to support and implement the partnership agreement.
Amanda would also like to thank everyone who participated in the task group for their time and commitment.
Please click on the link below to complete the partnership agreement.
Once we have received the partnership agreement via the form you will receive an electronic logo and certificate to use within your educational provision.