Heads Up 20 November 2020


Ian BuddDear colleagues, 

Hello everyone and welcome once more to Heads Up. 

This week has seen something of a new national guidance pause as we await updates on key issues that require our attention. Next week also brings the review of the next stages of tiers and lockdown. That is not to say that it has been a quiet week, by any stretch of the imagination. There have been further positive COVID-19 cases amongst both pupils and staff and more of our children and staff have had to isolate and not be in school as a result.

It is critically important that we continue to do all that we can to manage this situation.  It is very challenging and a there is balance between ensuring our children receive their educational entitlement, whilst playing our part in minimising the risk of transmission of the virus, both in our schools and settings and, beyond that, in households and the community.

The best advice I can give is to take advice and follow guidance. If a situation in your setting seems to be escalating, stay in close contact with the local notification support system through Public Health and the local authority. That will help you and your leaders with any difficult decisions that you can see on the horizon.

We have introduced an Incident Management Team (IMT) approach in Warwickshire. Your local support will advise on whether you need an IMT which will, in turn, help to guide you on whether you can continue to safely stay open or whether a partial or full closure is necessary.

These IMTs are key to helping to manage the impact of escalation and keep absences down.  It is a clear government expectation that, wherever possible, children are at school.  This also applies to those classed as ‘clinically vulnerable’.  Previously, this cohort of staff and children were advised to stay at home, but that guidance has changed.  Only the ‘clinically extremely vulnerable’ who will have recent clinical advice, should not be at school. ‘Clinically vulnerable’ members of the school community should be supported but unless they are unwell, the Government expectation is that they should be in their educational settings.

In other news, Wayne Simner, who is covering for James McNeillie as Ofsted’s West Midland regional link, has been booked for the Tuesday TEAMS call with Head Teachers and school leaders on the 8th December.  Wayne will provide a briefing on the autumn Ofsted interim visits.  I hope to see many of you there on the day to ‘meet’ Wayne and share Ofsted’s findings.

On the subject of cover, Emma Basden-Smith, the county’s Education, Capital, Sufficiency and Transport Lead Commissioner, is going on maternity leave.  Emma will be known to many of you and has played a key role in so many things this year, not least in arranging school transport.  I am sure you will join me in wishing Emma all the best and in welcoming Nikki Daly, who will be covering for her maternity leave period.

Another change in roles sees Darren Barrow join Education Services as Schools Sustainability Lead Officer (0.6).  Many of you know Darren who brings a wealth of knowledge and experience gained as head teacher in Warwickshire.  We really value having someone on our team who has Darren’s personal and professional insights. We look forward to working with Darren and adding his strengths to the team.

That’s all from me. I hope that our earlier publishing time means more of you are seeing my weekly pleas for you all to have some rest over the weekend. Take care.

Best wishes 

Ian Budd

Assistant Director for Education Services