Teacher Subject Specialism Training (TSST) at Polesworth
The purpose of this training is twofold: improve subject knowledge and demonstrate teaching methods.
Which subjects can you do?
- Mathematics
- Physics
- French
Who should do this course?
Existing Teachers
Non Subject Specialist Teacher
Ex teachers who want to return to the teaching profession
Examples of how training might support you are:
- a PE teacher who has been timetabled with KS3 Maths from September 2017
- a Biology teacher wants to brush up on their KS4 Physics knowledge
- a maths teacher looking to return to the profession following a career break
- German teacher needs to offer KS3 French
- a Music teacher with A Level French needs to cover a Y7 French group.
- existing teachers want to refresh knowledge because the school is now offering A Level courses in these subjects.
Secondary Maths has limited availability. The next sessions are:
Spring Term 2017
25/1 8/2 29/3
Summer Term 2017
Sessions will be from 2.00 – 4.30 pm
Spring Term 2017
18/1 25/1 8/2 8/3 29/3
Summer Term 2017
26/4 14/6
3.45 – 5.45 pm during the Summer Term
May 2017
June 2017
8/6 15/6 22/6 29/6
July 2017
6/7 13/7 20/7
Bookings being taken for all courses now.
This training is offered free of charge and brings with it £400 per delegate bursary on successful completion of these courses.