Heads Up 11th January 2017


Cold weather warning - help for you if you need to close your school

The latest MetOffice weather reports have reported a chance of impending cold weather so we wish to remind all schools of the county council’s school closure service.

For the next week we will be monitoring the School Closure line out of normal hours. The closure line will be monitored from 6:15 AM until 10.30 PM.  If you call the closure line outside of this time your message will be picked up the following morning.

To use the service and register your school closed just make one call to 01926 412611, leave notification of closure, reason why and your DfE number for reference.

The information provided is:

This service is completely free and available to all maintained and academy schools. It not only serves parents and pupils who attend your school, but is also monitored by the radio stations that use the information for their websites and for broadcasting.

To aid you in deciding whether to close your school we have created a portal with handy links and views to give you up to date weather and traffic reports. The portal also includes information about the channels we use to communicate closures to parents and pupils. You can find the portal at www.warwickshire.gov.uk/schoolclosuremonitoring



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