Are You Sitting Comfortably- free training from IDS
Every setting offering provision to children aged 0-5 will be able to access 2 FREE training sessions as part of the Smart Start initiative
This training is appropriate for staff supporting children within the EYFS, including Reception classes, Nursery classes, Pre-schools, Day Nurseries, Child minders, Out of School Clubs.
This training will be free for settings this term only and will support you in:
- meeting the physical needs of children in your school.
- developing independence in children in your care
- managing children's needs safely
- the early intervention of children with SEND
- Assess Plan Do Review Cycle
Full details including an over of what will be covered in each session and how to book are on the attached flyer. Dates start end of January and go through to end of March 2017.
For any questions and queries please contact:
Clare Woodman IDS 0-5 Specialist Teacher
Tel: 02476 368800 Email: