Counter Terrorism Training for Warwickshire Schools
Invitation to Headteachers, Deputy Headteachers and School Business Managers
Warwickshire Schools Counter Terrorism Event - January 2017
Purpose: To receive a strategic overview of the Government's CONTEST strategy with a specific briefing on the 'Prevent' and 'Prepare' responsibilities.
Time: 2.00 - 5.00pm (registration opens at 1.30pm)
Date of Event: Monday 23 January 2017
Location: The Ricoh Arena Community Space, Phoenix Way, Coventry CV6 6GE
Audience: This event is aimed at headteachers, deputy heads and school business managers. This event is open to schools who DID NOT ATTEND the Prevent and Prepared event on 26th April 2016.
The event is open to LA maintained schools and Academies at no charge. If you wish to register to attend, please follow the links to the attached Google form:
There is a second event running on the same date, 23rd January, for Governors from 6 - 8pm at the same venue. See the Governors section of the newsletter here for more information.
Below is a summary of what the event will cover:
The Prevent strand of the Government’s CONTEST Strategy is all about the pre-criminal space, providing support and re-direction to vulnerable individuals at risk of being groomed into terrorist activities. In this event we will be looking at how governors can ensure their school is effectively implementing their responsibilities under the Prevent Duty.
The Prepare strand seeks to minimise the impact of a terrorist attack where it cannot be stopped. In this event we will be looking at how governors can strategically direct and support the School Senior Management to develop and implement a School Emergency Plan in line with best practice.