FREE CSE Awareness Training for all Warwickshire schools

Warwickshire CSE Team delivers multi-agency training with the Warwickshire Safeguarding Children Board which is free to access for all professionals in Warwickshire. You can access the training on the WILMa website:

We recognise that it can be problematic for schools to release staff for multi-agency training and are therefore offering FREE CSE Awareness Raising Training for all Warwickshire schools to ensure that staff are able to identify and respond appropriately to concerns around Child Sexual Exploitation. We can tailor training and support to suit the needs of your staff teams and deliver directly at your school.
Child sexual exploitation is a very real issue for children and young people in Warwickshire and it is important for all universal services to understand how it happens, how to recognise the signs that it could be happening and know what to do if they have concerns.
For more information or to book training contact:
Katy Shipley (CSE Project Worker)
Email: Telephone: 07702 338667
For more information about the Warwickshire ‘Something’s Not Right’ CSE Campaign please see the website at:
Real Love Rocks- CSE resource pack and training for secondary schools

The Barnardo’s CSE team has developed a resource pack for schools and universal services called ‘Real Love Rocks’ which builds on their specialist knowledge and experience of working with children and young people abused through child sexual exploitation. The resource is aimed at years 7 – 9 and offers lesson plans, interactive workshops and all types of activities covering a number of topics, including:
- Healthy relationships
- Consent
- Grooming
- Contraception
- Risk and Keeping Safe
- Child Sexual Exploitation
- Impact of Porn and Sexting
The resource can be purchased to be delivered across PSHE in secondary schools and can be delivered by staff with full lesson plans and resources included.
Barnados are offering free bespoke training to staff alongside the CSE Awareness Training to implement and deliver the ‘Real Love Rocks’ PSHE lessons in your school.
For more information or to book training contact:
Katy Shipley (CSE Project Worker)
Email: Telephone: 07702 338667
Counter Terrorism Training for Warwickshire Schools
Invitation to Headteachers, Deputy Headteachers and School Business Managers
Warwickshire Schools Counter Terrorism Event - January 2017
Purpose: To receive a strategic overview of the Government's CONTEST strategy with a specific briefing on the 'Prevent' and 'Prepare' responsibilities.
Time: 2.00 - 5.00pm (registration opens at 1.30pm)
Date of Event: Monday 23 January 2017
Location: The Ricoh Arena Community Space, Phoenix Way, Coventry CV6 6GE
Audience: This event is aimed at headteachers, deputy heads and school business managers. This event is open to schools who DID NOT ATTEND the Prevent and Prepared event on 26th April 2016.
The event is open to LA maintained schools and Academies at no charge. If you wish to register to attend, please follow the links to the attached Google form:
There is a second event running on the same date, 23rd January, for Governors from 6 - 8pm at the same venue. See the Governors section of the newsletter here for more information.
Below is a summary of what the event will cover:
The Prevent strand of the Government’s CONTEST Strategy is all about the pre-criminal space, providing support and re-direction to vulnerable individuals at risk of being groomed into terrorist activities. In this event we will be looking at how governors can ensure their school is effectively implementing their responsibilities under the Prevent Duty.
The Prepare strand seeks to minimise the impact of a terrorist attack where it cannot be stopped. In this event we will be looking at how governors can strategically direct and support the School Senior Management to develop and implement a School Emergency Plan in line with best practice.
Professional development for teaching mathematics
Headteachers, Primary maths subject leaders and SLT members are invited to attend professional development with
Andrew Jeffrey Independent Maths Expert on
Preventing the gap - making big impacts through small changes in mathematics
When: Wednesday 8th February 2017 at 9.30am - 3.30pm
Where: Ansty Golf Centre, Brinklow Road, Ansty, Coventry, CV7 9JL
Cost: There will be a non-profit charge of £15 made by the organiser to cover the cost of the venue, refreshments & lunch.
Limited places available so please book soon to avoid disappointment.
Further details are on the flyer here.
Are You Sitting Comfortably- free training from IDS
Every setting offering provision to children aged 0-5 will be able to access 2 FREE training sessions as part of the Smart Start initiative
This training is appropriate for staff supporting children within the EYFS, including Reception classes, Nursery classes, Pre-schools, Day Nurseries, Child minders, Out of School Clubs.
This training will be free for settings this term only and will support you in:
- meeting the physical needs of children in your school.
- developing independence in children in your care
- managing children's needs safely
- the early intervention of children with SEND
- Assess Plan Do Review Cycle
Full details including an over of what will be covered in each session and how to book are on the attached flyer. Dates start end of January and go through to end of March 2017.
For any questions and queries please contact:
Clare Woodman IDS 0-5 Specialist Teacher
Tel: 02476 368800 Email:
New qualified teacher free twilight event
Join us for 2 workshops:
Innovative Teaching Techniques using ICT
When employed correctly, innovative teaching practices can result in high quality learning. This session will introduce you to a variety of useful and time-saving programmes and online tools which can be used to enhance everyday teaching.
You will come away with a range of ideas , which will innovate the way you deliver, monitor and assess learning.
Ask an Expert
One problem, many solutions
As teachers we are always seeking examples of good practice to help enhance our own teaching and learning. In this session you will be able to put your questions (anonymously) to a panel of experienced staff from a range of Warwickshire schools. Panellists will help you reflect on your current practice, and speaking from experience, share real-life tips and techniques.
Tuesday February 7th 2017
Refreshments and networking from 3.30pm
First workshop at 4pm prompt
Session will finish at 6pm
For more information please click here
Teacher Subject Specialism Training (TSST) at Polesworth
The purpose of this training is twofold: improve subject knowledge and demonstrate teaching methods.
Which subjects can you do?
- Mathematics
- Physics
- French
Who should do this course?
Existing Teachers
Non Subject Specialist Teacher
Ex teachers who want to return to the teaching profession
Examples of how training might support you are:
- a PE teacher who has been timetabled with KS3 Maths from September 2017
- a Biology teacher wants to brush up on their KS4 Physics knowledge
- a maths teacher looking to return to the profession following a career break
- German teacher needs to offer KS3 French
- a Music teacher with A Level French needs to cover a Y7 French group.
- existing teachers want to refresh knowledge because the school is now offering A Level courses in these subjects.
Secondary Maths has limited availability. The next sessions are:
Spring Term 2017
25/1 8/2 29/3
Summer Term 2017
Sessions will be from 2.00 – 4.30 pm
Spring Term 2017
18/1 25/1 8/2 8/3 29/3
Summer Term 2017
26/4 14/6
3.45 – 5.45 pm during the Summer Term
May 2017
June 2017
8/6 15/6 22/6 29/6
July 2017
6/7 13/7 20/7
Bookings being taken for all courses now.
This training is offered free of charge and brings with it £400 per delegate bursary on successful completion of these courses.
Free Food for Life training for teachers
Cooking with Confidence: Teaching Practical Cookery Skills in the Classroom
Venue: Newdigate Primary School, Anderton Road, Bedworth, CV12 0HA
Date: Wed 15th February 2017
Timing: 9.15 – 15.30
This practical one day course covers all essential elements of teaching cookery skills to children of all ages and is an excellent way to develop or improve your current cookery offer, both within the classroom and/or as an after school club. With the strengthened place of cooking and nutrition in the new National Curriculum (Design and Technology programme of study), this course will give staff key skills to deliver high quality, curriculum linked cookery lessons within the classroom as well as advice on cooking with minimal equipment. Participants will receive a memory stick of resources to use in school as well as a free Skill Up, Start Cooking pack with 32 age appropriate recipes with teaching instructions designed to ensure skills progression for the 3–11 years age groups.
From Plot to Pot: Teaching Food Growing Skills in Primary Schools
Venue: Ryton Organic Gardens, Wolston Lane, Coventry CV8 3LG
Date: Wed 8th February 2017 OR Thurs 23rd March 2017
Timing: 9.15 – 15.30
This practical one day course covers essential elements in the teaching of food growing skills in primary schools. With the strengthened place of food education, cooking and nutrition in the new National Curriculum, this course will give staff key skills to facilitate, deliver and embed organic food growing and composting into the curriculum. The training will also demonstrate some of the opportunities to teach elements of science, maths and other curriculum areas through growing and support schools in achieving FFL awards. Also lots of useful advice on the best varieties to plant which require less maintenance so that the school gets a good crop during term time. Delegates will also receive free resources to take away.
Transforming school food: Embedding healthy living & creating positive food culture with a Whole School Approach
Venue: The SYDNI Centre, Cottage Square, Sydenham, Leamington Spa CV31 1PT
Date: Wed 1st March OR Thurs 30th March 2017
Timings: 9.00 - 12.00 or 12.30 - 15:30
This is an excellent, informative course aimed at newly enrolled FFL schools and those Bronze Award schools who wish to embed the Food for Life ethos more deeply into their school culture in readiness for achieving Silver and Gold. The course will cover developing a whole school approach, a table top assessment of your school's current position in relation to the bronze/silver criteria as appropriate, understanding the function of a School Nutrition Action Group (SNAG) including who to involve and how to run SNAG meetings, have a range of consultation and engagement techniques to use with pupils, parents and colleagues back at school and know where to find resources to help you and to outline the opportunities for the school to attract parental and wider community engagement.
Fabulous Farms: Establishing and embedding farm visits in the curriculum
Venue: Mary Arden’s Farm, Station Road, Wilmcote, Stratford CV37 9UN
Date: Wed 29th March 2016
Timings: 9.30 – 15.00
This excellent one day course covers essential elements in the practicalities of setting up a farm visit including Health & Safety, a farm tour and linking your visit to the curriculum. The course will give staff key skills to plan, facilitate, deliver and embed farm visits into the curriculum and maximise the opportunities for learning from the experience of the visit. The training will also demonstrate some of the opportunities to teach elements of science, maths and other curriculum areas through farm visits and preparatory and follow up work in the classroom. Farm visits provide memorable experiences for children and are a requirement for achieving FFL awards.
School Farmers Markets: From plan to practice in 8 weeks
Venue: Southfields Farm, Packington Lane, Coleshill B46 3EJ
Date: Wed 8th February 2017
Timings: 9.30 – 12.30
This half day course covers everything you need to know to run a School Farmers Market at your school. This is an excellent enterprise project that can raise money for the school, build your profile within the community, support all of your Food for Life activities and help you get your award in a really fun, rewarding way. From planning what to grow, cook and sell to how to encourage local producers to your event, fundraising tips, everything you need to know about running a successful School Farmers Market is covered. Each school will also receive a set of free resources.
Get Your Award! Twilight Sessions
Venue: Hill Top Farm, Fosse Way, Leamington Spa (TBC)
Date: TBC contact Bret Willers on 07786 994442 or Valerie Meehan on 07736 888462 to find out where a session will be held near you.
Timings: 15.30-17:30
In addition to the formal training courses offered, our twilight sessions give teachers and support staff the chance to get together informally after school and gain support in completing their awards criteria. We will also share ideas and advice on tackling any criteria that you are finding particularly challenging with solutions that will work best in your particular setting. Delegates will also get the opportunity to explore a range of Food for Life resources and will be treated to a delicious afternoon tea.
Booking Information:
Please log in to your online portal on the FFL website click the sign in button located on the top right hand side of the page enter your username and password and click on ‘Events’ in the menu bar to register for a course online. Alternatively, e-mail Valerie at with the name and date of the course; dietary and access requirements; the delegate name(s); a school contact e-mail and a telephone number. Up to three places can be booked per school.