We provide a comprehensive training programme for all school governors, clerks and head teachers, whether in maintained or academy schools. Places on training sessions are available to all schools. For subscribing schools these will be free of charge and for non-subscribing schools there is a charge per delegate.
If your governing board does not subscribe to Warwickshire Governor Services and you think it would be useful to do so, please contact Gurby Dhesi to discuss your requirements:
Email -, Telephone – 01926 745 137
Courses being delivered this term are:
Special Educational Needs & Disability and the Governing Board (G18-SEN-Cov-01)
Tuesday 15th May 9.30am – 11.30am The Welcome Centre, CV1 2HG
Clerks’ Induction (G18-C1-NB-01)
Tuesday 15th May
9.30am – 3.30pm
Bulkington Village Centre, CV12 9JB
Governors’ Conference
Wednesday 16th May
9.00am – 4.30pm
Honiley Court Hotel, CV8 1NP
Preparing for Ofsted Inspection (G18-OFST-E-01)
Wednesday 16th May
7.00pm – 9.00pm
Boughton Leigh Junior School, CV21 1LT
Head teacher Appraisal & Teacher Pay and Performance (G18-HTA-C-01)
Thursday 17th May
7.00pm – 9.00pm
Aylesford School & Sixth Form Centre, CV34 6XR
Health & Safety (where WCC is the employer) (G18-HSM-S-01)
Thursday 17th May
3.00pm – 5.00pm
Stratford – Upon - Avon College, CV37 9QR
SENCo and the SEND Governor (it is expected the SEND Governor and SENCo will attend together) (G18-S&SG-C-01)
Thursday 24th May
5.00pm – 7.00pm
Aylesford School & Sixth Form Centre, CV34 6XR
Induction to School Governance (G18-IG-E-01)
Thursdays 7th, 14th and 21st June
7.00pm – 9.30pm
Stratford – Upon - Avon School, CV37 9DH
Induction to School Governance (G18-IG-Cov-01)
Monday 11th June
9.30am – 4.30pm
The Welcome Centre, CV1 2HG
Finance Part 1 – Introduction to Budget Planning and Monitoring (G18-FR-S01)
Tuesday 12th June
7.00pm – 9.00pm
Stratford – Upon - Avon School, CV37 9DH
Effective Classroom Visits (G18-ECV-Cov-01)
Thursday 14th June
7.00pm – 9.00pm
Hearsall Community School, CV5 6LR
Click here to view our new Training and Support Programme (April 2018 – March 2019)
If you would like to book on a course, or for further information please:
Email your booking or enquiry to,
Telephone Governor Services on 01926 745120
Book via the WES website at
When booking a course, in addition to quoting the course reference number, title and date. Please provide the following information: the name of the person attending the training event, the school they are from together with a contact email address and telephone number.