Allergy awareness and food safety training available for staff
Allergy awareness is a key issue for schools, not least when it comes to school lunchtimes and protecting pupils with allergies from being exposed through to contamination. Allergy Awareness training is now being offered to staff via the Educaterers service, who took over delivery of school meals from Warwickshire County Council last year.
The online training defines what is meant by a food allergy and explains how food safety law in the UK changed in 2014, looking at common examples of food allergy and their associated symptoms.The training programme will be of particular use to school staff who work with children with allergies, especially at lunchtimes. It provides an overview of the facts about allergens, including the difference between allergies and intolerances, and hidden allergens; the 14 specific allergens that need to be declared; preventing allergen contamination; and emergency first aid.
Educaterers is also offering fast, efficient Food Safety Training for teachers, teaching assistants and other staff responsible for delivering the teaching of cooking and nutrition in infant, junior, primary and secondary schools.
The online training programme covers everything needed for anyone to safely work with food, including training on microbiological hazards, food poisoning, contamination hazards, personal hygiene and much more.
To complete these courses, all that is needed is a personal email address and computer access with an internet connection ~ which means it can be completed at work or at home. The cost is just £15 per person.
For further information or to request training, please contact Janet Blythe, Training Manager at Educaterers, via
Educaterers, a Local Authority Traded Company – the first for Warwickshire County Council – delivers 125,000 school meals a week across the county.