Heads Up 5th April 2017


A guide to support recruitment in Warwickshire

Do you participate in recruitment at your school?

  • Did you know that at least one member of each selection panel must have received appropriate safer recruitment training?

The Education Safeguarding Team delivers Safer Recruitment Training. For more information contact Sophie Morley – 01926 742601

A Reminder for Governors in Maintained Schools.

Governors in maintained schools should participate in appointment panels for deputy head teacher roles. The School Staffing (England) Regulations 2009 state that a panel of at least three governing board members must shortlist, interview and make recommendations for such posts, in the same way as they would for head teacher appointments.

A guide for Headteacher recruitment

Governor Services will be the initial point of contact for notification of headteacher vacancies

1 - Pre-recruitment Training for Governors Our Governor Services Team provides training to Governing Bodies. The two hour session explores the recruitment timetable, the job description and person specification, legal requirements including safer recruitment, consideration of selection activities and questioning techniques. This initial element of the prerecruitment process is an essential part of attracting and selecting the most suitable candidate. In addition, advice may be offered on potential interim arrangements that may be required to successfully cover a vacancy.

The pre-recruitment training is free of charge to schools who already subscribe to the Governor Services Training Programme. (£350 for non-subscribing schools)

2 - Professional Support provided by a Learning Improvement Officer (LIO) Once Governor Services has been notified, a Learning Improvement Adviser will be allocated to offer professional guidance to Governing Bodies during the selection process. Support is free of charge to maintained schools for the final interview date and further support is available at the school’s expense for shortlisting and any preparation for the selection process before the final interview date. Charges for additional services are dependent on the time involved.

LIO support is free of charge to maintained schools for the final interview date. Further support is available and charges are subject to the extra support required.

3 - Additional Administrative Support The HR Resourcing Service offers administrative support and professional advice and guidance, to support the recruitment process. This assistance is provided on a pay as you need basis, with typical costs at the time of writing at around £500 per campaign depending on requirements. This does not include third party costs such as advertisement* and media costs, or the cost of venues or assessment day support. The support offered will be tailored to your specific requirements but can include: a named contact to see your process to completion, creation of a recruitment pack, advice regarding candidate attraction and search, access to an online bespoke application process, template forms for shortlisting and assessing candidates, facilitation of assessment centres and psychometric assessments and feedback, issuing of a confirmation letter to successful candidate and processing all vetting checks in line with safer recruitment guidance.

*March 2017 examples: advertising costs vary depending on different options. Online advertising costs typically start at £200 for WM Jobs, £975 for the TES online silver package and £850 for the Guardian online enhanced package.

We are here to help - for assistance please contact the Resourcing Service; Email: hrandpayroll@warwickshire.gov.uk or Tel: 01926 738444

Click here for a pdf version of this information


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