Welcome to the April issue of Heads Up.
This month we would like to congratulate those schools that have received congratulatory letters from the Department for Education for their excellent performance in 2016. We are also thrilled that so many schools have either improved or maintained their Ofsted grade following both full and short inspections since September. More information on the schools' results can be found in the 'Warwickshire News' section. For those unable to attend the recent headteachers' briefings, in this issue you will find a link to the presentations and other information shared at these events, and also a reminder of the dates for the summer term. As always there are lots of other key messages for you and your staff so please do forward this within your school to those who might benefit. I'd also like to take this opportunity to remind you of our governors section which contains useful information about training dates, clerking services, Governor/Clerk long service awards and WCC's Governor Services. Please could we ask Headteachers and Chairs of Governors to ensure that all governors receive a copy. We are moving our Twitter account @WarksEducation to @wcc_schools. Please follow @wcc_schools to ensure you receive the latest updates from Warwickshire County Council's Education team. We are always keen to hear about your successes and achievements, so please don't forget to send in your news for our May issue to schoolpartnerships@warwickshire.gov.ukI hope you all have a relaxing Easter break.
Jane Spilsbury
Service Manager - Learning and Performance