
Welcome to Governor Services

 “The role that governance plays in ensuring that every child receives the best possible education has never been more important.”

“We should not underestimate just how vital the role of governors and trustees has become in helping to raise standards.”

“In short, the role is so important that amateurish governance will no longer do. Good will and good intentions will only go so far. Governing boards made up of people who are not properly trained and who do not understand the importance of their role are not fit for purpose in the modern and complex educational landscape.”

Sir Michael Wilshaw HMCI - 21st Century Governance needed for 21st Century Schools

School governance is changing and expectations on governance have never been higher. Warwickshire Governor Services is committed to supporting and providing a comprehensive high quality service that will ensure governors and clerks have the knowledge, skills and confidence to exercise effective governance.

Benefits of subscribing to Governor Services:

Governing boards subscribing to Governor Services benefit from:

  • Professional advice, guidance and information via a telephone helpline or via email

We offer a fast, reliable and friendly support service to chairs of governors, governors, head teachers and clerks and we regularly speak to them on a variety of important issues ranging from recruiting governors to questions concerning legislation updates. Many governors have told us that they really value being able to pick up the phone and talk through a question and contacting us regarding query couldn’t be easier!

  • Training and development opportunities which support governors in fulfilling their core and statutory governance functions

According to our recent survey and feedback from training course evaluation forms, governors hold training in high regard and find it very helpful in their role. Having access to good quality training enables governors, head teachers and clerks throughout Warwickshire to fulfil their statutory responsibilities and to feel confident in meeting an ever increasing range of challenges.

  • A developing document resource library and website

To help equip Clerks and Governors with the tools to support them in their role, subscribing governing boards will have access to a range of updated resources, materials and new look website. Subscribing to Governor Services gives unlimited access to a wealth of training and development opportunities together with access to a range of support material for all governors, clerks and head teachers throughout the financial year.

These are just a few of the benefits available to Governing Boards which subscribe to Governor Services.

We would like to invite any Governing Boards that don’t subscribe to do so.

If you would like any more information please telephone: 01926 745120 or email: governors@warwickshire.gov.uk


Update from Governor Services

Customer Survey

Thank you to everyone who completed our Customer Survey.  We had a rather limited response to the survey this year but will be publishing the findings in due course. Your responses will help inform our offer to schools for the coming year and enable us to improve the service(s) we offer.

As a traded service, we value your views and from this year (on an annual basis) we plan to conduct a Customer Survey to find out how you think we’re doing.

The survey has now closed but we’re always open to feedback so please do not hesitate to get in touch with your comments and suggestions at any time.


Governors whose schools subscribe to Governor Services are able to access the online training package (GEL – Governor E-Learning) at a reduced cost of £60.00 instead of £155.00  The GEL Website can now be accessed via mobile and tablet devices and provides a wide range of topics to keep you up to date.

Please see the 2017 - 2018 Training and Support Programme for Governors and Clerks or contact us for more information.


In April 2017 the DfE will be launching a new service to replace RAISEonline, for further information please see the link below:


Questions for your Governing Board

  • How often do you self-evaluate and audit the impact of governance on the contribution to school improvement?
  • How do you evaluate the skills within and required by your Governing Board and link them to the collective impact of effective governance?

As well as offering an External Review of Governance, Governor Services offer a Governing Board Skills Audit / Self Evaluation. The purpose of a review of governance is to support improvement and development and identify priorities, challenge current practice and recognise what steps need to be taken to improve.

Please see the 2017 - 2018 Training and Support Programme for Governors and Clerks or contact us for more information.


Retiring Teachers and Resignation of Head Teachers

‘Letter of thanks’ to Retiring Teachers

The Secretary of State for Education is keen to send a personal letter of thanks to retiring teachers who have made an exceptional contribution to education during their teaching careers.

If you have teachers retiring, please consider completing the nomination form. The form and guidance can be located here

Head Teacher Resignation

If / when you receive your Head teacher’s written resignation the Clerk or Chair of Governors must immediately inform Heather Imbush at Governor Services and, in the case of Church schools, especially voluntary aided schools, the relevant diocese.

Heather’s contact details are: Tel: 01926 742632


Email heatherimbush@warwickshire.gov.uk

Heather will then update our records and notify you of the support available to you / your Governing Board.

Notice periods for head teachers are three months, or four months in the summer term, with employment terminating at the end of that term;


Notice submitted by: To leave:

Notice submitted by: To leave:

30th April

End of summer term

30th September

End of autumn term

31st January

End of spring term


Notice periods for deputy head teachers or teachers are two months, or three months in the summer term, with employment terminating at the end of that term;


Notice submitted by: To leave:

Notice submitted by: To leave:

31st May

31st May End of summer term

31st October

End of autumn term

28th/29th February

End of spring term


A guide to support recruitment in Warwickshire

Do you participate in recruitment at your school?

  • Did you know that at least one member of each selection panel must have received appropriate safer recruitment training?

The Education Safeguarding Team delivers Safer Recruitment Training. For more information contact Sophie Morley – 01926 742601

A Reminder for Governors in Maintained Schools.

Governors in maintained schools should participate in appointment panels for deputy head teacher roles. The School Staffing (England) Regulations 2009 state that a panel of at least three governing board members must shortlist, interview and make recommendations for such posts, in the same way as they would for head teacher appointments.

A guide for Headteacher recruitment

Governor Services will be the initial point of contact for notification of headteacher vacancies

1 - Pre-recruitment Training for Governors Our Governor Services Team provides training to Governing Bodies. The two hour session explores the recruitment timetable, the job description and person specification, legal requirements including safer recruitment, consideration of selection activities and questioning techniques. This initial element of the prerecruitment process is an essential part of attracting and selecting the most suitable candidate. In addition, advice may be offered on potential interim arrangements that may be required to successfully cover a vacancy.

The pre-recruitment training is free of charge to schools who already subscribe to the Governor Services Training Programme. (£350 for non-subscribing schools)

2 - Professional Support provided by a Learning Improvement Officer (LIO) Once Governor Services has been notified, a Learning Improvement Adviser will be allocated to offer professional guidance to Governing Bodies during the selection process. Support is free of charge to maintained schools for the final interview date and further support is available at the school’s expense for shortlisting and any preparation for the selection process before the final interview date. Charges for additional services are dependent on the time involved.

LIO support is free of charge to maintained schools for the final interview date. Further support is available and charges are subject to the extra support required.

3 - Additional Administrative Support The HR Resourcing Service offers administrative support and professional advice and guidance, to support the recruitment process. This assistance is provided on a pay as you need basis, with typical costs at the time of writing at around £500 per campaign depending on requirements. This does not include third party costs such as advertisement* and media costs, or the cost of venues or assessment day support. The support offered will be tailored to your specific requirements but can include: a named contact to see your process to completion, creation of a recruitment pack, advice regarding candidate attraction and search, access to an online bespoke application process, template forms for shortlisting and assessing candidates, facilitation of assessment centres and psychometric assessments and feedback, issuing of a confirmation letter to successful candidate and processing all vetting checks in line with safer recruitment guidance.

*March 2017 examples: advertising costs vary depending on different options. Online advertising costs typically start at £200 for WM Jobs, £975 for the TES online silver package and £850 for the Guardian online enhanced package.

We are here to help - for assistance please contact the Resourcing Service; Email: hrandpayroll@warwickshire.gov.uk or Tel: 01926 738444

Click here for a pdf version of this information

Clerking Service

Governing boards can buy professional clerking services from us, to assist the processes of effective governance in Warwickshire schools and academies.  We can provide clerks to cover a variety of circumstances including: 

  • Full governing board meetings, as a package of meetings or on an ad hoc basis
  • Committee meetings, as a package of meetings or on an ad hoc basis
  • Pupil exclusion panels
  • Staff disciplinary hearings
  • Complaints’ panels

The additional benefit of subscribing to our Clerking Service is we provide the administrative, recruitment, training and payroll functions for our clerks, so you don’t have to!

For further information contact Gurby on 01926 745137 or gurbydhesi@warwickshire.gov.uk

Governor / Clerk Long Service Awards

Are you a governor or a clerk or do you have any governors who have worked in Warwickshire schools for 20 years or more?  If so, they are eligible to be nominated for a Long Service Award.

If you have a governor that you wish to nominate, please complete the attached form and return it to Amanda (amandagardiner@warwickshire.gov.uk).  Long Service Certificates will be presented at the Governors’ Forum on Tuesday 20th June.

Please note that, to be eligible for nomination, candidates should not have received a previous award from Warwickshire County Council.

Clerking Service Vacancies

Our Clerking Service currently has a number of vacancies.  If you are a Clerk, School Secretary, Administrator, Business Manager or Finance Officer who is reliable, confident, good with people and interested in school governance then please contact Gurby on 01926 745137 or gurbydhesi@warwickshire.gov.uk to talk about the roles available.

Schools Financial Value Standard (SFVS)

All maintained school Governing Boards are required to have approved and submitted the SFVS School Financial Services by the 31st March 2017.

The SFVS, a financial audit tool consisting of 25 questions, has to be an agenda item within the full governing board meeting where it needs to be formally approved. The Chair signs the document including the date that it was approved by the Board. The drafting of the document can be performed by the finance governor lead/ finance committee before being submitted to the Board. When a school has a compliance visit the governing board minutes may be scrutinised for approval of the SFVS. If you have not completed the SFVS please click here for a copy of the assessment form and support notes.

DBS Reminder

New legislation released by the Government came into force in March 2016 which states that Enhanced DBS checks are now mandatory for Governors in Maintained Schools.

This now means that all governors in whatever kind of school – Maintained, Independent, Academy or Free School must have an Enhanced DBS certificate.

The Department for Education aims to improve the regulatory framework for maintained school governance.  Previously, Enhanced Criminal Record checks weren’t mandatory and the system of disqualification relied on governors self-disclosing their criminal convictions unless the clerk has asked for a check to be made.

Governors appointed prior to 1st April 2016 should have obtained an Enhanced DBS check by September 2016.

Governors appointed after 1st April 2016 must apply for an Enhanced DBS check within 21 days of their appointment.

If any governor has not completed a form, they should talk to their Clerk / School and arrange a time to complete one.  It is then important that DBS checks for governors are logged on the school’s single central record, (SCR).  The SCR would be incomplete if any governor has not applied for one which could potentially mean a school may fail an OFSTED inspection on safeguarding.

Governors have asked whether or not their DBS checks from other organisations are transferable.  Whilst there is no legal requirement to do a new DBS check (unless there has been a gap of 3 months or more since last working with children), governors should bring in any existing DBS check so the school can verify it and log it on the SCR. It is at the school’s discretion as to whether they wish to accept the DBS check or not. 


Please be aware of the following events.


Closing the Gap

Wednesday 3 May 


Aylesford School, Warwick


Induction: the Effective Governance of Schools

Thursdays 4 ,11 & 18 May


Boughton Leigh Junior School, Rugby


Induction: the Effective Governance of Schools

Tuesdays 9, 16 & 23 May


Stratford-Upon-Avon School


Joining or Setting Up a Multi Academy Trust

Thursday 11 May 


 Myton School, Warwick


Handling Complaints

Monday 15 May 


Myton School, Warwick


The Governor’s Role in School Improvement (part 1 of 2) -

School Self-Evaluation & Improvement Plans

Wednesday 17 May


Myton School, Warwick


Head Teacher Appraisal & Teacher Pay and Performance

Thursday 18 May 


Nicholas Chamberlaine School, Bedworth


SENCo and the SEND Governor

Monday 22 May


Aylesford School, Warwick


Clerks’ Conference

Tuesday 23 May 


The Welcome Centre, Coventry


The Governor’s Role in School Improvement part 2 of 2:

Monitoring & Evaluation

Wednesday 24 May 


 Myton School, Warwick



Effective Classroom Visits (primary)

Thursday 25 May 


Aylesford School, Warwick 

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