Early Years Aspiration Networks & Childminder Network Consent Form
Warwickshire Early Years Hub (WEYH) is a partner to the three teaching schools which serve Warwickshire, as well as a delivery partner with Warwickshire LA Early Years service.
They provide access to early years statutory training, for example first aid and safeguarding training, as well courses related to leadership, curriculum, assessment, and learning.
WEYH also lead and manage the 14 Early Years Aspiration Networks, free early years networking and development groups and facilitate deployment of 10 specialist leaders of education.
These are open to all early years providers and schools who are in receipt of early education funding. There is also a free childminder network.
To receive information, course updates and subsidised training offers alongside the dates of your local Aspiration Network and Childminder network meetings, you must be signed up to WEYH.
A recent audit showed that many Warwickshire Schools and early years settings have not signed up.
Sign up here