Help for early years providers
To support the changes to the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) new guidance and practical support has been produced by the DfE. These resources are for childminders, nursery leaders and pre-school practitioners and cover all of the areas of learning and development.
Please find more details here.
Early Years Aspiration Networks & Childminder Network Consent Form
Warwickshire Early Years Hub (WEYH) is a partner to the three teaching schools which serve Warwickshire, as well as a delivery partner with Warwickshire LA Early Years service.
They provide access to early years statutory training, for example first aid and safeguarding training, as well courses related to leadership, curriculum, assessment, and learning.
WEYH also lead and manage the 14 Early Years Aspiration Networks, free early years networking and development groups and facilitate deployment of 10 specialist leaders of education.
These are open to all early years providers and schools who are in receipt of early education funding. There is also a free childminder network.
To receive information, course updates and subsidised training offers alongside the dates of your local Aspiration Network and Childminder network meetings, you must be signed up to WEYH.
A recent audit showed that many Warwickshire Schools and early years settings have not signed up.
Sign up here
Every Friday we focus on one of the activities featured in the ‘50 Things to do before you’re 5’ app. This week it’s time to discover ‘Make your Mark’
#Activity 4
Children love to be able to make their mark, as babies, toddlers and pre-school children their growing skill with paint, pens, crayons and chalk supports them to be strong writers and makers of art!
Playing with paint provides a perfect opportunity for children to explore, be curious and get creative in a fun and positive way. Let them use their fingers, hands and feet to make their own special prints. Everyday objects can be used to discover different shapes, patterns and prints.
Let your child enjoy printing on paper, card, cloth or whatever else they can imagine. What is the most unusual object or pattern print they can find?
Download the app and find out more!
Look, Say, Sing, Play - Brain-building tips
During your child's earliest years, their brain makes 1 million neural connections every single second. Positive, supportive experiences with parents and other adults are important to their brain development.
But it’s not about just singing or talking at your baby. Brain-building happens when you and your little one are interacting with each other. It’s about taking a cue from them and reacting to what they’re doing. You could think of it like a game of tennis – going back and forth between the two of you.
Read more here.
National Storytelling Week
National Storytelling Week takes place from 30 January - 6 February 2022.
Stories provide a great opportunity to teach children about the world, encourage empathy and help to develop essential literacy skills. Celebrate with a range of free resources from the National Literacy Trust.
Find more here.
Choking in the Under 5's.
Due to a recent incident in a setting in Warwickshire, please see some useful information below.