School Attendance Coding - Updated 24th September 2021
The Autumn term has brought additional challenges relating to the coding of absence as case numbers rise and some parents/carers are concerned about sending their children to school. Schools are in the best position to understand the needs and challenges faced by their families. The scenarios below should help with how to code absences but each case should be assessed on its individual circumstances.
If you have any specific questions regarding COVID-19 related absence, that are not covered below, please feel free to email the Warwickshire Attendance Service on
It is important to remember that the challenges of COVID-19 related absence are a national issue and it is anticipated that recorded attendance levels could be lower this year due to changes with the use of the X code.
Remote education
If a pupil is not attending school because their attendance would be contrary to government guidance or legislation around COVID-19, we expect schools to offer them access to remote education. Schools should keep a record of, and monitor engagement with, this activity, but this does not need to be tracked in the attendance register.
The DfE are collating the use of the X code and any schools bulk coding pupils as X will need a clear rationale why.
The Department of Education (DfE) has issued updated sub-codes for use with COVID-19 absence. These are optional but can be used to support the DfE data submission. Management information software suppliers are implementing these changes at their earliest convenience and support will be available via your MIS/ICT provider.
Where schools are using these sub-codes, they will still need to consider on an individual basis whether Code X is the appropriate code for a given non-attendance as outlined above and utilise the DfE guidance available here.
DfE guidance can be found here. Guidance is also available from the WCC website and can be found here.