COVID-19 News and Information

Information on how to book a PCR test online

Please see below the instruction onto how to book at PCR test online


 Go to  https://www.gov.uk/get-coronavirus-test and follow the instructions below


Testing process 

The first question asks if the individual is a key worker - tick "no"

The first question asks about whether the individuals has symptoms - tick "no"

The next question asks about whether the individual has been asked to have a follow up test - tick "no"

The next question asks if you are part of a government trial - tick "no"

The next gives a number of options including: "I've been told to get a test by my local council, health protection team or healthcare professional" - tick this option and then it should take you through all the other questions required for booking a test


The information can also be found on the Education Corona Webpages https://schools.warwickshire.gov.uk/coronavirus

Vaccination programme for children and young people.

All young people in Warwickshire aged 12 to 15 years are being offered the first dose of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine.

The COVID-19 vaccines are the best way to protect yourself and others. Research has shown the vaccines help:

  • reduce the risk of getting seriously ill or dying from COVID-19
  • reduce the risk of catching or spreading COVID-19
  • protect against COVID-19 variants


For more information about the vaccine and answers to some frequently answered questions, click here 

Securing the Best Start to Life

What to expect in the EYFS

DfE has published a new guide for parents, produced by Sheringham Nursery School and Children’s Centre – ‘What to expect in the Early Years Foundation Stage’ (formerly ‘What to expect when’) which guides parents through what to expect in their child’s development. It aligns with the new Development Matters to help practitioners engage with parents about their child’s development.

Find the guide here

Supporting Inclusion for SEND and Vulnerable Groups

Warwickshire welcomes outcomes of Ofsted report

A report issued today from the Ofsted and the Care Quality Commission on SEND services in Warwickshire has been published highlighting several aspects of good practice alongside areas for improvement.

Inspectors visited Warwickshire between the 12 and 16 July 2021. As part of the inspection the team spoke with children and young people with SEND, parents and carers, health, key partners and local authority officers. They also visited a range of providers and spoke to leaders, staff and governors about how they were implementing the disability and special educational needs reforms as set out in the Children and Families Act 2014.  

Whilst several areas were commended, including the commitment of area leaders to improve the outcomes of children and young people with SEND, the report also highlighted weaknesses that the local area needs to address, particularly waiting times for autism spectrum disorder (ASD) assessments and the quality of the online local offer. The report also notes that more work needs to be done with parents and carers, and schools need to access more staff training to help them understand and meet the needs of children and young people with SEND.  

The report confirmed that current area leaders have the expertise, drive, determination, and commitment to improving health, education and care outcomes for all children and young people with SEND. There was also clear acknowledgement of the work already underway to implement an ambitious Change Programme in response to the outcomes of the reviews.  

The main findings of the report are:   

·        Children and young people with SEND achieve positive educational outcomes. A high proportion of them remain in education, training and employment and a high proportion also go on to achieve paid employment. Attendance rates for children and young people with SEND are very positive, and fixed term exclusions have reduced dramatically.  

·        Area leaders understand the strengths and weaknesses of the area because of their accurate, well-informed and detailed self-evaluation. They commissioned two independent reviews of all SEND services to help them identify what works well and what does not across the local area. Leaders have developed and started to implement an ambitious Change Programme in response to the findings of the reviews.   

·        The Change Programme identifies what needs to change and why. It has prioritised and focused on key areas, with further actions appropriately planned out in the right order. This is enabling area leaders to drive the necessary improvements across the local area. However, some plans are still developing, such as those to improve neurodevelopmental pathways.  

·        Current area leaders know that the area was slow to implement the 2014 reforms in full. Previous leadership groups had not worked closely enough together. Weaknesses in the past have led to poor outcomes for some children and young people, particularly those with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Leaders are determined to address the weaknesses across the area and have started to do so.  

To address the issues raised in the report and continue to build on the SEND Change and Inclusion Programme, a written statement of action will now be co-produced with education, health, social care and Warwickshire Parent Carer Voice to demonstrate how all partners will work together to improve services for children and young people in Warwickshire.  

Talking about the inspection report, Councillor Jeff Morgan, Portfolio Holder for Education and Children’s Services said:  

“As a local area, we are determined and focused to implement our plans to meet the needs of all children and young people with SEND. I am pleased that the inspectors have recognised the commitment of the leadership in Warwickshire and have confirmed that we have the right plan in place with the Send and Inclusion Change Programme. However, we recognise that there is more work to be done and we know there are several areas where we need to do better and improve the services, we provide.   

“As with many places in the country, we have been asked to produce a written statement of action to outline how those improvements will be made. The statement will be drafted in the next few weeks with input from our colleagues in education, health, social care, Warwickshire Parent Carer Voice and other key stakeholders. Our action plan will be robust, and we will work with rigour and pace to ensure changes are made to help us to improve and enhance the SEND offer in Warwickshire.    

"SEND is a key priority and the work we have done as part of our SEND and Inclusion Change Programme has been acknowledged as the right plan addressing the key issues to ensure changes are made. Our ambitious plans to improve outcomes for children and young people with SEND including building a new school and resource provisions, providing clear pathways of support, reforming our decision-making panels and ensuring our systems are sustainable into the future will help us to make a real change to the way in which support children and young people with SEND in Warwickshire.”  

Dr Sarah Raistrick, local GP and Chair of Coventry and Warwickshire Clinical Commissioning Group said   

“Ensuring that all children and young people in Coventry and Warwickshire with SEND are able to access the support that they need is a priority for the CCG. This report recognises that we are not where we need to be as a system, but that we have the plans in place which will help us to deliver better care, whether it is to provide additional support for those waiting for a diagnosis or those receiving support already. We are committed to working in partnership with Warwickshire County Council to implement these plans and to make sure that we improve things for our local children, young people and their families.” 

Changes are already underway in Warwickshire to help to improve outcomes for children and young people with SEND. This includes the SEND and Inclusion Change Programme; a three-year programme that aims to ensure that every young person with SEND has the knowledge, skills and qualifications they need to lead happy, healthy and fulfilling lives. In addition, the Child Friendly Warwickshire programme was given the green light by Warwickshire County Council’s Cabinet in March 2021 and forms part of a wider £12 million programme of change in the way the Children’s and Families Services work in the county.   

Read the report here: https://www.warwickshire.gov.uk/special-educational-needs-disabilities-send/send-inclusion-change-programme/3

A Celebratory Approach to Working with Children with SEND

DfE has also published a new guide produced by Pen Green Children’s Centre – ‘A Celebratory Approach to Working with Children with SEND – Giving additional support in the Early Years’ (formerly ‘A Celebratory Approach to SEND assessment in the Early Years’) to help practitioners who may be supporting children who require additional help or children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities.   

Find the guide here

New SEND Inclusion Guidance to launch on 30 September

WCC’s SEND and Inclusion Change Programme is pleased to announce that the new SEND and Inclusion Guidance will be launching on 30 September.

The Guidance will take the form of additional resources on the Local Offer pages.

It will also feature a short video explaining the guidance.

Promoting and supporting mental health and wellbeing in schools and colleges

Find out what help you can get to develop a whole school or college approach to mental health and wellbeing.

Senior mental health lead training

Find out how to apply for a grant and access DfE quality assured training to help develop a whole school or college approach to mental health and wellbeing.

Training launched for mental health leads in schools and colleges

Schools and colleges to benefit from a trained senior mental health lead for those who need support.

Please see this article from the Department for Education and Will Quince MP. 

Expansion of High Meadow Community School

A project to expand High Meadow Community School was completed by WCC last academic year.

From September 2019 High Meadow Infant School changed its name to High Meadow Community School and extended its age range to become a primary school. This increased the required capacity of the school from 90 pupils to 210 pupils.

To facilitate this expansion, a new four-classroom block has been built on the school site, shown in the photograph below.HeadsUpSchool

The project was managed by WCC's Design & Major Projects team in collaboration with WCC Education Services.

This project was undertaken in order to address the mismatch in infant and primary school provision within the Coleshill area, where there were no corresponding junior schools and children leaving the infant school at the end of year 2 could not be guaranteed a place at Coleshill Primary School for year 3. "

Celebrating Warwickshire’s Family of Schools

Help make Warwickshire be the best it can be – what’s important to you?

Warwickshire County Council wants to understand what is important to the people who live, work and study in the county as it continues with its ambition to make Warwickshire the best it can be. The Council has launched a survey to capture this feedback which will feed into the development of a new Council Plan.

Complete the survey!

Creative Health Warwickshire showcasing event

Warwickshire County Council (WCC) are pleased to invite health and social care professionals to the Creative Health Warwickshire Showcasing Event on 7th October 10.00-11.30am, which will officially launch WCC’s Creative Health suite of mental and physical health and wellbeing programmes.

Please find the flyer with full details attached, including how to book your place for the event. An agenda of the event will follow once registered.

For any further questions about this event, please contact Tanya Khera-Butler at TanyaKhera-Butler@warwickshire.gov.uk

Free Mathematics professional development opportunity for teachers of year 5-8

Please see this opportunity linked here. The session is suitable for both primary and secondary teachers of Year 5 to Year 8, as well as school mathematics leaders/heads of department who have responsibility for curriculum development.

Restorative and Relational Practice Training Sessions for Schools

Restorative practice encourages those who work with children and families to focus their time on building quality relationships that inspire positive change. Focusing on relationships; encouraging fair process and offering high support and high challenge, we want to share this relational approach to working with families, colleagues and partners. 

Primary School Sessions 

Secondary School Sessions 


Mon 20th Sep @ 3.30pm 

Mon 27th Sep @3.30pm 

Thurs 7th Oct @ 3.30pm 

Tues 12th Oct @ 3.30pm 

Wed 20th Oct @3.30pm 

Wed 3rd Nov @ 3.30pm 

Wed 10th Nov @3.30pm 

Tues 16th Nov @ 3.30pm 

Tues 23rd Nov @ 3.30pm 

Thurs 2nd Dec @ 3.30pm 

Mon 6th Dec @ 3.30pm 

Tues 14th Dec @ 3.30pm 

Wed 12th Jan @ 3.30pm 

Click here to book  

Click here to book  


To learn more or for a discussion about how Restorative Practice could benefit your whole team, school or organisation please contact us at:  restorativepractice@warwickshire.gov. 


Previous feedback includes: 


“I really want to put into practice the language of Restorative Practice rather than behaviour management. I want to model it and share it with other staff”  


“The window of tolerance supported my understanding of how past experiences may influence individual responses. The use of affective statements will provide a framework for providing a more restorative approach to challenging”  


“The impact of isolation on pupils” 


“I have taken away the 3 steps of restorative conversation and how to deal with some behaviours presented in class. I have found the whole session informative and very interesting and come away with some thoughts about how I can integrate what I have learnt into my role as a teaching assistant.” 


“The reduction of incidents, the understanding of the children on their feelings and how to talk about them” 


“Check in and check outs are a great way to open up the relationship building opportunities” 


“Interesting ways of changing the ethos of the school” 

Music Programmes funded by WCC to reduce impact of Covid-19 for youngsters in South Warwickshire

Please see this article by Claire Thomas


My name is Clare Thomas and I run SPARK Youth Music. We are a not for profit community interest company that strives to improve the mental health, confidence and self esteem of youngsters aged 8-16 by placing them in bands and teaching them how to play instruments, perform in gigs and record in a studio. No prior experience is necessary. 

More information on what we do can be found on our Facebook page @sparkyouthmusic

Warwickshire County Council have awarded us funding for 2 groups of youngsters to take part in our SPARK band programmes this year for free. These 2 groups of youngsters are:

those who are self harming/at risk of doing so (eg suffering mental health issues such as anxiety and depression) - this programme will run in Stratford upon Avon (although there is scope for youngsters to attend the programme in Kenilworth if this is a more convenient location for them)

those who have suffered a significant bereavement in their lives - this programme will run in Kenilworth (although there is scope for youngsters to attend the programme in Stratford if this is a more convenient location for them)

To be eligible for a funded place a youngster needs to currently be receiving professional mental health provision from a third sector organisation, mental health charity, NHS organisation etc. SPARK needs to have a designated contact from the mental health organisation that is supporting the youngster, that we can refer back to if we have any concerns regarding their welfare. 

I am attaching the 2 posters for the programmes: Stratford and Kenilworth. Please can I ask for your help in recruiting participants for our programmes? We know there are many young people in Warwickshire who can benefit hugely from what we do but we need to reach these families to make them aware of these opportunities and really hope you can work with us on this. 


Council’s Schools Twitter account re-launch

Following a period of inactivity, we are pleased to be re-energising Warwickshire County Council’s Schools Twitter account - @wcc_schools. 

Heads Up is still the key digital communication channel with schools and education settings in Warwickshire, however we know it is important that we utilise other channels that are available to us to improve our digital presence with schools and in our communities and to be more active and engaged in our relationships with our residents, partners and stakeholders on all things education-related.  

The Schools Twitter account, currently with just under 4,300 followers, has the potential to add significant value to our residents. By adding value, we can help parents and carers to find the information they need quicker, empower people to help themselves, build trust between communities and efficiently answer service-related questions. 

We are really keen to work with schools and settings to do this, and would encourage any of you who don’t already follow our account to do so - @wcc_schools and to like and share our messages with your audiences, as this will help us to have maximum impact and help our communities access the information they need.  

When it comes to sharing important messages from a national or local perspective, we can help to make your job easier, if you follow us you can simply retweet our content rather than creating your own, for example details of the school admissions process and deadlines or the latest Public Health messages about Covid vaccinations. 

It’s also important for us that we can help to share all the excellent things going on across all of our schools and settings in Warwickshire with a wider audience so we will be regularly checking our feeds to like and retweet your content too. If there’s something you’d specifically like us to share please tag us in your tweet (@wcc_schools) and use our hashtag #BestWarwickshire to shout about the excellent things you are doing and help to raise the profile of education in Warwickshire.  

We have carried out an audit of who we follow on our account and think we are following you, but if that’s not the case please send us a message on Twitter and we’ll add you. 


Information on respiratory syncytial virus information

Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is a common respiratory virus that usually causes mild, cold-like symptoms. In older children and adults, RSV may cause a cough or cold, but in younger children it can cause bronchiolitis.

We are seeing a number of cases of RSV and respiratory conditions in primary and secondary care. We hope that this video will help you to learn more about the common symptoms and to understand when your child might need medical help and when you can manage the symptoms at home. 

Common symptoms include: 

Cough – Often a sign of viral infection and doesn’t often affect the chest. If your child is taking fluids, peeing and is otherwise well, with no difficulty breathing (see video), this should settle on its own in two to three weeks.

Bronchiolitis – A viral chest infection in babies less than a year of age. Most babies get better by themselves but the infection can get worse around day 4.

If your baby is taking less than half her normal feeds or isn’t wetting her nappy, or if your baby’s chest and tummy are seesawing (moving abnormally in and out), they need to be seen by a doctor.

If your baby looks grey or blue or stops breathing, call 999 immediately.

Wheeze – Common in toddlers where a viral infection goes to their chest – the wheezy sound is caused by their airways tightening in response to the virus. If you think your child sounds wheezy, they need to be seen by a nurse practitioner or doctor to see if your child will get better with an inhaler. Most children can be managed at home after this. However, if your child is struggling to breathe, they need to come to the Emergency Department and if their face is grey or blue or they stop breathing, call 999 immediately.

This advice also applies if your child is asthmatic.

Croup – If your child makes a loud, barking cough like a seal, they likely have an infection called croup. The sound is caused by the virus causing swelling and narrowing to the upper airway. Bring your child to the Emergency Department where they will be given medicine to reduce the swelling.

COVID-19 (coronavirus) – This new virus causes many symptoms in children which are similar to other common viral illnesses. Most children get better on their own. To date, very few children have become seriously unwell with the virus.

If your child has a continuous cough or fever or can’t smell anything, arrange for your child to get a coronavirus test and self-isolate until you know the result https://www.gov.uk/get-coronavirus-test.

Information: lead school applications for the DfE Behaviour Hubs programme now open

Deadline for applications is 9th October

Following a successful initial cohort, we are now looking to welcome a further 28 Lead schools and 8 Lead multi-academy trusts (MATs) to join the Behaviour Hubs programme.

Behaviour Hubs is a 3-year programme, funded by The Department for Education (DfE) that pairs schools and (MATs) with exemplary behaviour practices, called Lead schools or MATs, with Partner schools or MATs who want and need to improve pupil behaviour.

We are looking for ‘Outstanding’ or ‘Good’ schools that demonstrate excellent behaviour culture to join the programme - and your support in identifying these schools is particularly appreciated. We are also looking for MATs with exemplary behaviour practice across schools in their MAT, who are invited to apply alongside an eligible school.

You can download the stakeholder pack for Lead school and MAT recruitment which contains an email template for inviting schools and MATs to apply, as well as the full eligibility criteria for Lead schools/MATs and other information about Behaviour Hubs you may find useful.

To ensure the Behaviour Hubs team can follow up with any schools or MATs you recommend, please let the team know who you contact by emailing behaviourhubs@educationdevelopmenttrust.com.

School Attendance Coding - Updated 24th September 2021

The Autumn term has brought additional challenges relating to the coding of absence as case numbers rise and some parents/carers are concerned about sending their children to school.  Schools are in the best position to understand the needs and challenges faced by their families.  The scenarios below should help with how to code absences but each case should be assessed on its individual circumstances.

If you have any specific questions regarding COVID-19 related absence, that are not covered below, please feel free to email the Warwickshire Attendance Service on was@warwickshire.gov.uk.

It is important to remember that the challenges of COVID-19 related absence are a national issue and it is anticipated that recorded attendance levels could be lower this year due to changes with the use of the X code.

Remote education

If a pupil is not attending school because their attendance would be contrary to government guidance or legislation around COVID-19, we expect schools to offer them access to remote education. Schools should keep a record of, and monitor engagement with, this activity, but this does not need to be tracked in the attendance register.

The DfE are collating the use of the X code and any schools bulk coding pupils as X will need a clear rationale why.



The Department of Education (DfE) has issued updated sub-codes for use with COVID-19 absence. These are optional but can be used to support the DfE data submission. Management information software suppliers are implementing these changes at their earliest convenience and support will be available via your MIS/ICT provider. 

Where schools are using these sub-codes, they will still need to consider on an individual basis whether Code X is the appropriate code for a given non-attendance as outlined above and utilise the DfE guidance available here.

DfE guidance can be found here.  Guidance is also available from the WCC website and can be found here.

School Improvement Team Who’s Who, September 2021

We are pleased to let you know we have now a school improvement team in box schoolimprovement@warwickshire.gov.uk . We will increasingly use this to communicate relevant information with you. Please feel free to contact us using this email address or you can contact individuals directly as detailed below.

Please note:

School Improvement team members:

Margot Brown


School Improvement Lead Commissioner




01926 742283


07917 505157


Normally Tuesday to Thursdays

Darren Barrow


Schools Sustainability Lead Officer




01926 742594


07772 262326


Normally Tuesday to Thursdays

Debbie Hibberd


Lead Commissioner for School Improvement & Moderation Manager 




01926 743015


07932 007324


Monday to Fridays

Anne Brennan


Senior School Improvement Adviser






07917 505142



Tuesdays only

Sophie Thompson


School Improvement Networks Lead Officer




01926 746961


Monday to Thursdays

Sarah Cox


Nuneaton Education Strategy Co-ordinator




01926 742600


Monday to Fridays

Elaine Smith


Assessment Co-ordinator




01926 742089


Monday to Fridays

Helen Hutson


Assistant Assessment Co-ordinator




01926 742014


Monday to Fridays except Tuesday afternoons

Sarah Taylor


Business Support Officer




01926 742004


Monday to Thursdays, 9.00-2.30

Rachel Tornstrand


Business Support Officer




01926 745621


Monday to Thursday


Ofsted to review two education catch-up reforms

Please find this update from Ofsted here: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/ofsted-to-review-two-education-catch-up-reforms

'Breaking the Glass Ceiling to Good': free training for senior leaders in Warwickshire schools

Tuesday 30th November, Virtual Session, 9.30 - 3.30
Warwickshire School Improvement Team have commissioned Sonia Gill to deliver this high-quality training to up to 30 schools.  
The course is for headteachers, who may also include up to 5 of their senior leaders.  
Further details of the day are attached here.
Each school will also receive a copy of Sonia's book: 'Journey to Outstanding'
The LA will also make a payment of £250 to each of the schools allocated a place as a contribution to supply cover
If you would like to take up this opportunity please send names and contact details of all staff in your school who will be attending to schoolimprovement@warwickshire.gov.uk
A Zoom link will be shared nearer the time
Please note that the 30 schools  will be allocated places on a 'first come, first served' basis
For any further queries, please contact margotbrown@warwickshire.gov.uk

English as an Additional Language (EAL) network meetings

Please see these flyers as EMTAS provides a range of support for schools including termly EAL network meetings.  These network meetings are offered at no additional charge and available to ALL Warwickshire schools and settings, they provide excellent opportunities to receive:

  • advice and support from our specialist EAL in-service trainers and advisers
  • updates on local and national developments in EAL
  • network with other EAL practitioners
  • develop subject knowledge
  • access and signposting to EAL resources



Key Dates for all Primary FAP and Assessment Gateway Meetings 2021 - 202

Please use the links below to access the schedule of meetings for Primary, North, South, East or Central FAP & Assessment Gateway Meetings.

Please email fapassessmentgateway@warwickshire.gov.uk for any further information.

2021-2022 Dates CENTRAL FAP & Assessment Gateway Panel.docx

2021-2022 Dates NORTH FAP & Assessment Gateway Panel.docx

2021-2022 Dates SOUTH FAP & Assessment Gateway Panel.docx

2021-22 East FAP & Assessment Gateway Panel dates & deadlines.docx

2021-22 Primary FAP & Assessment Gateway Panel dates & deadlines.docx

Latest from the EEF: Teaching and Learning Toolkit updated

The EEF have launched an updated version of our flagship resource, the Teaching and Learning Toolkit.

The Toolkit is designed to support teachers and school leaders who are looking to improve learning outcomes in their setting, particularly for disadvantaged children and young people. In the past decade, it has become one of the most popular educational resources, with 70% of school leaders now using it to inform their decision-making.

The EEF Toolkit does not make definitive claims as to what will work to improve outcomes in a given school. Rather it provides high quality information about the approaches that are likely to be beneficial based on existing evidence of what has proven effective in other classrooms. The Toolkit also signposts specific guidance reports, tools and programmes which can provide further support in making meaningful changes in schools.

An up-to-date grasp of the research base has never been more important as school leaders look to devise and enact long-term recovery plans in the wake of the pandemic. This latest version is the result of a fresh look at the evidence base, and as such, the findings have been updated in line with the most recent, highest quality research.

Attendance Network

There has been a huge response from schools on the to the attendance network which WCC are piloting during Autumn term 2021. As an update the first attendance network will be held as follows:  

Attendance Network Meeting 1 – Wednesday 20th October- 3.30- 4.30 – Microsoft teams. 

This will be informed by the “AEWM (Association for Education Welfare Management) national conference) which is taking place the previous week. This will provide us with the shared best practice from the national networks.  

We will send a team’s invitation to all the contacts we have been provided with by Monday 4th  October.  

If you have not already done so please complete the following form to ensure your school gets an invite. https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=BqqwiCdZu0uok4nMJxOsgvyk1LrRdrJJheJRxXb6FvpUNFcxSkFNR1dIOTFZOEZQTlk4U1pOUUU5TS4u 

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