Deli bag option helps maintain school lunch numbers

Primary schools wishing to maintain uptake of school meals and associated funding into the summer term may be interested to know that Educaterers ~ who have taken over delivery of school meals from Warwickshire County Council ~ offer pupils a ‘deli bag’ option as an alternative to a hot meal.
With the rise in temperatures as we move into the summer months, some schools see a drop off in the numbers of pupils wanting a ‘hot dinner’, with some students wishing instead to bring a packed lunch from home.
The Educaterers ‘deli bag’, which contains something different everyday ~ either a freshly made sandwich, wrap or baguette with fresh crunchy vegetable snacks, a dessert and a drink ~ gives pupils a lighter, cool option for their school lunch and helps maintain lunch numbers.
Knowing the content of the ‘deli bags’ is healthy and school approved also reduces the time that lunchtime staff need to spend policing pupil’s lunchboxes for unhealthy items. Parents also feel the benefit as they avoid the rush and dilemma of preparing a packed lunch every day!
The ‘deli bags’ meet the Soil Association’s Food for Life Silver Catering Mark ~ a guarantee that the food is freshly prepared. Educaterers only use free range eggs and organic yoghurts, and all meat is British Red Tractor approved. All cakes and biscuits are homemade by Educaterers’ skilled cooks, and products are temperature controlled.
Educaterers ‘deli bags’ also have great eco credentials, as all packaging used for their homemade items is compostable.
Educaterers, a Local Authority Traded Company ~ the first for Warwickshire County Council ~ delivers 125,000 meals a week across the county to 195 schools.
The company welcomes feedback from schools, which provides an active part in both the development of their future menus as well as the retention of favourite dishes and popular themes such as the recent World Book Day menu on 1 March.
For more information on Educaterers visit or email