Heads Up 14th June 17


Training for Designated Safeguarding Leads

Each school and college should have a designated safeguarding lead (DSL) and at least one deputy DSL, whose role is to support staff members to carry out their safeguarding duties and liaise closely with other agencies such as Children’s Social Care.

This training should be updated every two years.

If you are unsure where you are on the training cycle please do not hesitate to contact Sophie Morley - sophiemorley@warwickshire.gov.uk 

For details of training during the 2017/18 academic year please refer to the Education Safeguarding Service Training Programme Sept 2017 - 2018.

Included in the flyer are:

  • Child Protection Training for newly appointed DSLs
  • Designated Safeguarding Lead Refresher Training
  • Safer Employment Training
  • Protective Behaviours Training

Please use the booking form for courses in the 2017-18 academic year to book your place.

Most of the remaining courses in the current academic year are full. However, if you would like to be added to a waiting list please contact Sophie Morley on 01926 742601 or 07747 758712.

As from September 2016, DSLs are also required to refresh their knowledge at least annually. We would particularly recommend that DSLs attend the multi-agency training courses provided by Warwickshire Safeguarding Children Board as listed below.

  • SCB CS166 WSCB Working together to achieve effective Referrals
  • SCB CS161 Effective Child Protection Planning and Core Group Working
  • SCB CS165 Child Sexual Exploitation – responsibilities, reporting and responding to CSE
  • SCB CS159 Domestic Abuse and Child Protection: Exploring the links and harm to children
  • SCB CS160 Emotional Abuse: Identification and Case Management

Those WSCB courses can be accessed using the learning platform, WILMa:


You will need to have registered for an account before you can sign up for any of the WSCB courses :-



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