Heads Up 14th June 17


Advice and Support for Community Leaders on Managing Tensions

The Department for Communities and Local Government have issued the following advice and support following the recent events in London and Manchester:

Faith communities have shown great resilience and generosity of spirit in coming together in the aftermath of the shocking attack on the Manchester Arena.  Britain has a strong and proud tradition of tolerance and this attack will not change that. 

We are aware of the excellent work taking place in communities up and down the country to ensure that we stay united.  But this is not done in a vacuum - it is against a very real backdrop of fear and concern, not least because we are about to embark on a particularly holy, and busy time, for our mosques and synagogues in particular. 

We want our places of worship and communities to remain open and outward facing, and we hope this advice below can help communities do that.

The Government and the Police will be working hard to ensure communities are safe but there are steps that communities can take to help.  We must be able to keep going about our daily lives, so that the terrorists do not win, and with just a few practical steps we should be able to do just that.



  • Encourage your communities to not congregate outside the front of community buildings. It makes it harder to spot any suspicious activity.




  • In an emergency always call 999



  • Please continue to issue statements of condemnation and unity with other faith or community leaders and please continue to reach out to other community or faith leaders, authorities and partners, to demonstrate support and work on joint initiatives




  • Bring any (non emergency) issues of concern to the Police, the Home Office or the Department for Communities and Local Government




  • Support and cascade social media campaigns such as #WeStandTogether or any local responses, which help reassure communities that we are all united and Highlight positive responses such as spontaneous volunteering and fundraising (especially via social media).


DCLG contacts: Pasha Shah: Pasha.Shah@communities.gsi.gov.uk or

Hilary Patel Hilary.Patel@communities.gsi.gov.uk


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