Heads Up 14 July 2023


July Safeguarding Update from the Education Safeguarding Team

The Education Safeguarding Team have sent out details of our final Safeguarding Bulletin for this academic year, so please check your head and DSL emails.

Contents in this month's issue include:

  • Emergency DSL contact details - Please send urgently using this link Emergency Contact Form Summer 2023.  Please complete by 17th July 2023.

  • Transition guidance for safeguarding documents - This is covered in the Bulletin and recording.

  • July Heads Forum / DSL Network now live on YouTube and accessible in the link: Head's Forum & DSL Network July 2023 - YouTube. The slides from the event are in the email sent 13/07/23

  • WCC workers in schools - We have sent an exemplar letter to schools regarding WCC professionals and their DBS clearance regarding access to settings.  We hope this will resolve any access issues for WCC workers doing 1:1 sessions with children and young people on your site. Please make sure your admin staff are aware.

  • KCSiE update - Training day PowerPoint - for September.  A shorter and editable Power Point presentation for whole school training in September was sent out in the recent email.  This gives schools plenty of time to prepare.

  • Further training resources and policies will be shared including the narrated version of whole staff training before the end of term. https://www.safeguardingwarwickshire.co.uk/safeguarding-children/i-work-with-children-and-young-people/education-safeguarding-service-taking-care-scheme/policies-and-procedures-for-schools

  • Update on Operation Encompass and the new addition- Operation Guarding - alerts for child pornography / Self-Generated Indecent Imagery sent in the same way as Operation Encompass. Sing up herehttps://forms.office.com/e/qA22EM0xMy

  • Reminder to check you are prepared for LOCKDOWNS and where to find guidance.

  • Info on a new ICT system to support families in FILTERING & MONITORING internet content at home.  This is called Qustodio.  Please note a correction to bulletin. This will be rolled out to ICTDS subscribing schools over the summer.  Please make sure your Computing Lead knows to expect an email.  If you would like to know more search online for https://www.qustodio.com/en/

    Contact ICTDS on 01926 414100 if you want to know more.

  • Don't forget that Loudmouth Theatre are offering theatre sessions to support on tricky subjects like exploitation and CSE.  To book your session or if you have any questions please contact: caroline@loudmouth.co.uk or call 0121 446 4880. 

  • The Safeguarding Training Calendar for the next academic year is available now.  Feel free to book on new members of staff in advance. Safeguarding Training 

Lots more info on keeping children safe over the summer:

The Early Help Team will support with Early Help cases over the summer holiday.

We will continue to be available to you for support throughout the summer break and hope you find the time to rest, recharge and enjoy your time off. Thank you for all you do to protect children, young people and families.


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