How independent travel training has given James a new-found sense of independence
In October 2017, Warwickshire County Council began working with Lift Training (part of National Star College) to deliver travel training to students with special educational needs. We have three travel trainers working with students from schools and colleges across the county, with the opportunity for students to obtain an EdExcel qualification at the end of training.
The programme enables young people to develop the skills to travel to and from school or college independently and has proven very popular with 23 students now successfully trained and another three students currently undertaking training. One student who completed the training during the summer term of 2019 was James, his story is below:
James was a 15 year old lad, who attended a local special school for children with moderate learning difficulties and he travelled there on WCC transport. He had previously only accessed public transport with support from another adult. His parents contacted LIFT in March 2019 to refer their son for Travel Training as they hoped it could help prepare him for attending college in the autumn of that year.
In collaboration with the school, the Travel Trainer initially worked with James on morning journeys, then moved to afternoon journeys before progressing to whole days during the two Transition Weeks organised by school. This worked very well as he developed confidence on the route, learning all the skills needed to make the journey independently once college began. James completed the course and gained independence in July 2019.
Over the summer the bus company made changes to the bus route so the Travel Trainer offered some bolt-on sessions at the beginning of the autumn term to assist James in making that change, which he did with increasing self-assurance. When asked to give feedback on the usefulness of the Travel Training, the reply was ‘exceptionally, very useful for confidence and independence.’
James is now able to travel confidently and independently to college.
Contributed by S Frodsham - Programme Leader for Lift Training (January 2020)
If you are a special school (or mainstream school with pupils with an EHCP) and would be interested in taking part in this scheme, please call 07976 231 383 or email for more information.
Alternatively, please visit the National Star website where more information about the training programme is provided along with an online enquiry form.