Fully-funded training - Leading a Mentally Healthy School
Funded by the Warwickshire Improving SEND and SEMH in Schools Project (WISSSP)
A two-session fully-funded CPD programme for SLT members to lead their school to become mentally healthy.
The programme aims to enable and empower senior leaders to put mental health at the heart of strategic school improvement and to equip senior leaders with practical and sustainable approaches that can be implemented on return to school.
Various dates and venues are available to book onto, with courses starting early February.
Please note that Kineton and South Warwickshire Session A (Tuesday 11th February and Monday 16th February) has been cancelled. We hope to run a replacement session in the summer term in the central area.
Please see the attached flyer for more details.
Book your place using the online registration form.
This training is run in partnership between WCC, The Griffin Teaching School Alliance and Hillmorton Teaching School Alliance.
For any queries please email gwen.temple@lawrencesheriffschool.com