WE2 An empowering curriculum
Latest update: Wuhan Coronavirus
Current situation
We would like to share the following information with you about the current situation regarding the novel Coronavirus originating from China.
There are now nine patients in England who have tested positive for Coronavirus to date, none of whom are in the West Midlands region. Of the remaining 2512 tests that have been undertaken in the UK to date, all have been confirmed as negative.
The risk to individuals in the UK remains low.
Key advice for returning travellers
Detailed information and advice for the public can be found here (this is regularly updated).
It is now recommended that all travellers who have symptoms of cough or fever or shortness of breath, however mild, within 14 days of returning from China, Thailand, Japan, Republic of Korea, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore, Malaysia, Macau, should self-isolate at home immediately and call NHS 111.
However, if you have specifically returned from Wuhan or Hubei province in the last 14 days, please follow this advice even if you do not have symptoms of the virus:
- stay indoors and avoid contact with other people as you would with other flu viruses
- call NHS 111 to inform them of your recent travel to the city
Travel advice
Current advice is against all travel to Hubei province, and all but essential travel to the rest of mainland China (with the exception of Hong Kong and Macao). British nationals are also now advised to leave China if they are able.
Updated travel advice can be found here (this is regularly updated).
Communications materials, useful guidance & resources
Guidance for professionals advising the public can be found here.
A national campaign has been launched with clear messages for members of the public about the importance of handwashing, and “catch it, bin it, kill it” messages, important not just for Coronavirus, but also other viruses that circulate at this time of year.
Novel Coronavirus resources (including Chinese versions) can be found here.
Transitioning to the new Early Help Pathway - guidance for schools
Pathway to Change is a planning tool to help professionals have conversations with families, working with them to identify strengths first and then the needs of the children and young people to enable the family to overcome any challenges they are facing.
The new Pathway to Change replaces the Early Help Single Assessment (EHSA) process and has been closely scrutinised, tested and amended by subject matter experts and partners who have attended locality roadshows and the headteachers' conference.
Completing a Pathway to Change Plan should involve restorative conversations with a family, working with them and making decisions together. A suite of guidance documents providing details on how to transition from the EHSA and to facilitate the new Pathway to Change Plan are now available on Warwickshire's Early Help webpages. We've included this helpful Transition Guide below (click on the image for a PDF version).
From Friday 14 February, we will no longer be accepting any old EHSAs and Family Support Meeting Minutes.
For further information about any of these changes, you can contact your local Targeted Support Officer - find the point of contact for your area on the website.
Alternatively, queries can be sent to Stacey Gill, Early Help Operations Manager - staceygill@warwickshire.gov.uk
![Transition Guide for Early Help](/img/959/)
Free awareness event - County Lines, Cuckooing and Child Exploitation
Warwick District Council will be running an awareness event on 2 March 2020 at the Royal Spa Centre, Leamington around County Lines, Cuckooing and Child Exploitation.
There will be three sessions running throughout the day at 10am, 1pm and 3.30pm. Each session will last approximately 2 ¼ hours.
Event programme
- Introduction: Councillor Falp / Police & Crime Commissioner Seccombe
- Speaker: Sergeant Simon Ryan, Warwickshire Police. Simon will provide an insight into the local issues relating to County Lines and Cuckooing.
- Theatre Production: Loudmouth. Loudmouth have a long history of working on child exploitation (CE) issues including Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE) and criminal exploitation such as County Lines. This powerful and thought provoking training gives participants an insight into the real experiences of those affected by child exploitation, helping participants to spot signs of grooming and understand how they can help to protect and support children and young people.
- The training uses drama from our long running and successful Working for Marcus education programme and allows participants to really unpick the complexity of the issues in a safe environment.
- Closing remarks and direction to information stalls
What is County Lines?
'County Lines' is a term used when drug gangs from big cities expand their operations to smaller towns including the Warwick District, often using violence to drive out local dealers and exploiting children and vulnerable people to sell drugs. These dealers will use dedicated mobile phone lines, known as 'deal lines', to take orders from drug users.
What is Cuckooing?
Cuckooing is a practice where people take over a person’s home and use the property to facilitate exploitation. It takes the name from cuckoos who take over the nests of other birds.
What is Child Exploitation?
Child Exploitation (CE) is a type of abuse. When a child or young person is exploited they're given things such as, gifts, drugs, money, status and affection, in exchange for carrying out criminal or sexual activity.
Why should you attend?
County Lines, Cuckooing and CE is happening in the Warwick District and can have a devastating impact on local communities. These sessions will give you the knowledge and support to spot the signs and information on how to report your concerns.
How do I book?
If you would like to attend one of the sessions please email joepatterson@warwickshire.gov.uk or Jon.Barnett@warwickdc.gov.uk with the time of the session you plan to attend (either 10am, 1pm or 3.30pm).
News from Warwickshire Music Hub
![Warwickshire Music Hub Latest Updates](/img/615/1024/1024)
Warwickshire Music Schools Conference - Tuesday 3 March 2020
Theme: High Quality Music Education - Intent, Implementation, Impact!
Venue: Bulkington Village Centre
Time: 9.30am - 3.30pm
Does your music curriculum meet the standards of the new Ofsted Framework?
Would you like to learn more about the impact of instrumental lessons on learning in other curriculum subjects?
Do you need inspiration to kick start your singing strategy?
Are you ready to experience electrifying stomp-style body percussion with Beat Goes On?
If the answer is yes, you need to attend the Warwickshire Music Schools Conference on Tuesday 3rd March!
How to Book
To secure your place, please sign up here
Once you have done this, we would be grateful if you would complete a short questionnaire so that we can plan the perfect day for you.
We look forward to seeing you there!
School musicians shine at Warwickshire Music's winter concerts
Warwickshire Music's annual Winter event, held in north Warwickshire in January, was a fantastic success.
The event consisted of three concerts at Bedworth’s Civic Hall beginning in the early afternoon and continuing well into the evening, showcasing the wealth of talent in the northern area of the county.
Audiences were treated to performances from Dorothy Goodman School, Oakwood Schools Academy, Exhall Grange School, Woodlands School, Nicholas Chamberlaine School, The George Eliot School and Kingsbury School, as well as many of Warwickshire Music’s groups.
We have received lots of positive feedback about this event and would like to thank all involved.
For more information on Warwickshire Music’s groups and events, please visit warwickshiremusichub.org or email music@warwickshire.gov.uk.
Free training to help parents and teachers keep children safe online
Online Grooming Keeping Your Family Safe is targeted at parents and front line workers to help them to keep children safe online.
The session discusses the ways in which young people can be groomed and radicalised online and discusses various advice, guidance and resources that can help prevent online grooming and keep children safe when using the internet.
Two different versions of the session are available; one for parents and carers which usually lasts around two hours and can be offered during the evening, and one for teachers which usually lasts 1 hr 30 minutes.
Trainers will come out to schools to deliver sessions for both teachers and parents/carers and will try and accommodate your requests to find a date/time that works for your school. As an example, schools often organise the training session for teachers to be delivered after school (3.45 - 5.15pm), followed immediately by the parent/carers session from 5.30 - 7.30pm.
For further information or to arrange a session, please contact communitysafety@warwickshire.gov.uk
How independent travel training has given James a new-found sense of independence
In October 2017, Warwickshire County Council began working with Lift Training (part of National Star College) to deliver travel training to students with special educational needs. We have three travel trainers working with students from schools and colleges across the county, with the opportunity for students to obtain an EdExcel qualification at the end of training.
The programme enables young people to develop the skills to travel to and from school or college independently and has proven very popular with 23 students now successfully trained and another three students currently undertaking training. One student who completed the training during the summer term of 2019 was James, his story is below:
James was a 15 year old lad, who attended a local special school for children with moderate learning difficulties and he travelled there on WCC transport. He had previously only accessed public transport with support from another adult. His parents contacted LIFT in March 2019 to refer their son for Travel Training as they hoped it could help prepare him for attending college in the autumn of that year.
In collaboration with the school, the Travel Trainer initially worked with James on morning journeys, then moved to afternoon journeys before progressing to whole days during the two Transition Weeks organised by school. This worked very well as he developed confidence on the route, learning all the skills needed to make the journey independently once college began. James completed the course and gained independence in July 2019.
Over the summer the bus company made changes to the bus route so the Travel Trainer offered some bolt-on sessions at the beginning of the autumn term to assist James in making that change, which he did with increasing self-assurance. When asked to give feedback on the usefulness of the Travel Training, the reply was ‘exceptionally, very useful for confidence and independence.’
James is now able to travel confidently and independently to college.
Contributed by S Frodsham - Programme Leader for Lift Training (January 2020)
If you are a special school (or mainstream school with pupils with an EHCP) and would be interested in taking part in this scheme, please call 07976 231 383 or email lift-warwickshire@nationalstar.org for more information.
Alternatively, please visit the National Star website where more information about the training programme is provided along with an online enquiry form.
Reading to support children's health and wellbeing
Last week (3-9 February) was Children's Mental Health Week and to coincide with this, national charity The Reading Agency, has launched a new Reading Well for Children booklist.
Reading Well for children supports mental health and wellbeing and helps to provide information and advice for children and their families to cope with feelings and worries, daily life and getting through a tough time.
The new booklist is targeted at children in Key Stage 2 but includes titles aimed at a wide range of reading levels to support less confident readers and to encourage children to read together with their siblings and carers.
The national Reading Well books-on-prescription programme also includes booklists for adults and young people aged 13-18 years has been developed and endorsed by leading health partners and is delivered in public libraries.
How Reading Well works
- Teachers, health and social care professionals, or anyone supporting children and families can use the scheme to recommend helpful reading. People can also self-refer via the booklist.
- Copies of the booklist and the books themselves are available to loan from Warwickshire Libraries with collections based in the larger branches. Books can be requested on loan from other libraries if your local one doesn't keep it on the shelves.
You can find more information, including an overview of the books on the list on the Reading Well website.
For any other queries or information please get in touch with Deborah Hateley, Senior Librarian Priority Groups at Warwickshire Libraries - email deborahhateley@warwickshire.gov.uk
Fully-funded training - Leading a Mentally Healthy School
Funded by the Warwickshire Improving SEND and SEMH in Schools Project (WISSSP)
A two-session fully-funded CPD programme for SLT members to lead their school to become mentally healthy.
The programme aims to enable and empower senior leaders to put mental health at the heart of strategic school improvement and to equip senior leaders with practical and sustainable approaches that can be implemented on return to school.
Various dates and venues are available to book onto, with courses starting early February.
Please note that Kineton and South Warwickshire Session A (Tuesday 11th February and Monday 16th February) has been cancelled. We hope to run a replacement session in the summer term in the central area.
Please see the attached flyer for more details.
Book your place using the online registration form.
This training is run in partnership between WCC, The Griffin Teaching School Alliance and Hillmorton Teaching School Alliance.
For any queries please email gwen.temple@lawrencesheriffschool.com
Warwickshire’s Young Poet Laureate 2020 announced
Warwickshire County Council is thrilled to announce that the position of Young Poet Laureate 2020 has been awarded to Ruby Murphy, a pupil from Rugby High School.
This is a unique position giving a young person an opportunity to work with Warwickshire Libraries. The Young Poet Laureate takes part in events and activities across the county under the mentorship of a professional poet – this year, the role is being undertaken by Birmingham-based poet, Jasmine Gardosi.
Ruby was selected from a shortlist of high-calibre candidates during a selection day on 18 January where each candidate was interviewed and performed to an audience of 60 of their friends and families at Rugby Library.
During the day the shortlisted candidates also worked with professional poet Fergus McGonigal. Fergus gave advice on the creative process and tips on how to perform poetry. The audience were also treated to some of his own work, as well as performances by all the shortlisted candidates, the outgoing Young Poet Laureate, Hannah Owens and poet, Jasmine Gardosi.
This was the sixth Young Poet Laureate competition, run by Warwickshire Libraries, and supported by Poetry on Loan, an initiative supported by Arts Council England that promotes contemporary poetry throughout public libraries in the West Midlands.
![Young Poet Laureate 2020 02](/img/964/1024/1024)
This year’s short-listed candidates were:
- Niamh Chalmers, Rugby High School
- Ruby Murphy, Rugby High School
- Grace Ridley, King Edward VI School
- Elise Scotney, Rugby High School
- Jolyon Summerfield, Kineton High School
- Shona Whelan, Rugby High School
Also in attendance were the Mayor of Rugby, County Councillor Bill Lewis and representatives from Warwickshire Libraries who presented certificates and prizes to the winner and runners up.
Poetry Slam at Nuneaton Library
In June 2020, Warwickshire Libraries will also be partnering with Warwickshire Schools Library Service, Poetry on Loan, local schools and poets to hold a Poetry Slam at Nuneaton Library. In the run up to the main event, students from the schools involved will join workshops with local poets to write their own poems and develop their performance skills.
If your school is interested in taking part in future activity, please contact schoolslibraryservice@warwickshire.gov.uk for more information.
Teaching Assistant CPD - Supporting a Mastery Curriculum
Click on the image below for full size version of the flyer
![TA Course Flyer](/img/962/1024/1024)