
New and revised inter-agency procedures

Please find below links to new/revised inter-agency procedures. 

Warwickshire’s new Female Genital Mutilation (FGM)  procedure:


Revision to the arrangements for children with a child protection plan who become looked after:

http://apps.warwickshire.gov.uk/api/documents/WCCC-850-62  (See Section 7.27)

Briefing note: Click here to read an overview of the risks faced by young people online in Warwickshire.  

Prevent newsletter

Click here to read the Prevent newsletter.

Essential reading

August Exam Day Collections

A request for your continued support in supplying the Local Authority with your school's/college's high level exam result figures on both examination result days in August.

We will be emailing your exam day contact (week beginning 10th July) to provide guidance on making your returns.  

We ask that you provide your results back to us on both days, if possible by 11am.  

We are aware that the results posted by schools and colleges in August will not be complete or accurate, but early information about results is important. In the past the LA has used the opportunity to celebrate the general success of Warwickshire students and teachers in the press and other media. Please be assured that we do not make public any results for individual schools or colleges, and always refer enquiries to the schools/colleges themselves.

We do understand that on both result days in August you will be busy dealing with students, and are clear that is your first priority. This process should take very little time to complete and we look forward to receiving your return.

For any students that do not achieve the grades they require or have not yet secured a post-16 destination. Please contact Prospect Services on Tel: 01926 461600 Prospects can help by providing free independent careers guidance and support. Further information can also be found at http://www.warwickshire.gov.uk/stayinginlearning


Do you have a maintained nursery class/reception class in your school?

Are you fully aware of the Early Years Foundation Stage Statutory Guidance and what the law says about Early Years Qualifications?

Maintained schools must have a school teacher leading the learning in their nursery and reception classes.

The Department for Education has confirmed that maintained schools are currently required to have 'school teachers' for nursery and reception classes, as laid out in the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) Statutory Framework. The latest version of this Guidance was published on 3 March 2017 and took effect from 3 April 2017.

The qualifications that enable an individual to be deemed a 'school teacher' are set out in the Education Act 2002, the Education (School Teachers’ Prescribed Qualifications, etc) Order 2003 and the Education (School Teachers’ Qualifications (England) Regulations 2003.

The School Teacher's Pay and Conditions Document places a duty on head teachers to ensure that each class or group timetabled for core and foundation subjects and for religious education and each class or group in the foundation stage has a teacher assigned to teach it.

The assigned teacher is responsible for the progress of the pupils in the class/group over the course of the academic year. Assigned teachers may be assisted in their work by other teachers and/or by support staff, some of whom may carry out "specified work", and are deployed on the timetable to take that class/group for particular activities or lessons.

The EYFS sets out the qualifications of the other staff that are required in nursery provision in schools. There must be at least one other member of staff holding a full and relevant Level 3 qualification working alongside the teacher.

The DfE qualification finder should be used to determine whether staff have full and relevant qualifications. The qualification finder on the DfE website can be accessed at: http://www.education.gov.uk/eypqd/

Foundation Stage Units 

All of the rules relating to qualifications and ratios in the Early Years Foundation Stage apply, however as nursery or preschool children will be integrated with children on the school role in the Reception class calculating the staff can be a little more complicated. Schools must determine ratios within mixed age groups guided by all relevant EYFS ratio requirements and by the needs of individual children. In exercising this discretion, the school must comply with the statutory requirements relating to the education of children of compulsory school age and infant class size legislation.

Academies, Independent Schools and all other Private and Voluntary Providers are not required to have a teacher with QTS, but may choose to do so.

Clarification on footnote 39 (EYFS Statutory framework 2017 page 25)

Some schools do not have a maintained nursery class, but run Early Years provision instead under section 27 of the Education Act 2002. This enables maintained schools to set up and run community facilities and services which benefit pupils or their families. Governors make decisions about whether or not to operate this type of provision, based on its financial viability and local demand, in consultation with the local authority.

The EYFS states – ‘Where schools have provision run by the governing body (under section 27 of the Education Act 2002) for three- and four-year-olds who are not pupils of the school, they can apply: a 1:13 ratio where a person with a suitable level 6 qualification is working directly with the children; or a 1:8 ratio where a person with a suitable level 6 qualification is not working directly with children but at least one member of staff present holds a level 3 qualification.’

Maintained nursery classes form an integral part of the school, and cannot be discontinued without following the formal procedures required to change the age range of a maintained school. This will include a period of formal consultation with parents and other local interested parties including neighbouring schools and early years’ providers and the local authority.

Schools can contact Sara Haigh Local Authority Early Years Adviser (sarahaigh@warwickshire.gov.uk) for advice and guidance.

Something to look out for…

On March 3 2017 the early years minister Caroline Dinenage launched the Early Years Workforce Strategy setting out how the DfE plans to support the early years sector to remove barriers to attracting, retaining and developing the early years workforce. Commitments contained in this strategy include consulting on allowing those with Early Years Teacher Status (EYTS), and its predecessor Early Years Professional Status (EYPS), to lead nursery and reception classes in maintained schools. The Early Years Workforce Strategy document can be found here.

Funding of Nursery Classes

Schools will be aware that the Government has introduced a new Early Years Single Funding Formula which makes some changes to the way that all early years’ providers are funded.

With effect from April 2017, a new universal rate of £3.77 per hour will be paid for all Warwickshire providers, with the exception of Special Schools. This is equivalent to the rate previously paid to Private Voluntary and Independent (PVI) providers but less than the hourly rates previously paid to schools.

Schools need to bear in mind however that a technical adjustment to the previous local formula (preventing double funding of management costs for the nursery) has now been removed – this benefits schools by providing some additional funding via the schools budget.

Schools must consider the budget for the nursery class as part of the whole school budget, rather than in isolation with reference only to the published hourly rates, as these do not reflect all of the available funding.

Cyber Safe Warwickshire

Warwickshire's Cyber Crime Advisors have recently launched a brand new website for people to get the latest news, advice and information about online safety and cyber crime.

The site can be found via www.cybersafewarwickshire.com and contains a dedicated section which young people can access for information of importance and use to them.

Information and contact details for reporting any cyber crime issue, and where to access relevant support is also found on the site. You can also follow the site on social media; on Facebook (Cyber Safe Warwickshire); Twitter (@CyberSafeWarks); and Instagram (cyber_safe_warks).

National news

Latest Updates

National Funding Formula Update

Schools minister Nick Gibb has said that the new national funding formula will come in in 2018-19, according to TES (published 4 July).

He also said that the DfE will be responding to the consultation on the formula "very shortly", and reiterated the Government's commitment to making sure no school has its budget cut as a result of the new formula, which was included in its election manifesto.

Government pledges Mental Health First Aid training for every secondary school by 2020

The Department for Education and the Department of Health have confirmed that teachers in secondary schools will be offered to take part in a new mental health first aid training programme to help them identify and respond to early signs of mental health issues in children.

The programme will be delivered by Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) England, and will be backed by £200,000 of government funding.  

One thousand staff will be trained in year one of the programme which will be extended in years two and three to cover every secondary school in England.  Schools will receive practical advice on how to deal with issues such as depression and anxiety, suicide and psychosis, self-harm and eating disorders.

Participants in the training programme will be invited to become a Youth Mental Health First Aid Champion, and will help to share their knowledge and understanding of mental health across the school and wider community.

You can read the full press release here: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/pm-mental-health-training-for-teachers-will-make-a-real-difference-to-childrens-lives

Some Warwickshire secondary schools have already received some mental health first aid training, offered through the Area Behaviour Partnerships. Two of the providers used to deliver this programme are:


Educational Psychology Service 

Fire safety in schools

The government is analysing school buildings to identify those that are over four storeys high (18 metres) and establish which, if any, external cladding has been used on them. The DfE is also reportedly dropping proposals to change fire safety rules around the installation of sprinklers. Schools Week

DfE Ministerial Portfolios Announced

The Department for Education announced it's ministerial team's portfolios on Monday 3 July 2017:
Justine Greening will continue to have overall responsibility for the Department for Education and the Government Equalities Office
Nick Gibb will continue as Minister of State for School Standards, and has also been appointed Minister for Equalities
Robert Goodwill has been appointed Minister of State for Children and Families
Jo Johnson will continue as Minister of State for Universities, Science, Research and Innovation, covering both the Department for Education (DfE) and the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS), where he has an expanded role
Anne Milton has been appointed as the Minister of State for Apprenticeships and Skills and Minister for Women
Lord Nash will continue as Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for the School System

Warwickshire news

New National Professional Qualifications for Executive Leadership

Lawrence Sheriff School and Griffin Teaching School Alliance have been granted a licence to deliver NPQML, NPQSL and NPQH
Anyone interested in any of these three programmes please contact Chris.blay@lawrencesheriffschool.com

National Professional Qualification for Executive Leadership (NPQEL)

The Griffin Teaching School will also be working with ASCL to deliver the NPQEL qualification.

The NPQEL is designed for those who are serving, or are aspiring to become, executive heads or chief executives of multi-academy trusts.

ASCL have been awarded the contract by the Department for Education and will be working with four well-established and highly regarded teaching school alliances, as well as the Centre for the Use of Research and Evidence in Education (CUREE), to provide a first-rate executive leadership programme leading to the new qualification.

The first programme will begin in 2018. It will consist of local and national face-to-face days and twilight sessions, delivered by a team of specialists and existing executive heads, together with a range of online resources and executive coaching opportunities.

The topics covered will include curriculum excellence, accountability and safeguarding across the group of schools; talent management and succession planning; school improvement strategy; and marketing and brand management.

The partners are Tenax Schools Trust and Altius Teaching School Alliance, in Tunbridge Wells, Kent; Yorkshire Leadership Community, in Harrogate; Lawrence Sheriff School and Griffin Teaching School Alliance, in Rugby; and Athelstan Academy Trust and Avon Teaching School Alliance, in Malmesbury, Wiltshire.

ASCL General Secretary Geoff Barton said: “We are proud to be working alongside partners with a proven track record in educational excellence and look forward to welcoming the first participants to this exciting new programme.

ASCL provides support and representation of the highest quality to school and college leaders, and great leadership development is an important part of our work.

This new programme will complement our popular and renowned professional development courses, ensuring that future and serving leaders of groups of schools are able to draw on the best possible practice and evidence in these hugely important roles.

Ian Bauckham, CEO of Tenax Schools Trust and former ASCL President, said: “We are delighted to have the opportunity to work with a group of colleagues from different schools and groups of schools to shape a programme for aspiring and actual executive leaders.  As increasingly schools work together, it is critical that we proactively develop a pipeline of leaders who are equipped to take on these wider roles.  Deep leadership experience combined with the specific expertise and research insights which CUREE brings will, I think, enable us to offer a cutting edge and affordable programme to colleagues.

Don’t miss your opportunity to join this new NPQEL programme. Register your interest by emailing NPQEL@ascl.org.uk


WMCA Education Survey

As part of developing the best resources to teach sustainability to young people in the West Midlands and beyond, we have created a 5 minute survey which we would like teachers/education providers of PSHE or Citizenship to complete. The aim of the survey is to understand what types of teaching resources are required and the best ways to deliver them. This survey is part of a larger piece of work which we are currently doing with the objective of giving teachers the most suitable and effective resources to teach sustainability to their pupils. The survey will be an invaluable source of information as knowing what teachers really want is the key to providing the right resources that they will actually find useful.

We would really value your assistance in circulating the survey as widely as possible among teachers/education providers in schools in your areas. We have also included an incentive for completing the survey which is shopping vouchers of £25 each (4 available) when they complete the survey.

Please find attached the Survey link https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/P75X6WX

Sharing Shakespeare's story

The Shakespeare Birthplace Trust is excited to announce the Museums and Schools programme 2017-18, "Sharing Shakespeare's Story", a partnership programme with the Department for Education.

The programme consists of free workshops at the museum to the value of £1,200 plus travel subsidiaries.

It will give 30 KS2 children from each school the opportunity to work for a day at one of the Shakespeare Birthplace Trust houses and a further two classes the opportunity to visit Stratford.

The main programme will run on selected dates between September 2017 and March 2018 and includes:

  •  CPD for teachers
  • A Sharing Shakespeare’s Story project training day for teachers
  • A full day familiarisation visit to the Shakespeare Birthplace Trust for the children who will be guiding
  • An immersive day for the participating pupils featuring guiding in the designated house and engaging with visitors from across the world
  • Children’s contributions to an on-line exhibition
  • A visit to the Shakespeare Birthplace Trust for an additional two classes from each school to see their peers in action and to participate in a range of hands-on activities.

For more details about the programme click here

If you are interested in finding out more about this wonderful opportunity please contact  sbt.education@shakespeare.org.uk.

Battlefield Poetry Competition 2017

Calling all budding poets and writers in primary and secondary schools........!!

Two years ago, a small group of volunteers, with the support of the Heritage Lottery Fund, set up a permanent exhibition in St Peter’s Church, Radway, in South Warwickshire.  The interactive and static displays tell the story of the Battle of Edgehill in October 1642, the first armed conflict of the English Civil War, and describe the impact of the battle on the local community.

To coincide with the anniversary of the Battle, and to mark two years of the exhibition and accompanying website battleofedgehillexhibitionradway.org.uk  a poetry competition is being held with prizes of book tokens in four different categories:

  1. Children of Primary School age
  2. Secondary School students aged between 11 and 18
  3. Adults, 19 and over
  4. Residents of Radway village

Poems will be judged by Clare Mulley, a Yorkshire-born poet, journalist and teacher who is Poet in Residence at the Battlefields Trust.

Below are two very different poems which could act as stimuli for your own students' poems. The first was written by Rudyard Kipling in 1911, the second by Clare Mulley herself in 2016.

These may also be found on the exhibition website.


These can be submitted in either handwritten form or electronically.

Please note that entries cannot be returned so don’t be sure to make a copy before you send it in! 

Handwritten poems should be sent to:-

Battle of Edgehill Poetry Competition

c/o 1 The Green




CV35 0UG


If you prefer to submit poems electronically, please follow the link on the website


Please note that the closing date for entries is September 22nd 2017. The winners will be announced in October and prizes of book tokens awarded to the authors of the best poem in each category.


By Rudyard Kipling

Naked and grey the Cotswolds stand 
Beneath the summer sun, 
And the stubble fields on either hand 
Where Sour and Avon run. 
There is no change in the patient land 
That has bred us every one. 

She should have passed in cloud and fire 
And saved us from this sin 
Of war--red war--'twixt child and sire, 
Household and kith and kin, 
In the heart of a sleepy Midland shire, 
With the harvest scarcely in. 

But there is no change as we meet at last 
On the brow-head or the plain, 
And the raw astonished ranks stand fast 
To slay or to be slain 
By the men they knew in the kindly past 
That shall never come again-- 

By the men they met at dance or chase, 
In the tavern or the hall, 
At the justice bench and the market place, 
At the cudgel play or brawl-- 
Of their own blood and speech and race, 
Comrades or neighbours all! 

More bitter than death this day must prove 
Whichever way it go, 
For the brothers of the maids we love 
Make ready to lay low 
Their sisters' sweethearts, as we move 
Against our dearest foe. 

Thank Heaven! At last the trumpets peal 
Before our strength gives way. 
For King or for the Commonweal-- 
No matter which they say, 
The first dry rattle of new-drawn steel 
Changes the world today! 



By Clare Mulley

There is nothing between the soul and heaven but air.

There is nothing between the soul and air but bone.

There is nothing between the air and bone but flesh.

There is nothing between the bone and flesh but blood.

There is nothing between the flesh and blood but seconds.

There is nothing between the blood and seconds but metal.

There is nothing between the metal and seconds but your own hand. 

Access and Organisation

About the School Place Planning team

The School Place Planning team works to ensure there are sufficient school places for all children in Warwickshire. As part of this remit the team works closely with School Admissions and deals with everything from schools taking extra pupils, changes to PANs, school expansions to the opening of new schools. In order to plan effectively the county is broken down into education areas (roughly based on district/borough boundaries) and then further into school planning areas.

Planning areas have been recently reviewed and agreed with the ESFA to allow the need for school places to be better reflected and monitored in all areas of the county. These have been drawn based around groupings of schools that serve the same communities and will often have a large amount of movement between the individual schools priority areas within the overall planning area.

Over the next 15 years Warwickshire is expecting large amounts of housing growth across the county and the School Place Planning team are looking to be as forward thinking as possible to ensure children moving in to Warwickshire can access quality education in their local area.  

At the start of June we ran an academy sponsors event to discuss areas of growth with Academy Trusts and highlight potential new schools that will require a sponsor. This event was well attended attracting both Academy trusts already operating in Warwickshire and those from further afield.

More information on School Place Planning is available in the Sufficiency Strategy available online at www.warwickshire.gov.uk/schoolorganisation

Considerations for school place planning

When reviewing the need for additional school places, particularly when schools ask to expand, the School Place Planning team will start by considering the following:

Pupil Forecasts - The School Place Planning team produce pupil number forecasts each year based on birth data for all Warwickshire children. Parental preference is then factored in based on past trends as well as the amount of in year movement expected as the year group’s move through the school. On top of this we then factor in the number of children generated as a result of new housing, based on the expected build trajectories provided by the districts and boroughs or developers.

4% Capacity – The target set out in the Sufficiency Strategy is to maintain 4% available capacity across any planning area to allow in year applications to be accommodated whenever possible. In real terms this means when planning school places we do not expect all schools to be full in all year groups, all of the time. Likewise when considering requests for expansion the available capacity in other schools in the area needs to be considered.

School Admissions Code – All school organisation projects must take account of the practicalities of how school places are allocated. Any place planning decision must comply with the School Admissions Code and pupils must be able to access the places intended for them.

Home to School Transport – We are committed to providing local places for local children whenever possible. Any impact on Home to School Transport budgets are considered when planning additional school places and any increase in transport costs expected needs to be factored into the value for money of providing those school places.

Mythbusters on school place planning

Section 106 funding – Funds received from section 106 are paid by developers to mitigate the impact on local infrastructure by their development.

In terms of education this means there has to be a robust case to justify that any proposed development will have an adverse impact on the existing education infrastructure before any funds can be requested. If there is existing and/or forecast capacity at schools in the area surrounding a development the local authority cannot request developer contributions towards education provision.

There is no guarantee that funds requested will be received and all funds received must be used towards providing additional school spaces through the specific project or at the specific school named in the signed S106 agreement. Regulations exist to ensure contributions are only requested where necessary.

All agreements usually have a specified time frame for the funds to be spent and any unused funds or funds not used for the agreed purpose are likely to be requested back by developers.

Pupil Number Forecasts – Pupil forecasts are produced to highlight areas where there is expected to be future pressure on school places, these form the basis of our basic need allocation from the DfE.  Forecast pupil numbers are also used when planning the most effective time to open school expansions and new schools, ensuring need is met in a timely manner. However forecasts at individual school level only act as a guide to future pupil numbers and must always be viewed in the context of that schools’ planning area.

School Expansions – All school expansions, including taking over number or increasing PAN, will be reviewed in the context of the wider planning area and beyond if necessary. This is to ensure expansion of any school is not to the detriment of others in the area, to effectively plan for future sufficiency of school places we need to ensure all schools remain viable.

Opening of New Schools All new schools are required to open as free schools. The expansion of existing provision is always considered before exploring the need to open a new school. Across Warwickshire there is the possibility to open new schools across the county over the next 15 plus years, with the need for both new primary and new secondary schools expected

Early Years Sufficiency & Business Support team

We make sure there are sufficient early years and childcare places for children aged 0–14 (or up to 18 for disabled children). This means we support schools, childminders and private, voluntary and independent settings to set up and expand provision. The team includes Early Years Business Support Officers who can advise on business planning and making your provision financially viable, and the Early Years Funding Officers who administer the payments.

Thirty Hours Childcare

You will probably know that 30 Hours funded childcare is being introduced from this September for eligible families with three and four year olds.

In Warwickshire, we already have a number of schools who are interested in being part of this offer, either by delivering these places directly themselves, or by working in partnership with another setting or local childminder. For example, you may have children attending your nursery class for either a morning or afternoon session – some of these children may be entitled to 30 Hours per week instead of the standard 15 hours, and you could share the hours with another provider.

We will be organising sessions for schools in the autumn term so that you can get some more information.

We have sent all schools with nursery classes a 30 Hours Update Newsletter (with a picture of our friendly 30 Hours caterpillar) in the last few days – please look out for this as it contains up to date information for those of you who will be starting to deliver the offer in September. Please note that if parents wish to access their 30 Hours place in September, they need to apply and have their eligibility confirmed now – they cannot wait until September. They can apply online at www.childcarechoices.gov.uk.

Decisions about eligibility are made by HMRC who administer the application process, and they can be contacted on 0300 123 4097. The Early Years Funding Team will deal with the payments for the additional hours, and the Business Support Officers will help with queries around how to structure sessions and plan for delivery. You can contact them at schools30hours@warwickshire.gov.uk.

Marle Hall

A communication was sent out last autumn from the Access and Organisation team with in depth information about Marle Hall which was received by all schools; so this is just a recap to remind schools of this fantastic outdoor learning facility that is available to them.

Marle Hall is Warwickshire County Council’s residential outdoor education centre situated near Llandudno on the North Wales coast, on the edge of the Snowdonia National park. The Centre is set within 35 acres of woodland.

Marle Hall is open all year round, offering outdoor activities including: canoeing; kayaking; rock climbing; abseiling; mountain walking; gorge walking; camping expeditions; orienteering/navigation; underground mine exploration; raft building; bushcraft; high and low ropes courses; initiative/team building exercises; sea level traversing; coasteering; environmental studies, including town, mountain and coastal studies (KS2, John Muir Award, GCSE, A Level).

Their website is currently being updated but please follow the link to their existing website to get in touch or find out more information: www.marlehall.co.uk/ 


Child employment

All children between the age of 13 and 16 who have a part time job must be registered with the LA in which they work. The employer is responsible for completing a work permit for each child they employ. Children can work but they are restricted on the type of work they can undertake and the hours that they can work.  If they are not registered it is illegal employment and they will not be covered on the employers insurance if they were to have an accident. We can stop a child from working if the work is affecting their health, welfare or ability to take advantage of their education. Checks are made on employers who employ children and advice and guidance given on the employment of children.   

A child is employed if he/she assists in any trade or occupation carried on for profit whether or not the child receives pay or reward. It also applies if the parent is the employer.

Employers must complete a permit application within seven days of employing a child, more permits are generally issued during the school holidays as children can work more hours whilst not in school.

It is the employer who is responsible for completing and submitting the work permit. For more information including hours children can work go to: www.warwickshire.gov.uk/childemployment

Children in entertainment

All children from birth and 16 who take part in performances, filming, modelling or paid sport must have a licence issued by the LA in which they live, unless they are exempt.

It is recognised that taking part in performances can be an important part of a child’s education for life, however we cannot grant a licence unless we are satisfied that the child is fit to do so, that proper provision has been made to secure health and kind treatment and that their education will not suffer by taking part in the performance.

We issue licences for children to take part in amateur dramatics to West End shows.  We issue the licence once we have undertaken checks to ensure the child is working within the law. All licensed children have to be looked after by a chaperone or their own parent at all times, whilst taking part in a performance. We approve chaperones and they all have enhanced DBS checks, social care checks and have to attend an interview if they are a new chaperone. They also need to undertake safeguarding training. Chaperones are then approved for a three year period.

We offer training for our chaperones in conjunction with Birmingham, Solihull and Sandwell Council.  Warwickshire are part of a network called NNCEE – National Network of Child Employment and  Children in Entertainment, this is made up most of local authority staff but agencies can also join. 

It is the applicant who is responsible for applying for the licence.  For more information including the hours children can take part in entertainment go to: www.warwickshire.gov.uk/childentertainment

Pupil and Student Services


I would like to take the opportunity to introduce you to Pupil & Student Services.

Our function provides information and advice to Warwickshire parents and carers on School Admissions, Home to School Transport and Free Schools Meals Eligibility. We are open through the year and only close for bank holidays. In the last academic year we have taken over c 60,000 calls to our service this excludes any direct calls made to officers and answered c 50,000 emails.

We also offer support and advice to schools and colleges and offer facilities to carry out administrative processes on behalf of educational settings.

Please take the time to read the information provided and feel free to contact us to discuss further.

Admissions process for entry into Reception, Year 3 Junior transfer and Year 7 Secondary transfer - September 2018

Secondary Transfers – September 2018 entry

The coordinated admissions process, for entry into Year 7 in September 2018, is now underway. Parents can apply for secondary school places online using the Warwickshire Parent Portal: www.warwickshire.gov.uk/admissions

Parents must only submit one application and this needs to be through their home authority, naming all of the schools they are interested in applying for on that one application. This includes any grammar school choices they may be interested in and schools across other counties, but does not include schools in the independent sector. If a parent wishes to enquire, and/or apply, for a private school then they are advised to contact that school for further information about their independent admissions process.

The national closing date for secondary school applications to be submitted is Tuesday 31 October 2017 (5pm). Applications made after this date may be classed as late and will not then be considered for places until after national offer day – 01 March 2018. We would therefore encourage all primary and junior schools within the county to reiterate this deadline to families, and assist parents with completing their application for a secondary school place, if it is felt that this may be required in certain cases.

Starting school in Reception and Year 3 Junior Transfers – September 2018 entry

The coordinated admissions process, for those due to start school in Reception, or those transferring to Year 3 as part of the coordinated scheme, is due to commence in September 2017. Again, parents will be able to apply for school places online (from September) using the Warwickshire Parent Portal: www.warwickshire.gov.uk/admissions

However, the Junior transfer process will only be applicable to those children who currently attend a Warwickshire Infant school. Children who attend a Primary school will not be eligible to apply for a Junior school place as part of the coordinated admissions scheme as Year 3 is not a normal point of entry for Primary schools. Further information about this process can be found in the Warwickshire County Council Admission Arrangements for 2018 entry, accessible on our website at: www.warwickshire.gov.uk/admissions

Parents must only submit one application per child and this needs to be done through their home authority, naming all of the schools they are interested in applying for on that one application. This includes any schools which they may wish to apply for across other counties, but does not include schools in the independent sector. If a parent wishes to enquire, and/or apply, for a private school then they are advised to contact that school for further information about their independent admissions process.

The national closing date for school applications for entry into Reception and Year 3 transfers to be submitted is Monday 15 January 2018 (5pm). Applications made after this date may be classed as late and will not then be considered for places until after national offer day – 16 April 2018. We would therefore encourage all infant schools, nurseries and other pre-school childcare providers within the county to reiterate this deadline to families, and assist parents with completing their application for a school place, if it is felt that this may be required in certain cases.

Deferred Entry Requests

Where a child has requested deferred entry for September 2018 (ie: those who were chronologically due to start school in September 2017), and this request has been approved by both the Local Authority and the schools concerned through the formal deferment request process, families have been advised that they must follow the admissions process in relation to the coordinated scheme for Reception entry in September 2018.

From September, schools may also begin to receive deferment requests from families where the child is chronologically due to start school in Reception in September 2018. Please refer these families to the guidance available on our website, where a copy of the formal deferment request form can also be found: www.warwickshire.gov.uk/startingschool

The deadline for families to submit their deferment request form, in order for their request to be considered in line with the coordinated scheme, is 01 December 2017.

General Information

Parents should be aware that different authorities offer a different maximum number of choices which can be named on the application for a school place. Warwickshire residents can name up to six school choices on their application, but they do not have to use all 6 if they do not wish to apply for that many schools. However, we would advise naming more than just one choice, and would also recommend that families name their catchment school as one of their choices as if they do not, and none of their other school choices can be offered, then there is no guarantee that they will then be offered their closest/catchment school.

Different deadlines apply where a family is moving house. These are detailed in the admissions process timetable below. Families should be aware that documentary evidence of any new address must be submitted to the Admissions Service by the relevant deadlines. We would also strongly advise that parents consult the admission arrangements for the schools they are interested in applying for, as individual schools may have additional arrangements relating to house moves. This will also be the case for some schools who require additional information to support an application, for example, schools who allocate oversubscription criteria based on faith.

Further information about the 2018 entry admission arrangements for individual schools can be found on the following website: www.warwickshire.gov.uk/schoollacriteria

Timetable and Important Dates



11+ 2018

PRI / INF / JUN 2018


May onwards

Information posted out to Warwickshire residents regarding the admissions process for Secondary school entry – September 2018



07 July

Deadline for registering for the 2018 entry Warwickshire 11+ Selection Test

from 01 September

Information posted out to Warwickshire residents regarding the admissions process for Reception and Junior transfer (where the child attends a Warwickshire Infant school) – September 2018 entry.


09 September 

Main test date for the 11+ test

06 October 

First reminder to families where no secondary school application has been received

w/c: 16 October

11+ results will be published to families

20 October 

Second reminder to families where no secondary school application has been received

31 October 

National Closing Date for on time secondary school applications, for entry in September 2018

10 November

Data exchanges with other authorities commence – Secondary school applications

w/c 20 November

Secondary school applications will be made available to schools who purchase the School Admissions Service for Coordination – ie: SAM, distances, criteria allocation.

Faith schools to commence allocation of criteria and ALL SCHOOLS (secondary) to begin sibling checks

01 December

Deadline for requesting deferred entry, for those chronologically due to start school in Reception in September 2018

15 December

Reminder to families where no school application has been received – Reception and Junior transfer – September 2018 entry

29 December

Deadline for proof of address to be submitted in respect of grammar schools and in respect of any other secondary school application where a house move has taken place since 31 October 2017

08 January 2018

Own admission authority secondary schools to have completed allocation of criteria (where this is required) and ALL SCHOOLS (secondary) to have completed sibling checks.

15 January 2018

National Closing Date for on time school applications - Reception and Junior transfer – September 2018 entry

w/c 22 January 2018

Data exchanges with other authorities commence – Reception and Junior transfer applications

w/c 05 February 2018

Provisional secondary school offers available to secondary schools

05 February 2018

Reception and Junior transfer applications will be made available to schools who purchase the School Admissions Service for Coordination – ie: SAM, distances, criteria allocation.

Faith schools to commence allocation of criteria and ALL SCHOOLS (Primary, Infant and Junior) to begin sibling checks

12 February 2018

Own admission authority schools to have completed allocation of criteria (where this is required) and ALL SCHOOLS (Primary, Infant and Junior) to have completed sibling checks.

14 February 2018

Warwickshire Admissions and SENDAR teams to liaise and confirm school offers based on EHC Plans

26 February 2018

Deadline for proof of address to be submitted in respect of school applications (Primary, Infant and Junior) where a house move has taken place since 15 January 2018

01 March 2018

National Offer Day for Secondary – September 2018 entry

19 March 2018

Provisional offers available to Primary, Infant and Junior schools

Monday 16 April 2018

National Offer Day for Reception and Junior transfer – September 2018 entry

Monday 19 March 2018

Reallocation commences – Secondary transfer – September 2018 entry

May 2018

Secondary transfer appeals commence, including grammar schools

Monday 14 May 2018

Reallocation commences – Reception and Junior transfer – September 2018 entry

June 2018

Primary, Infant and Junior transfer appeals commence

Monday 04 June 2018

In-year applications (all schools) can be submitted, for September 2018 start dates. Places will be allocated from Monday 11 June 2018


11+ process for entry in September 2018

The 11+ testing process, for consideration for Year 7 entry into one of Warwickshire’s six selective schools in September 2018, is now underway. Over 2000 families have registered their child to sit the test with us this year, with the main testing session scheduled to take place on the morning of Saturday 9 September 2017.

Candidates will sit two test papers on the same morning, each lasting just over an hour. Each paper will contain a mixture of Verbal Reasoning, Numerical Reasoning and Non-Verbal Reasoning questions.

Information regarding venue details, times, what to bring, etc. will be sent to candidates at least two weeks prior to the test day. They will also need to have a photograph of the child validated: we would be grateful if current class/head teachers could assist with this.

Where candidates have requested access arrangements – due to medical issues or special educational needs – these have now been considered by a specialist panel and parents will now be notified of which provisions, if any, will be put in place for their child for this year’s Warwickshire 11+ test. Please bear in mind that the access arrangements which will be put in place for 11+ testing may not necessarily correlate with any provisions which the child receives in school on a regular basis, or with any special testing arrangements which schools may be considering for the end of Key Stage 2 assessments. This is because the SATs papers and the 11+ test are very different and are not comparable in format, style or content.

Schools are reminded that no tutoring or coaching is required for the Warwickshire 11+ tests, and no practice papers or past papers are made available. The testing is designed to assess a child’s innate ability and, thus, cannot be prepared for.

Results from the 11+ testing will be sent out to families in mid-October. This will be via email, in most cases. An offer of a grammar school place is not made at that stage, and there is no guarantee that a grammar school offer will be made on national offer day in March, regardless of the score achieved by the child in the 11+ test. However, parents should be able to use the information which we will provide to them at that time to assess whether they would like to name one (or more) of the grammar schools on the secondary school application. Please note that the test results will not be distributed to primary and junior schools.

Parents must submit one application only to their home authority, naming all of the schools they are interested in applying for on that one application. This includes any grammar school choices they may be interested in, but does not include schools in the independent sector. If a parent wishes to enquire, and/or apply, for a private school then they are advised to contact that school for further information about their independent admissions process.

Parents should also be aware that different authorities offer a different maximum number of choices which can be named on the application for a school place. Warwickshire residents can name up to six school choices on their application, but they do not have to use all 6 if they do not wish to apply for that many schools. However, we would advise naming more than just one choice, and would also recommend that families name their catchment school as one of their choices as if they do not, and none of their other school choices can be offered, then there is no guarantee that they will then be offered their closest/catchment school.

The national closing date for secondary school applications to be submitted is Tuesday 31 October 2017 (5pm). Applications made after this date may be classed as late and will not then be considered for places until after national offer day – 1 March 2018. We would therefore encourage all primary and junior schools within the county to reiterate this deadline to families, and assist parents with completing their application for a secondary school place, if it is felt that this may be required in certain cases.

Requesting deferred entry to start school in Reception and requesting for a child to be educated outside of their chronological year group


All schools should now have received an email which contains website links to the process which parents should follow when making a request for their child to be educated outside of their chronological year group, or where a family is requesting deferred entry into Reception due to the child being  ‘summer-born’. The links refer to specific Guidance and a formal Request Form. These can be found on the following website: www.warwickshire.gov.uk/startingprimaryschool

The Government has previously issued a White Paper in respect of such requests and, as a Local Authority, we expect formal legislation to be passed through Government on this particular matter in due course.

It is also the intention of the Local Authority to begin a consultation process which will formalise the current ‘Guidance’ into a formal policy, which we will then ask all schools to comply with as part of both the co-ordinated admissions process for transfer year groups, as well as in-year admissions.

Schools may be contacted in respect of such requests as part of the formal request form advises the parent to make contact with their preferred schools and gain consent from that school to confirm that they would be happy to accept a child who is asking to be admitted outside of their chronological year group, if a place could be offered as part of the normal admissions procedure. Parents are informed throughout the process that a place is not guaranteed at any of their preferred schools, even if the school agrees to a request for deferment.

If schools have any queries about this process, or would like further advice about any particular requests, then they should contact either: Amy Taylor - 01926 742038 or Collette Naven-Jones - 01926 742055.

Consultation on Admission Arrangement s for entry in September 2018


The consultation period for the Warwickshire County Council Admission Arrangements, for entry in September 2018, has now ended. Any comments will now be looked at and considered and the final, determined, arrangements will be published by the required deadline of 28 February 2017.

Where a school is its own admission authority, and currently still going through a consultation period, you are reminded that this must be completed by 31 January. All schools must then publish their determined arrangements for 2018 entry – whether these have been consulted on or not – by the deadline as set out in the Code of 28 February 2017.

Determined arrangements should be clearly visible on both the school’s own website and on the relevant WCC website pages.

In-Year Admissions and Fair Access

In-Year Admission refers to any change of school which happens outside of the coordinated scheme, so applies from Reception (once they have been in school from the September following the offer), through to Year 11 and happen throughout the Academic Year.

In this current academic year so far we have processed 3944 applications including 784 requesting a new school place for September 2017.  Most of these are for children moving into the area.  Over the last 3 months the In Year Team has received 4082 calls and around 50 emails a day through the main Admissions line and email inbox, this does not included calls taken on direct lines and individual emails.

This academic year saw a change in our processes whereby we send across a cover sheet to schools which asks for a more detailed response including current numbers on roll in the year group requested, and if a school is refusing a place, whether it is because the year group is full or because they consider the application to fall under the Fair Access Protocol.  If the application is considered to be FAP then schools must detail which criteria the child falls under and then this is verified once the form is received back into the In-Year team.

We also introduced an escalation system whereby if schools do not respond within the 7 day timescale then a letter is sent to the Head Teacher for escalation, this is to ensure we stay within the 10 day turnaround for placing students who apply for an in-year transfer.  Some schools respond almost immediately and there is a good rapport and working relationship between the school and the admissions officer responsible for that area, however, some schools do need to be chased several times for a response and this obviously leads to applications going over this timeframe. 

We encourage schools to return the form as soon as possible either so that we can process it with the next preference listed on the application if the first school is full, or to start the process of placing through the Fair Access Protocol.

The In-Year Team also deals with placement of all permanently excluded children, with a dedicated officer for Primary Fair Access placements, including PEX students.  These obviously take longer to process as they involve meetings with the school and other agency involvement to ensure the right placement of a child back into mainstream school.  There have been around 150 Fair Access placements so far this year across all year groups.  We are working on more informative ways to report on in-year movement and also Fair Access placements so that schools will not only be aware of how many students they have taken, but also their neighbouring schools.


In April 2017, Exclusions were relocated to the Admissions team. Nikki Daly, Jessica Waterhouse & Claire Thornicroft are now dealing with queries from schools and parents and with the recording of exclusion data.

“We are focussing on providing accurate, up-to-date advice to schools and parents as well as aiming to reduce the number of permanent exclusions in Warwickshire”

Since April, the Exclusions team have been notified of 14 permanent exclusions of Warwickshire children.

The team are working with schools around the County to provide advice and support. As well as aiming to reduce the number of permanent exclusions, the team will be challenging and reporting schools found to be issuing unlawful exclusions. There is a guide to unlawful exclusions below, as well as a refresher on making a decision to permanently exclude.

There is work underway to implement a more efficient way of recording exclusions data through the Synergy system, this is due to go live in September.

The DFE have recently consulted on new exclusions guidelines to be published later this year. Whilst there are no significant changes, the new guidelines will clarify certain aspects of the process. The consultation has now closed, but schools can still view the proposed guidance document on the following website: https://consult.education.gov.uk/school-absence-and-exclusions-team/statutory-exclusion-guidance/

It is important to remember that Ofsted will consider exclusions during a school inspection, please take the time to familiarise yourself with the Ofsted document ‘Schools Use of Exclusion’.


Contact Exclusions

Phone: 01926 738353

Email: exclusions@warwickshire.gov.uk



What is an unlawful exclusion?

There are only two types of exclusion which are lawful: permanent and fixed-period. Anything else is unlawful.

Any exclusion of a pupil, even for a short period of time, must be formally recorded and only the Headteacher of a school can exclude a pupil.

Unlawful exclusions could include:

  • Sending a pupil home to “cool-off”
  • Encouraging a parent to sign a document stating that their child will be 'home educated' and taken off the school roll
  • Requesting that a pupil be collected early
  • Putting pressure on a parent to withdraw a child from a school under threat of permanent exclusion
  • Reducing a pupil’s timetable “to prevent exclusion”
  • Simply telling a pupil not to return to the school
  • Placing a child in an alternative provision schedule during their GCSE year

If a school is found to be excluding informally/unlawfully, the Exclusions team will take steps to report the school in question to higher authorities.

Taking the decision to permanently exclude

A decision to exclude a pupil permanently should only be taken:

  • in response to a serious breach, or persistent breaches, of the school's behaviour policy; and
  • where allowing the pupil to remain in school would seriously harm the education or welfare of the pupil or others in the school.

Headteachers should, as far as is possible, avoid excluding permanently any pupil with an EHCP or who is Looked After and should consider what additional support is necessary for those more at risk of exclusion:

  • Pupils with SEN;
  • Pupils eligible for Free School Meals;
  • Looked After Children; and
  • Pupils from certain ethnic groups

There are teams within Warwickshire County Council who can help schools with challenging pupils. It is important to explore all options before taking the decision to permanently exclude; if you’re unsure what help is available call the Exclusions team for advice.

If a permanent exclusion is given, Headteachers must complete the LIF and send to the Exclusions team on the same day that the decision is taken.

Transport & FSM

The Education Transport Team is made up of Beckie Love, Sarah Clarke and Lindsay Stanford; we work closely with Nikki Daly, Lead Officer for Education Transport and Appeals and Claire Thornicroft, SEN Funding Officer and colleagues from Transport Operations in Barrack Street.

The team support parents and schools regarding eligibility for Free School Meals. We provide advice to parents/carers on eligibility requirements and we also support schools in updating information so they can access Pupil Premium for their school. Currently we have 7000 children who are in receipt of the Pupil Premium.

We assess eligibility and provide transport for around 6000 entitled mainstream entitled travellers, 2000 mainstream paying travellers and 1500 students with a statement or EHCP both over and under 16 across the whole of Warwickshire every year.

We provide transport for those who are entitled to free transport assistance due to meeting the criteria as defined by the DfE and transport for those who are not eligible under the paid Vacant Seat Scheme, these travellers help to assist towards the cost of running our Warwickshire County Council services and ensure that we maintain an easily accessible network or transport for students across the county and even those coming from over the boarders.

We are currently taking applications for all types of transport for September 2017 so if you have a family that you know needs to apply for transport please provide them our contact details below:

Education Transport

Saltisford Office Park

Ansell Way


CV34 4UL


Website: www.warwickshire.gov.uk/schooltravel

Email: educationtransport@warwickshire.gov.uk

Phone: 01926 412929 (Option 1, Option 1)

Systems Update

Within Pupil and Student Services, we are continually looking to improve our service to the families of Warwickshire and beyond.

2017 has seen the introduction of online application for the 11+ test on the same platform as applying for a school place.

We have also worked hard to create one data base of our children's information for our council creating a system used currently by the Family Information Service, Early Years Team and Admissions. We are also planning for this system to be used by our SEN Team and other related teams within our Education Service.

We are looking to enhance our on line application system (parent portal) looking at Free School Meals and Transport Modules. This will enable parents to log into one account for their family and apply for a variety of services including applying for Nursery Funding. We will keep you posted!

To date we have received 1402 applications for starting Secondary School in 2018 and 2115 registrations for the 11+test!

We go ‘Live’ on 1st September 2017 for children starting Junior and Reception schools with all parents of children in Warwickshire receiving a letter and leaflet on how to apply. Spread the word, all parents/carers need to have applied by 31st October 2017 for a Secondary School and 15th January 2018 for Reception and Junior Schools!

For children starting school this September we have helped;

  • 1425 children obtain places on the Junior Round
  • 6574 children obtain places on the Reception Round
  • 6596 children obtain places on the Secondary Round

We are still processing applications all the time helping families moving into the area or who have applied past the closing date.

We are an extremely busy service and our help line in the last 3 months received 17,414 calls!!

We received over 7500 emails in the last 3 months - an average of 84 emails a day into our main admissions Inbox!

Staff structure - Admissions, Home to School Transport and Free School Meals Service

Click here to view the staff structure of Admissions, Home to School Transport and Free School Meals Service. 


Governors Training

Clerks Induction Training

Wednesday 6 September 2017
Bulkington Village Centre
Effective Clerking
Wednesday 20 September 2017
Bulkington Village Centre
Head Teacher Appraisal & Teacher Pay and Performance
Tuesday 26 September 2017
Stratford upon Avon School 
Induction: the Effective Governance of Schools 
Wednesdays 27 September, 4 and 11 October 2017
Aylesford School
Child Protection and Safeguarding
Thursday 28 September 2017
Stratford College
Engaging with Parents and the Community
Thursday 28 September 2017
Nicholas Chamberlaine School
Head Teacher Appraisal & Teacher Pay and Performance
Monday 2 October 2017
Boughton Leigh Junior School
Induction: the Effective Governance of Schools
Monday 9 October 2017
Rugby College Technology Centre
Closing the Gap - the achievement of pupil groups
Tuesday 10 October 2017
Bulkington Village Centre
Clerks Induction Training
Monday 16 October 2017
Stratford College
Clerking Exclusion, Appeals & Complaints Hearings
Tuesday 17 October 2017 
Nicholas Chamberlaine School
Head Teacher Appraisal & Teacher Pay and Performance
Wednesday 18 October 2017
Pound Lane Learning Centre
Leamington Spa
Essentials - Update for experienced Governors
Thursday 19 October 2017
Stratford upon Avon School

Support for governors provided by FFT Education

School governors are invited to view the FFT Governor Dashboards and discover how FFT Aspire supports them in their role by joining a free webinar provided by FFT (Fischer Family Trust).

The FFT Aspire Overview Webinar for School Governors lasts just twenty five minutes and will take place on the following:

• Tuesday 18 July – 11am

 • Tuesday 18 July – 4pm

The FFT Governor Dashboard, developed in partnership with the National Governors’ Association and the Wellcome Trust, is available through FFT Aspire, FFT’s reporting and data tool for schools, local authorities and academy trusts. Through a simple dashboard, governors can see how their school attainment and pupil progress compares to the national average, how it performs in different subjects, and whether any specific groups of pupils are under-performing, making it ideal for planning inspections.

To book a place on the webinar please visit www.fft.org.uk/training-events.aspx  and choose the online training option.

NGA & TES Survey 2017

The National Governance Association has once again joined forces with TES magazine to survey the nation’s governors and trustees. The findings from this survey are vital to ensuring governing boards' voices are heard at national level. Over 2,500 people have already taken part and we’re hoping to hear from even more of you!

The survey takes roughly 20 minutes to complete and will close on Monday 17 July.

The survey is open to all governors, trustees, and academy committee members in England, including head teachers, so please pass this information to your colleagues.

Are you Prepared for The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)?

On 25 May 2018, the EU General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR), a new legal framework for data protection, will come into effect in the UK. The UK government has confirmed that the UK’s decision to leave the EU will not prevent the introduction of the GDPR, so it is important that governors and trustees begin to consider any potential impact

GDPR will replace the Data Protection Act 1998 (DPA) and represents the biggest change to data protection law for 20 years. With some GDPR breaches carrying fines of up to 4% of global annual turnover or 20 million Euros, now is the time to start planning. Individuals have stronger rights to be informed about how organisations use their personal information.

For the first time in data protection law, the GDPR will introduce the requirement of “accountability”. In basic terms, accountability means that organisations will not only be required to comply with data protection requirements, but also that they must demonstrate that they comply.

Many of the GDPR’s main concepts and principles are much the same as those in the current Data Protection Act, so if you are complying with the current law most of your approach to compliance will remain valid under the GDPR and can be the starting point to build from. However, there are new elements and significant enhancements, so you will have to do some things for the first time and some things differently.

The Information Commissioners Office (ICO) is the UK's independent authority set up to uphold information rights and they are committed to helping organisations improve their practices and prepare for the GDPR.

As a starting point we suggest governors:

·         Visit the GDPR section on the ICO website

·         Look at the  ICO’s overview of the GDPR - a good place to start

·         Look at the 12 steps to take towards compliance which the ICO has published

·         Raise awareness of GDPR at all levels within their school

At this moment in time we are unsure how the GDPR will affect schools but we suggest Governors and Head teachers read the information to familiarise themselves with the requirements.

We will forward you more information when we receive it.

Governors' Forum and Long Service Awards Presentation

Nigel Minns presented Long Service Awards to Governors who have supported schools in Warwickshire for 20 years.  Following the presentation attendees moved to the Council Chamber for the Summer Forum meeting.

Nigel opened the Forum with his thoughts on “The Educational Landscape” and “Where are we now?” although he made us aware that our meeting was the day before the Queen’s Speech and we would all need to wait and see what the government’s legislative programme for the next two years would be. We listened to his presentation and thoughts on The Manifesto, School Improvement Funding, Strategic School Improvement Fund and the Local Authority Involvement in MATs. Governors were given the opportunity to question Nigel and discussions took place.

Nigel handed over to Hayley McDonagh (Manager for Safeguarding and Intervention) and Hayley began by congratulating schools and governors on their performance.  According to Ofsted official statistics Warwickshire now has 90% good or better schools - up from 89% last quarter and up from 82% in March 2015!

She explained the role of the Learning Improvement Officers and how they would be supporting schools in the future before giving a detailed presentation on the Framework for School Led School Improvement.  Hayley discussed each stage and section of the framework triangle to enable governors to understand the process and who was involved. Governors were given the opportunity to question Hayley and to comment on the process.

Hayley handed over to Vince Quayle (Manager of Governor Services) on Evolving Governance and Vince gave governors an update on the national governance picture and comments from recent Ofsted reports.  Vince reminded governors on the importance of strategic governance and asked governors to question whether their governing body was holding the school to account.  Vince updated governors on Warwickshire Governance Highlights which included training and recruitment activity and he ended the presentation by giving governors an opportunity to ask questions.

Feedback following the Forum has been very positive and we would like to thank everyone for giving up their time to attend the event.

WSCB Schools Safeguarding Audit 2017

Adrian Over (Education Safeguarding Manager) has sent a copy of the WSCB Schools Safeguarding Audit 2017 to Head Teachers / DSL.  It would be useful for Safeguarding Link Governors to be aware of the document and perhaps support the Head teacher / DSL in completing it and ensuring it is returned by the completion date of September 22 2017.

No Pens Day Wednesday - 4 October 2017

'No Pens Day Wednesday' encourages schools and settings to put down their pens and to run a day of speaking and listening activities.

More information and resources are available from The Communications Trust

Update on the Governor Half Day Conference

The Conference was very well attended and featured two workshops:

·         A Guide to Admissions and Exclusions and the Governors Role

·         School Website Requirements and the Complaints Toolkit

Copies of the presentations have been emailed to all delegates and the revised Complaints Toolkit is available to use on GovernorHub and WES Document Library.

Feedback from delegates following the Conference was very positive and a number of schools have already conducted their own website audit with interesting findings!

Public Health

Meningococcal ACWY vaccination for school leavers

Men ACWY vaccine for eligible teenagers now available

Since 2009, there has been a large increase in group W meningococcal (MenW) disease in England, resulting in several deaths in teenagers. Older teenagers and young adults who are not vaccinated are at risk of getting MenW infection. We are working with GP practices across the West Midlands to ensure all eligible teenagers are offered a Men ACWY vaccine this year (information attached).

To support NHSE/PHE in raising awareness of this, please could you forward this to your colleagues in Education to share with head teachers in schools and educational establishments in the wider community, with a request to share the attached flyer or display the attached poster.

Medical Conditions Awareness Training 2017-18

All primary, secondary and special schools should have received a letter with details of medical conditions awareness training for the academic year 2017-18 (emailed on Tuesday 4 July to the headteacher).

Free training is available for all schools at a number of different dates, times and locations.

The training is for nominated school staff with responsibilities for the children and young people with medical conditions. The number of places available will be dependent on venue capacity.

If you missed this email please contact the School Health & Wellbeing Service on 03300 245 204 or email warwickshireSH&WBService@compass.uk.org

Subsidised school-based training is available for those who would prefer on-site training. The service is able to offer the following 2 courses:

  • Asthma and the administration of pre-prepared adrenaline in response to Anaphylaxis (1 hour)
  • Administration of emergency medication for Epilepsy (1 hour)

The courses cost  £60 each and should be arranged directly with the service.

Schools can choose whether to take one or both of the courses and must raise a purchase order with Compass specifying which course(s) they wish to receive. Schools will be responsible for the local organisation and administration of the courses (e.g. room booking, inviting staff, and recording attendance).

Due to the need for a minimum number of courses being taken up at this rate to make it cost-effective, Public Health Warwickshire will fund any income shortfall with Compass to ensure delivery of the core service is not compromised. We will review the take-up of the courses for the period 1 September 2017 – 31 August 2018 and re-negotiate the reduced rate for the following academic year.


Healthcare Plan Workshops

Given the tragic death of an East London pupil following an allergic reaction to an ingredient in his school dinner, it is timely to remind schools of their statutory responsibilities towards pupils with medical conditions. The findings by the Coroner were that not all school staff were aware of his medical condition nor his healthcare plan.

Please ensure you are following the requirements of the DfE guidance: Supporting pupils with medical conditions at school 2014



In particular, you must:

  • have a policy in place setting out your arrangements for pupils with medical conditions;
  • have a named lead in school for pupils with medical conditions;
  • ensure healthcare plans are in place and are regularly reviewed;
  • ensure all relevant staff are made aware of health care needs, including any temporary supply staff.

You may also find the website  http://medicalconditionsatschool.org.uk/ helpful for resources, model policies and documents.

In order to support schools with meeting their responsibilities towards pupils with medical conditions, the School Health & Wellbeing Service will be running some Best Practice Workshops in Autumn 2017. The purpose of these workshops will be to explain the local pathways in place and to ensure school staff are well informed and supported. We will be in touch in due course with some dates and times for these workshops and would encourage you to send representatives from your school.

If you would like to discuss this in more detail, please contact the service directly on

03300 245 204 or via  warwickshireSH&WBService@compass-uk.org

Free mental health resources for primary schools

We know that local authorities across the country are involved in innovative work to equip schools to support the mental health and wellbeing of their pupils. We would like to help by providing schools in your area with resources produced by child mental health experts from the Anna Freud National Centre for Children and Families. As an independent charity we bring together leading clinicians and researchers dedicated to improving the quality, accessibility and effectiveness of support and provision.

In September we will launch our campaign You’re never too young to talk mental health. As part of this campaign we will provide all primary schools with a free ‘Talking Mental Health’ animation and accompanying teacher resource pack which includes assembly plans, lesson plans and cross-curricular activities. These materials, which were co-produced with children, support teachers to give children the language they need to talk about mental health. All our materials are based on rigorous evidence and have been thoroughly tested in schools

Our child mental health experts have also developed a booklet: ‘Supporting mental health and wellbeing in schools’ and a series of films which offer practical guidance about what teachers can do in the classroom to support mental health, and what to do if they are concerned about a child. These materials will be free to access online in September through our Schools in Mind network. We have created this network specifically to support all those working in education and we very much hope you will join it.

If you agree that You’re never too young to talk mental health here’s what you can do to help us to support your schools:
Please let schools know about these materials before the end of term so that they can be ready to use our materials in the new school year
Sign up to our free Schools in Mind network and ask schools in your area to do the same
We will contact you in September with information about how you can share our materials with your schools.

We look forward to working with you on this project.

Yours Sincerely,

Jaime Smith
Programme Director for Mental Health and Wellbeing in Schools

Dementia Friends Information Sessions for Schools and Colleges

Message from Dr John Linnane, Director of Public Health, Warwickshire County Council

The Dementia Friends Initiative aims to change the way people think, act and speak about dementia. The initiative is led nationally by the Alzheimer’s Society and is based on the principle that people with dementia can live well with a little help from other people and there are now almost two million Dementia Friends in England. Becoming a Dementia Friend is about understanding a bit more about dementia and the small things that can help people with the condition. You don’t need to already know someone with dementia to become a Dementia Friend.

Raising awareness of dementia amongst our younger generation is incredibly important and I am writing to encourage you to consider hosting a Dementia Friends Information Session at your school / college.

Benefits to your school and students / pupils:

  • Dementia Friends is a National initiative - be part of something really positive  
  • World Alzheimer’s Month is in September – a great time to link with a national and international awareness raising campaign
  • Can be delivered within PSHE lessons – links with Citizenship
  • Can be delivered to year groups or whole school assemblies (up to 200 pupils)
  • Sessions can be tailored to specific age groups (from 5-18)
  • Free session lasting 45-60 minutes
  • All resources provided
  • Dementia Friends Badges and Information card provided to every participant
  • Minimal organisation required from the school.

A session was delivered to over 200 year 12 students from Kenilworth School Sixth Form. Mr Mummery, Senior Deputy Headteacher / Head of Sixth Form, Kenilworth School and Sixth Form said:

‘The Dementia Friends Champions gave a most interesting, interactive talk explaining how each person with dementia is individual and reminding us all that people living with dementia need everyone’s support and respect. The session was delivered as part of the year 12 assembly and was well received by students and staff. I would encourage other schools and colleges to host an Information Session as a positive way to raise awareness of dementia among the younger generation’.

Warwickshire County Council and the Alzheimer’s Society would like to support your school / college to host a Dementia Friends Information Session. The Information Sessions are interactive and focus on five key messages that are important for everyone to know about dementia.

If you have general queries or would like to request a Dementia Friends Information Session within your school / college in Warwickshire, please complete the attached form / contact Keeley Waldron, Regional Support Officer - Dementia Friends, from the Alzheimer's Society on 07718 252457 or by email: keeley.waldron@alzheimers.org.uk

Thank you for helping to raise awareness and understanding of dementia. Further information can also be found on Warwickshire's Living Well with Dementia website: www.warwickshire.gov.uk/dementia

Please find further details of Warwickshire’s Dementia Friends Challenge below. This information should provide some useful local context.  

In Warwickshire, there are estimated to be approximately 7,600 people living with dementia and this is likely to rise to over 11,000 people with dementia in the County in the next ten years. The fact is that most people in Warwickshire will be affected in some way by dementia during their lifetimes. To support people to live well with dementia and to raise awareness and understanding of the condition, Warwickshire County Council and partners have now achieved their initial target of creating 10,000 Dementia Friends in Warwickshire. Now that we have achieved our initial target, we are aiming to create 30,000 Dementia Friends across Warwickshire by 2019. Our local Dementia Friends will also contribute to the national target – to create 4 million Dementia Friends in England by 2020. Further information about Dementia Friends can be found at: www.dementiafriends.org.uk.



Schools and settings in the news

Outstanding Ofsted for Studley High School


We are delighted that the hard work and dedication of staff and pupils, along with the contributions from parents and the wider community have resulted in another Outstanding Ofsted grading for Studley High School. The detailed letter provided as feedback from the inspection team is incredibly positive and really does capture the breadth of the ‘pupil experience’ at Studley High School.

This month, HMI Inspectors met with the headteacher, governors, all of the senior leaders, pupils from all year groups, HR manager, pastoral staff, SENCO and heads of department as well as visiting over 20 lessons and scrutinising safeguarding and other systems.

If you would like to find out more about the strengths highlighted within the report please see our letter to parents.

The full report will be available shortly on the Ofsted website.


Warwickshire County Council sets new Guinness World Record™ and creates the largest human bicycle

Warwickshire County Council’s Joint Managing Director, Monica Fogarty, visited staff and students at Kenilworth School and Sixth Form where she presented a Guinness World Record certificate to commemorate the school’s recent record-breaking achievement.

The Guinness World Records attempt, held at Kenilworth School and Sixth Form, was organised by Warwickshire County Council to celebrate the return of the OVO Energy Women’s Tour to the county for a second successive year.

1,148 people, mainly comprising students from Kenilworth School and Sixth form, and school staff, took a painstaking hour to ensure they had created the bicycle without any breaks in the links under the watchful eye of the Guinness World Records adjudicator.

Their feat eclipsed the previous record of 891 people, set by the community of Silloth-on-Solway, Cumbria, during the Tour of Britain in September 2015.

Warwickshire County Council's Joint Managing Director, Monica Fogarty, said: “I am so proud to pass on the certificate from Guinness World Records to commemorate this fantastic achievement by everyone at Kenilworth School and Sixth Form. With the event broadcast on television that evening, the people of Warwickshire had the chance to share the excitement and pride in what was achieved that day.

“It wasn’t just about breaking records however. The record breaking attempt promoted the Warwickshire stage of the OVO Women’s Tour this year. Early evaluation is showing that visitor figures to Warwickshire were well up on 2016, giving a real boost to the local economy. With more people following the route, after the cyclists had gone past, we are also confident that more and more people will take up cycling and that can only have benefits in the longer term. This certificate is not just a lasting memento but a small thankyou to the school for the inspiration that they provided in helping to make the Warwickshire stage of the tour such a great success.”

Hayden Abbott, head teacher of Kenilworth School and Sixth Form said: “At the time I said how delighted I was for the students and for everyone involved that we had achieved a world record. This certificate is a permanent reminder of our accomplishment and I hope it will inspire future generations of students.”


Teacher Training in Warwickshire

Primary Partnership

Dunchurch Infant School & Nursery are inviting Warwickshire primary schools to join their Primary Partnership, the aim of which is to share best practice and utilise the expertise that they know exists in every school. 

They are currently planning events for the next academic year which will include:

  • Three book trawls at different schools, each focussing on a different subject. With books being one of the key sources of information when monitoring teaching and learning, these events will give you the chance to see the children with books in another setting.
  • “Continuous provision for real” event. An opportunity for Early Years teachers and teaching assistants as well as senior leaders to see an Early Years unit in action. 
  • Two half day training sessions for Teaching Assistants.
  • Support and CPD for new headteachers, heads of school and executive heads. There will be the chance to “buddy up” with an experienced colleague performing a similar role.  There will also be visits to other schools based on a theme of interest, e.g. school finance, governance, etc.
  • Support and CPD for new and developing deputy heads in a similar way to the support planned for new headteachers.

The annual joining fee is £200, which entitles you to send unlimited numbers of your staff (subject to availability of places) to the Primary Partnership events. 

If you are interested in joining, please contact either Caroline: caroline.horne@lawrencesheriffschool.com or Chris christine.blay@lawrencesheriffschool.com or call 01788 843789.

Information sessions on Syrian refugees

IOM, in partnership with the Home Office, currently provides cultural orientation sessions for Syrian refugees prior to their arrival in the UK to enhance their integration process by providing them with accurate and relevant information about the UK. In addition to this, however, IOM’s experience in numerous countries has found that integration is a two-way process and works best when both refugees and those working with refugees in receiving communities (local government, social/refugee workers, health and education workers, etc.) have a good understanding of each other’s expectations, cultural differences, and practices.

IOM has therefore implemented two-way integration programmes in various other countries, partnering cultural orientation sessions for refugees with informational sessions on the refugee communities for local authorities. Following the success of these programmes, IOM UK has secured funding to deliver similar support to local authorities resettling Syrians in the UK.

To support local authorities in reducing the adjustment period for Syrian refugees and providing strong, appropriate integration services for Syrian refugees by increasing local knowledge of the Syrian communities being resettled in the UK.

The information sessions are CPD-certified and conducted by invitation from local authorities, with each session tailored to the needs and interests of those authorities.

For more information on the courses please click here

WCC Assessment Team Training 2017-2018

Please click here for the training information and dates for 2017/18

Save the date

Primary Headteachers' Briefing

The Primary Headteachers' Briefing will be taking place on Monday 17th July 2017.

We are pleased that headteachers will have the opportunity to hear from and put questions to Christine Quinn, Regional Schools Commissioner for the West Midlands.

Other key messages from the Local Authority will also be shared and a full agenda has been circulated via email to all headteachers. 


Venue: Warwick Racecourse, Hampton Street, Warwick, CV34 6HN

Time: Arrival and registration from 12.30pm.  

The briefing will start at 1pm and finish at 4pm. Further details are on the attached agenda which has also been emailed to all schools to the headteacher (Tuesday 11th July).


If you would like to attend please email schoolpartnerships@warwickshire.gov.uk by Thursday 13th July.

Switch Off Fortnight

Switch Off Fortnight takes place this year from 20 November – 3 December. Sign up to the campaign to secure your school a free energy-saving resource pack (containing stickers, posters and certificates)* and to be first in line to receive updates on this year’s campaign. 

Switch Off Fortnight is a great opportunity to learn about energy as part of the science curriculum, focus the whole school on a topic and save money on your energy bills.

It’s a fun and easy campaign to get involved in, and you’ll be joining thousands of other schools around the country (even the world!) in learning about saving energy.

Three reasons to get involved in 2017:

We produce a limited number of resource packs to support your campaign in school. Last year we ran out – reserve your pack today.

Here’s what one teacher said about Switch Off Fortnight 2016:

“The resources are always brilliant and easy to use. The children really got behind the campaign and even caught teachers wasting energy. Their enthusiasm for saving energy was excellent!”

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