Head teacher Recruitment Guidance
Just a reminder that Head teacher recruitment guidance has been published by the DfE and NGA.
The guidance outlines the different stages of the process including:
- planning and setting up a selection panel
- preparing the application pack
- advertising and promotion
- the interview itself and the actions to be taken once an appointment is made
The NGA have developed a toolkit alongside the guidance comprising practical checklists and templates for boards to use to support the recruitment process, including shortlisting templates, suggested interview questions and a checklist of things to consider when using a recruitment agency.
With the recruitment of a school leader being arguably one of the most important tasks a board will undertake, the guidance aims to steer governing boards through the legal context and principles of recruitment.
Action for Clerks / Chair of Governors
When a Chair of Governors at a local authority maintained school receives their Head teacher’s written resignation, either the Clerk or Chair of Governors must immediately inform Heather Imbush at Governor Services and, in the case of Church Schools, especially Voluntary Aided Schools, the relevant Diocese.
Heather can be contacted by telephone: 01926 742635 or by email: heatherimbush@warwickshire.gov.uk
Heather can then update our records and advise you on the support available to your school and governing board.
Head teacher Resignation Dates and Notice Periods (Maintained Schools)
To leave their post at the end of the Summer Term a Head teacher must give a minimum of 4 months’ notice.
This means:
Date by which notice must be submitted
Leaving Date
30th September
31st December
31st January
30th April
30th April
31st August