Changes to information schools must publish online - September 2018
Department for Education’s (DfE) guidance - What maintained schools must publish online
The DfE has updated the above guidance. There is a new requirement to provide information about a school’s careers programme for years 8 to 13 pupils (which is with effect from September 2018) as follows together with other amendments:
Careers programme information
This must include:
- name, email address and telephone of the school’s Careers Leader
- a summary of the careers programme
- how the school measures and assesses the impact of the programme
- date of the next review of the published information
KS4 results
English Baccalaureate attainment measure has changed to an average point score showing pupils’ point scores across the 5 pillars of the EBacc
DfE performance tables
Now requires a link to the school’s performance table page on the DfE’s website as well as the link to the DfE’s main performance tables page
Within the requirement to publish the content of your school curriculum in each academic year for every subject, the DfE has added ‘including Religious Education even if it is taught as part of another subject or subjects, or is called something else’
PE and Sports premium (for lower/primary)
Now requires additional information about swimming and how many pupils within your year 6 cohort can do each of the following:
- swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres
- use a range of strokes effectively
- perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situations
Governors’ information and duties
Now required to include the following additional information:
- full name, date of appointment, term of office, date left and appointing body
- any material interests arising from relationships between governors and between governors and school staff
- attendance record at governing board and committee meetings for the last academic year
Department for Education’s (DfE) guidance - What academies, free schools and colleges should publish online
The DfE has updated its guidance on what academies should publish online. An academy’s funding agreement will specify what must be published on its website.
Exclusion arrangements
The recommendation to publish an exclusion policy has been removed.
KS4 results
As for maintained schools, the English Baccalaureate results, the attainment measure has changed to an average point score showing pupils’ point scores across the 5 pillars of the EBacc
KS5 (16-18)
Publish a link to your 16 to 18 performance tables page
Within the suggestion to publish the content of your academy’s curriculum in each academic year for every subject, the DfE has added ‘including for mandatory subjects such as Religious Education even if it is taught as part of another subject or subjects, or is called something else’
Special educational needs (SEN) information report
Academies and free schools must publish a report on their policy for pupils or students with SEN and how they put the policy into effect.