Heads Up 8 January 2021


WE2 An empowering curriculum

Children Looked After to be in school full time

Outcomes for Children Looked After (CLA) are always far below that of their peers. This attainment gap has widened significantly in Warwickshire over the past few years, and in 2019-20 even more so. Warwickshire CLA do not achieve as highly as CLA nationally.

It is important that all or our CLA are in school during this time. We know that schools are the safest places for them. You provide the consistency, stability and reassurance that our children need. You unlock their potential, enable them to have a greater sense of belonging and help them to see better futures for themselves.

Our carers and social care colleagues are keen to support you with continuing to provide the best education for our CLA. If you find apprehension or reluctance from families, please work with them and their social workers to risk assess and determine the best ways forward. We all need to encourage and support all CLA into your settings.

Personal Education Plans (PEPs) need to be reviewed remotely this term. They should be tightly focussed on closing the attainment gap, addressing SEMH and SEND needs, promoting personal development, opportunities and aspiration raising. Pupil Premium Plus enhances any support and intervention you provide. In these challenging and uncertain times, it is vital that individual needs continue to be identified and addressed promptly. Please speak to your Education Adviser if you require any additional PP+.

Education Advisers will be in touch with designated teachers throughout the lockdown period. We need to continue tracking and monitoring attendance (daily) and progress and attainment. Please do not hesitate to get in touch if there is anything you need or want to discuss.

Whilst CLA should be in school during this period, it is important to remember that any Children Previously Looked After (CPLA) may need the reassurance and continuity of attending school. Please liaise with parents/carers individually.

I thank you for your dedication and hard work in these very challenging times and wish you a positive and successful term.

Deena Moorey

Virtual School Head


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