What is SEND Voice?

SEND Voice is a twelve-page newsletter that goes out twice a year to professionals, parents/carers and young people around Warwickshire.
What is it about?
The newsletter currently features:
- Special Educational Needs and Disability news and information,
- News from Warwickshire’s SEND Programme workshops and workstreams (working groups),
- Stories from young people with SEND aged 0 – 25 years in Warwickshire.
Who creates it?
The SEND Voice Editorial Team includes Warwickshire County Council’s Co-production Officer, a parent carer from Family Voice Warwickshire, and a member of SENDIAS (Information, Advice and Support). We have also recently started to work with young people to make the SEND Voice newsletter more appealing, interesting and accessible for them.
How can we read it?
Issues are available in print and online. You can read the first three issues on the Local Offer website in the section Help Develop the Local Offer > What We’ve Done.
Each issue is also shared on the Warwickshire Working Together Twitter and Facebook pages (search for @WarksCoPro).
Issue 4 will be available in late January 2017.
How can we help?
Please share printed copies with young people with SEND and their families. Get in touch if you would like more printed copies: lauramusgrave@warwickshire.gov.uk.
If your school has a Twitter account, please follow us @WarksCoPro for updates, and share with young people with SEND and/or and their families.